看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1GCl0-38 ] 作者: s66449 (老實樣) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] Amare:上賽季很艱難,現在我準備好了 時間: Tue Aug 21 10:19:39 2012 http://nba.hupu.com/news/201208/86106.html 斯塔德邁爾:上賽季很艱難,現在我準備好了 發布者:AuggieLin 最近更新:2012-08-21 04:53:47 紐約尼克斯前鋒阿瑪雷- 斯塔德邁爾 (Amare Stoudemire)在今天出席了他自己創作的一 本兒童書籍的簽名活動。在活動期間接受采訪時,斯塔德邁爾表示,上賽季是他所經歷的 最艱難的一個賽季,不過現在他已經準備好了。 斯塔德邁爾說:“上賽季也許是我職業生涯中經歷過的最艱難的一個賽季了… 季後賽首 輪就出局,這不該是我做的,也不是我的職業生涯所為之構建的。從我進入聯盟我就在季 後賽裡走得挺遠。所以,過去的一年確實對我來說很艱難,不過那些都已經過去了,我現 在感覺棒極了。我感覺新賽季對我和球隊都將會是傑出的一年。我等不及了。” 斯塔德邁爾還表示,他的背傷已經不再困擾他了,新賽季他希望能在伍德森教練的新體系 裡得到更多的出手機會。 新聞來源:http://tinyurl.com/d5lhnag wow 阿罵今天新聞超多,瞬間跑出5.6則,我截部分來翻 Mike Woodson wants to incorporate a more traditional inside-out approach on offense in his first full season as the coach, and to do that most effectively, he needs Stoudemire to be more of a threat in the low post. 武僧是想要融合傳統的idside-out打法在進攻,想要有效率的做到,他需要阿罵在低位更 具威脅性 Woodson’s offensive game plan is a change from Mike D’Antoni’s fast-paced offense. 武僧的進攻計畫將是從冷哥的進攻體制改變而來的 “It’s not the fact that me and Carmelo are not jelling,” said Stoudemire, who was in Manhattan promoting his children’s book “STAT: Home Court,” adding, “We are trying to build a championship-caliber team, and it takes a lot of changes to get to that point.” 阿罵:"對於我跟瓜沒辦法明確的定位,這並不是事實,我們正致力於建立一個冠軍隊伍 而這需要做到很多改變才能達到" He found a mentor in Olajuwon.The two talked a lot during their two weeks together.Olajuwon had messages for his student, although Stoudemire wanted to keep his teacher's words to himself. Then, Stoudemire made sure he explained why he took his time with Olajuwon seriously. “My motivation,” he said, “is to become a better player.” 大夢已經成為阿罵的心靈導師了,他們這兩個禮拜談了很多"men's talk",大夢有寄些 訊息給阿罵,儘管阿罵也有把老師的話都好好地做筆記抄下來,之後阿罵有明確的解釋為什麼 他跟大夢再一起的時間是很重視的,阿罵:"我的動機就是成為一個更好的選手!" Last summer, don't forget, Stoudemire didn't get to play basketball because he was working back from a pulled back muscle. The extra offseason work this summer seems to have revitalized Stoudemire, who is entering the third year of a five-year, $100 million deal. "This is a totally different feel. Totally different workout regimen this summer. It's back to what I'm used to doing," Stoudemire said. 去年夏天,阿罵因為背傷幾乎沒碰籃球,阿罵說:"今年夏天真的是完全不同的感覺, 完全不同的訓練方案,我已經漸漸著到以前的感覺了!" "(Last summer), I couldn't play any basketball, have any contact, throughout the whole summer so I couldn't get in top shape. ... So this year is a totally different playing field. I feel phenomenal." 阿罵:"去年夏天,我沒辦法打籃球,也沒辦法接觸,所以那時候的我沒辦法回到最佳狀態 但今年是個完全不同的情況,我感覺很棒!" Every competitive team needs a second legitimate star, and the signs this summer are pointing to a STAT revival. Not only will he be entering training camp a month from now healthy, lower back included (thanks to regular two-a-day workouts), he'll also be bringing new post-up moves and defensive abilities with him. Offensively, that should enable Stoudemire to play better with Anthony because spacing ideally will be less cramped and there will be more room for fluid ball movement. 阿罵今年不只是不斷的復健他的背部以求得更健康,他還將會帶來全新的低位腳步 跟防守技能,在進攻方面,應該要讓阿罵可以跟瓜更好的共存,目前的理想模式是減少 (千年傳統 全新感受!) 擁擠的空間,增加球的流動 While many observers have pointed to Stoudemire and Anthony having difficulties playing together, STAT said it's because his time with Melo has been limited and not consistent after the midseason trade in 2011 and the coaching change last season. 很多專家說阿罵跟瓜不能共存,阿罵則說他跟瓜一起打球的時間還太短,尤其是上季 又換教練然後陣容頻頻更動 But now, Stoudemire said Woodson's puting the right system in place. "I think what he's doing is making sure that we take advantage of our talents," he said. "Carmelo and I have been (among) the top players in the league for 10 years now. I think he's figuring out a way to make that happen." Stoudemire represents a major benefit of the Knicks' lineup this season. They have three key D's: depth, defense and dynamic lineups. Not only will Stoudemire have a refined back-to-the-basket game, but he'll also be able to employ his skills as one of the league's best pick-and-rollers. "(Playing the post) won't be my main role," he said. 但現在阿罵說武僧正在推動對的體制"我認為他正在確保我們是否能發揮我們的優勢 瓜跟我都是在聯盟待十年以上的頂級球員了,我認為他想出一個方法並讓它發生" 尼克有三個優勢:板凳深度,防守,變化多端的陣容 阿罵說:"打低位不會是他主要的工作" "Again, it's about just being a basketball player. And Hakeem Olajuwon wasn't always a back-to-the-basket player. He was one of those players where he played the center position, but he was very versatile, outside-inside. For me, it's just another threat, another area on the court that I can work on and try to perfect." During his time in Houston, Stoudemire concentrated a lot on learning Olajuwon's footwork, which was some of the most unconventional in NBA history. 阿罵:"在說一次 成為一個籃球選手,大夢他也不會總是背框打球,他當初是打中鋒 但是它是全面性的選手,對我來說,背框就是另一種武器,另一個我可以在那個區域試圖 做得很好的武器",阿罵在休士頓的時間,努力地向大夢學習他的腳步 Stoudemire has been motivated to fulfill Woodson's defensive-minded ways, and he especially has to this season and beyond. 另外阿罵這夏天也很積極的在努力達成武僧所要求他的防守要求 After all, it was defense that pushed the Pistons in 2004 "Defense is always the key to win championships, and that's something that I'm dedicated on also, to become a much, much better defensive player," Stoudemire said. "And it's going to happen. It's just a matter of preparation and practice, and just getting that chemistry down on that end of the court." Stoudemire said there were other things he took away from "The Dream," but he won't reveal what those are. "I learned a lot more," he said, "but a few jewels that he gave me, I'm going to keep to myself." Perhaps those are the same things the Lakers or Thunder will learn the hard way. 武僧想要推動當初04年的活賽防守,阿罵說:"防守總是拿到冠軍的關鍵,我現在會很 專注在防守上,並努力成為更好更好的防守球員,這將會發生的!現在需要的是更多 的練習跟準備!" 另外阿罵說他還有從大夢那邊學到一些其他的東西,但是他不會跟你們說的 (阿罵:這是秘密!噓!) 阿罵:"我從那邊學到很多,但是他也給了我一些寶貴的經驗,我會試著去保持住的" 參考:http://ppt.cc/25Yi http://0rz.tw/G2OmY http://0rz.tw/DxFoL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: lest83 (, 時間: 08/21/2012 13:17:51
lest83:更新其他外電 08/21 14:02
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/21 14:03)
skymay:推翻譯!! 剛好跟我那篇撞到 XD 那我再補其他的好了 XD 08/21 14:08
lest83:!! 剛才打完才注意到XDD 反正只有一點點應該沒關係啦XD 08/21 14:10
Dopin:看到這樣的對話 怎可不 l 兄 s 兄都各推一個呢 >3< 08/22 00:22
esther81828:樓上XDDDDDDDDDDDD我笑了XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/22 00:29