看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Reviving Amar’e Stoudemire in the post http://0rz.tw/NKDzP 圖:http://0rz.tw/vbvW9 Amar’e Stoudemire is in Houston, having joined the long list of NBA players who have turned to Hakeem Olajuwon for post-up tutoring. Which raises the question: What the heck happened to Stoudemire’s post game? 阿罵在休士頓參加歐拉朱旺的低位訓練營,現在有個問題是阿罵的低位發生了麼問題? We don’t think of Stoudemire as a post-up player because even in his Phoenix prime, he was a turbo-charged pick-and-roll finisher for Steve Nash and a guy who preferred to face the basket in one-on-one situations. 因為他以前在鳳凰城的樣子,讓我們認為阿罵不是一個打低位的選手,他在那邊擔當的 是檔拆後的終結者,而且阿罵更喜歡在1對1的情況下使用面框打法 But he had a post game, especially in 2009-10, when the Suns made a memorable run to the Western Conference finals under Alvin Gentry. In that season, 19.2 percent of the possessions Stoudemire finished with a shot, turnover or drawn foul came via post-up plays, according to Synergy Sports. That was a larger share than Stoudemire devoted to pick-and-rolls or isolations. Watch the tape, and it’s clear: Going to Stoudemire on the left wing, just outside the paint and about halfway between the baseline and foul line, was probably the second-most-important set in the Suns’ arsenal. 但是阿罵是有背框的,尤其是09-10賽季,當時令人懷念的太陽打到了西冠,在那賽季 根據Synergy Sports,阿罵有19.2%的出手都是來自低位的投籃,要犯規,失誤 這比阿罵在p&r跟單打後所占的比率還要大,看看太陽的影片吧,這是很清楚的 阿罵在左翼啟動,就剛好在罰球線跟底線的中間,這曾是太陽第二重要的得分武器 It was unstoppable, too. Stoudemire shot 50 percent (136-of-272) out of the post in 2009-10 and scored almost exactly one point per possession on those plays, a mark that would generally rank among the half-dozen best low-post scoring rates for players of all positions who use more than a token number of possessions on the block. Over and over, the Suns would find Stoudemire in that sweet spot on the left wing and simply get out his way, clearing the other four players to the right side of the floor or the top of the three-point arc. Creating that space was easier in Phoenix than it is in New York because Stoudemire in that season often played center, with Channing Frye, a long-range shooter, as his big-man partner. Still, the Suns sometimes paired Stoudemire with a more traditional big man, such as Robin Lopez or Lou Amundson, and simply stationed that player somewhere along the right baseline when it was time for Amar’e to operate. That set-up didn’t provide him with as much space as the Frye alignment, but it didn’t matter. 這曾經是守不住的,阿罵的09-10賽季投籃命中率有五成(136/272),幾乎每次出手 就有一分入帳,這代表著在當時阿罵的低位單打命中率名列前茅,之後太陽終於發現 當阿罵在左翼低位時,會讓其他隊友退到球場的右方或者是弧頂3分線,在太陽要出清出空間 (等等...之前說瓜喜歡在右邊出手 這樣看來阿罵是適合在左邊囉@@?) 會比阿罵在尼克時容易,因為阿罵在太陽是打C,他當時的搭檔有Channing Frye他有一手 不錯的射程,還有Robin Lopez,阿穆森,當阿罵開啟進攻模式時,他們會退到右方底線, 雖然他們沒辦法提供像Channing Frye那樣的大空間,但是這並不是甚麼問題 (這樣看來阿罵跟老錢並沒有我們想得那麼不合@@?) In 2011-12 with the Knicks, only 10 percent of the possessions Stoudemire finished came via post-ups. Worse yet: He shot 39 percent on those plays. Out of 85 players who used at least 75 post-up possessions last season, Stoudemire, once one of the league’s best at this stuff, ranked 58th in points per possession, according to a report Synergy put together for SI.com. Right around him in the rankings: Patrick Patterson, Enes Kanter and Tyler Hansbrough. That is not Stoudemire’s preferred company, especially if the Knicks and coach Mike Woodson want him down there more often next season, as ESPN New York’s Jared Zwerling reports. 到了11-12時期,阿罵的進攻只剩下10%是低位,更悲劇的是他的命中率只有39%,在那些 85個選手中排倒數的,在他附近的人有Patrick Patterson,Enes Kanter,Tyler Hansbrough 這些可不是阿罵該拿來比較的人選阿...尤其是當尼克跟武僧希望他在低位增加威脅性 There was never a huge margin for error in Stoudemire’s post game, even at his peak. He is insanely left-wing dominant, and he basically has two moves. First: a drive to the left baseline, usually preceded by a head/shoulder fake to his right, that can end in a number of ways: a blow-by dunk, a pull-up floater over a backpedaling defender, a pull-up jumper or a crazy finish in which Stoudemire goes under the rim, pops out the other side and launches an improbable two-handed fading mini-jumper. He’s uncomfortable finishing with his left hand, so those layups and floaters on the left side of the rim are righty shots, meaning he takes the ball back toward the defense rather than hiding it along the baseline and behind his body. And in 2009-10, Stoudemire rarely took jumpers out of the post — something that changed in New York, and generally changes for players as they age. 阿罵在低位時從來沒有出現過甚麼重大失誤,即使他還在巔峰時,他就是個瘋狂的左翼 進攻者,他基本腳步有兩種:1.先把球運到左邊底線,然後把球轉到右手做個假晃 接下來就是灌籃跟拋投或跳投,他還有一種不可思議的雙手後仰跳投,阿罵不是擅長一個用 左手完成進攻的人,所以當阿罵在左邊底線上籃跟拋投都是用右手完成,這將會使球曝露在 防守者的面前,而不是藏在他身後,在09-10賽季阿罵很少在低位以外的地方選擇跳投 而在紐約時期卻變多了,大部分他這年紀的球員都會在這時做出改變 Move No. 2 is basically the opposite: a left shoulder fake toward the baseline, followed by one hard right-handed dribble into the paint and a quick righty jump hook. Stoudemire would occasionally toss in a counter spin at the end of each move, but it’s typically slow and labored, by his standards. And for whatever reason, he is slower and much less comfortable from the right wing, and uses many more dribbles to do his work there. 而第二種:則是跟第一種相反,他會左肩假晃一下假裝要前往底線,然後向右切進油漆區 迅速地做個右手鉤射,有時阿罵會多做個轉身,但是用他的體能標準來看,他的轉身真的 (讓我又想到歐拉朱旺說阿罵這幾個禮拜都在不斷的傳身XD) 很僵硬又慢,而且不知道甚麼原因,當她在右翼時他顯得很慢而且很不舒服,做了過多的運球 (阿罵別慌 以後右邊就交給瓜吧 反正他很喜歡在右邊XD) His post game reminds of Nene’s. Both are speed-based and generally lacking in “crisis moves” to which the players can turn when the defender manages to withstand the first quick attack. Two things can ruin a post game like that: the combination of age and injuries, and the influx of new players who take up space down low. Both came together in New York last season, and Woodson and his staff face big a task in reinventing Stoudemire as a post-up force. But it’s certainly not an insurmountable challenge. 阿罵的低位會讓你想到nene,他們倆個都是用不錯的速度卻缺乏一種致命的步伐 所以一旦他們兩個被防守者守住第一步的進攻,他們就會自亂陣腳了 有兩點會毀掉低位進攻,1.年紀跟傷痛 2.隊伍增加了新的內線球員而壓縮到空間 這兩點很不巧的最近一季紐約都有,這使著武僧新上任就面臨一個大問題 如何讓阿罵復活,當然這並不是不能克服的難題 Center Tyson Chandler obviously needs to be somewhere the near basket, which naturally brings another defender close to the rim. That’s not a new thing for Stoudemire; as mentioned above, he has plenty of experience eyeing defenders lurking just outside the lane on the right baseline and finishing his move before they can get there. Forward Carmelo Anthony also enjoys the wing area, though he’s very right-wing dominant in both his isolations and post-up plays — something that might have made the Knicks believe he’d be a nice fit with Stoudemire. But he’s still down there, and so a lot of Stoudemire’s post attacks last season drew him into crowds like this: 圖:http://0rz.tw/capT2 尼克的中鋒老錢很明顯的需要在籃框附近,因此他會把防守者也帶到籃框附近 對於阿罵來說,這已經不是甚麼新奇的事了,就如同我上面所說的,阿罵有足夠的經驗去應付 那些在油漆右方所過來的協防者並且把球送進籃框裡,同時瓜瓜也喜歡在側翼活動 他非常喜歡在右側啟動他的單打,這些事情給了尼克一些徵兆,尼克相信瓜瓜跟阿罵 是可以融合在一起的,但是世事難料,瓜很喜歡跑到低位等球,這將會讓阿罵面臨很多 內線防守者就像這張圖 圖:http://0rz.tw/capT2 (這就真的蠻需要訓練營來磨合了@@) 或像這樣 http://0rz.tw/8IHfN Or this, with Dwight Howard (No. 12, under the basket) already in the paint a few steps away from Chandler, and Hedo Turkoglu (No. 15, at the free-throw line) almost ignoring Anthony up top, ready to crash on Stoudemire’s righty hook shot: 圖:http://0rz.tw/uMCqx 草莓獸無視老錢而Hedo Turkoglu也無視瓜的三分 Anthony is a smart player, though. He knows that when Stoudemire is posting up and Chandler is in the game, he has to get his tail out to three-point line to give Stoudemire room to breathe. But that raises an ongoing issue in New York: Teams don’t fear Anthony’s three-point shooting. Last season, then, opponents sent defenders diving down into the post off Anthony, along with Landry Fields, Iman Shumpert and other shaky long-range shooters the Knicks sent out there. 其實瓜瓜是個很聰明的球員,他知道當阿罵在低位時還有老錢也在場上時,他必須把 自己的防守者拖到3分線來,給予阿罵足夠的空間可以存活,但是這裡有了一個問題 就是對手並不害怕瓜瓜的三分球阿...防守瓜的人看到瓜在三分線就退一步守他 當然被受到這等待遇的人不只有瓜,還有LF,香波,其他尼克在外圍的射手 (大概只有novak不會被放吧....敢放novak的目前看到只有wade 因為她回得來Q^Q) In addition, Stoudemire, according to every scout, coach and personnel guy you talk to, lost a bit of explosiveness and leaping ability last season, whether it was due to age, several nagging injuries or all of it combined. He gave us glimpses of his old explosiveness, especially late in the season before his back injury in March, but they were mostly just glimpses. 此外,根據每一個球探,教練,任何一個你在談論的人都知道上一季的阿罵的爆發力跟跳躍力 都已經下滑了,無論是否是年齡加傷痛的綜合影響,他上一季3月讓我們有瞥到幾眼從前的他 不過就只有幾眼...之後他就受傷了 All of this stuff — age, injuries, new personnel — combined to close Stoudemire’s post-up window a precious half-second faster than he was used to in Phoenix. Those righty finishes on the left side? They came with his initial defender still in his face, or with a helper there from the weak side earlier than expected, in position to challenge or block the shot. And on those righty hooks, more defenders were able to keep up with Stoudemire’s first step, so that they were in front him when he gathered the ball to shoot, and not a half-step behind. 年齡,傷痛,新隊友,這些因素的結合都讓阿罵開發低位進攻的可能性被關閉了,這比他在 太陽時還要快被關閉,那些在左邊用右手終結的招式?現在防守他的人都知道要緊跟著他 並且從弱邊來協防的人也比他預期的還要快來到他身邊阻止他,現在也越來越多的防守者 可以跟上阿罵的第一步而來干擾他,而不是落在她身後 Without counter moves, the sort of things Olajuwon is teaching him now, Stoudemire had nowhere to go. He has never been a gifted passer from the block or on the move; even in 2010-11, by far his best passing season, the bulk of his assists came from a stationary position above the foul line, where he could pick out cutters and pitch the ball to shooters spaced around the court in former coach Mike D’Antoni’s system. 如果沒有從歐拉朱旺(現在在教他的)那邊學到步伐跟轉身,阿罵將無路可走 阿罵從來沒有做出為了閃避火鍋跟一個腳步的移動所出現不錯的傳球 即使在10-11他最棒的傳球生涯年,他的助攻也都是來自罰球線附近所完成的 在冷哥的體制中,阿罵在罰球線上可以找到眾多空手跑位者跟射手 It sounds simple to say, “Be a better passer on the move, Amar’e!” Or, “ Learn the ‘Dream Shake,’ Amar’e.” But these are major adjustments for in-their-prime stars used to playing a certain way. "去成為一個不錯的傳球者跟學會夢幻步伐"聽起來很簡單,但是做起來很難 There is nothing magical about how the Knicks might better mesh their three frontcourt stars, both in general and in optimizing Stoudemire’s post-up game and other individual skills. The solutions have always been right there on tape, lost amid the pile of other empty possessions — Anthony looping around a Jeremy Lin/Chandler pick-and-roll; Stoudemire cutting from the weak side as Anthony posts up on the right block, or Anthony cutting from the right as Stoudemire posts up on the left; high-low post-ups with Stoudemire and Anthony the same side; the sort of snug pick-and-rolls near the lane that Monta Ellis and David Lee got so good at in Golden State; all three stars becoming more willing and able to make tricky interior passes on the move; more pick-and-roll combinations, and more movement from more players built around those combinations. 對於尼克想要融合她家的三巨頭已經不是甚麼神奇的事了,他們的第一件事就是提升 阿罵的低位跟其他個人技巧,解決方法總是存在錄影帶內,從無數的備案找出答案 瓜在豪哥跟老錢的P&R附近埋伏,當瓜在右側低位時阿罵從左弱邊空切,或者相反, 阿罵跟瓜打高低位配合,罰球線附近的擋拆,就像是ELLIS跟DAVID LEE在勇士所做的一樣 We’ve gone over all it before, and we’re not even touching on other big things, including the possibility of cutting the minutes the three stars play together. Stoudemire’s post game died in New York last season. A week with Olajuwon isn ’t going to resurrect it, but it’s the kind of good, hard work that can help settle one issue among many interrelated problems that plagued New York’ s broken offense. New York won’t solve out all of them, all of the time, and addressing one doesn’t necessarily create some kind of domino effect toward an efficient NBA offense. Evolution at the team and individual level in the NBA is a tricky, unpredictable thing. But small bits of progress, even inconsistent progress, on a dozen small fronts adds up. 我們說了很多種想法,包括讓這三人同時在場的時間縮短 總之阿罵的低位已經在上一季就死了,從歐拉朱旺那裏學了兩個禮拜並沒辦法挽救他 但是這是個正面的訊息,努力的訓練可以使幫助他們的互動默契問題,尼克沒辦法解決所有 的問題,也沒辦法只靠一個人就帶起他們的攻守效應,在NBA中球隊的發展跟個人球技的 關係是令人難以猜測的,但是一個小小的進步,即使是斷斷續續的,微不足道的,久了 也會是很大的一步! 心得:阿罵加油Q^Q... -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/19 14:22)
VieriKing:變慢不就是因為脊椎問題嗎? 08/19 13:09
penny1and1:我想還是跟膝蓋比較有關 08/19 13:18
lest83:他所說的轉身應該是說阿罵的轉身從以前就很慢很僵硬 08/19 14:22
終於打完了@@ ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/19 14:23)
TimofyMozgov:轉身可能跟膝蓋手術有關吧 08/19 14:26
TimofyMozgov:左側低位的單打消失只是戰術問題 08/19 14:27
TimofyMozgov:D'A總是讓阿罵在高位單打 跟太陽時期的左側低位 08/19 14:27
TimofyMozgov:效率比起來根本是悲劇 08/19 14:27
我也覺得是戰術問題 ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/19 14:29)
TimofyMozgov:簡單的說,教練戰術的差異 08/19 14:28
jayelva:文中的圖看起來禁區真的好擠喔= = 08/19 14:37
fireunicorn:拳王也是一個因素吧~ 08/19 19:36
esther81828:戰術問題 08/19 20:21
Aggro:主要是阿罵的身材打低位也不算有力 不夠寬 08/20 12:46
Jefa910:低位身材不用寬吧= = 08/20 14:23
Jefa910:阿罵維持精壯的身材 不要過厚 才是他最大的武器 08/20 14:24
Zeka6721:不是全部認同這篇 有部分敘述感覺像是倒果為因例如這張圖 08/20 15:22
Zeka6721:http://ppt.cc/~wf5 其實並不是因為外線能力受質疑 而是 08/20 15:25
Zeka6721:根本就還沒開始 防守外圍的方式是守在持球者與防守對位的 08/20 15:27
Zeka6721:人之間 以這張圖來講Turkoglu跟Nelson其實站的位置都並不 08/20 15:29
Zeka6721:會太深 就算在這一刻Stoudemire將球分出外圍防守者也能馬 08/20 15:31
Zeka6721:上恢復站位 但這其實並不是如這篇文章作者所寫的這樣 這 08/20 15:32
Zeka6721:張圖上的這一球如果要成功的將球分給外圍Stoudemire就得 08/20 15:34
Zeka6721:向右往中間切入 逼使魔術包夾如此一來才會有空檔當然如果 08/20 15:36
Zeka6721:魔術不包夾Stoudemire就得想辦法自己處理掉這球 但並不是 08/20 15:38
Zeka6721:如文章寫的放掉外線內縮 而是一般的協防這球因該算還沒開 08/20 15:39
Zeka6721:始真正進攻 08/20 15:40
Zeka6721:如果魔術照著文章說的防守會變成怎麼樣呢? 08/20 15:50
Zeka6721:http://ppt.cc/sio5 魔術就會失掉中間的防守 尼克可以輕 08/20 15:53
Zeka6721:鬆的空手切入後接球投籃就算Nelson補防回來也只能送犯 08/20 15:55
Zeka6721:規 一點點小小的意見^^ 08/20 15:56
Zeka6721:不過還是真的要感謝譯者的翻譯翻譯這麼一大段一定很辛苦 08/20 16:04
farain:看阿罵打球很多年了,老實說與其期待他進化低位背框技巧 08/20 17:01
farain:到不如徹底發揮他面框優勢,再加強防守觀念@@ 08/20 17:02
Aggro:低位身體夠寬有優勢阿-,- 08/20 17:30
Aggro:不過我比較同意上面說的 與其要他加強這塊 不如防守觀念加強 08/20 17:30
esther81828:推Z大圖文解說 08/20 17:51
lest83:推z大 08/20 22:35
jayelva:推Z大 08/20 23:47
Dopin:我倒不覺得加強背框有多麼不好 攻與守都是致勝的要素 當然目 08/21 01:07
Dopin:前武僧的詳細想法怎樣也無從得知 /.\ 08/21 01:08
fireunicorn:沒有人說加強背框不好吧...@@? 08/21 10:13