看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/w0vM Agent: Davis will be involved with Knicks BD的經紀人說:BD即將被帶入尼克內部! Knicks unrestricted free agent Baron Davis will remain with the team in "some capacity," his agent Todd Ramasar told ESPNNewYork.com on Thursday. BD的經紀人跟ESPN說:"大鬍子可能會留在尼克喔~用另外一種方式~" The Knicks won't re-sign Davis as a player because the 33-year-old point guard suffered a horrific right knee injury in last season's playoffs, and it's likely he could miss the entire 2012-13 campaign. But since the spring, the Knicks have treated Davis like one of their own. The team has allowed him to do physical therapy with their training staff, and most recently, management has approached him about staying on board this season. 尼克沒辦法把大鬍子簽回來,因為他已經33歲外加上季季後賽傷到了膝蓋,而且目前看來 他可能缺席2012-13的賽事,不過自春天以來,尼克還是有派他們的治療師陪在大鬍子身邊 (都沒約了,這樣看來莫名的就甘心?再回頭看看台灣球團...嘆) 尼克有讓大鬍子去做些復健跟治療,最近,尼克管理層開始接近大鬍子並談論進入 尼克內部的話題 (順便找EWING好不好啦Q^Q杜蘭....) Ramasar said Davis is very excited about the opportunity, but it won't involve a job title or him sitting on the bench during games. Instead, it will likely be more of a mentorship role behind the scenes and during practices. BD經紀人說:"大鬍子對於這個機會感到很興奮!但這並不代表著他會坐在板凳席上 更有可能的是,一個在幕後的角色還有在訓練時幫忙指導的角色,就像是之前的Atkinson "He'll still be around the team and could kind of help some of the younger guys just through his experience," Ramasar said. "The Knicks have been wonderful in terms of just extending support to Baron, whether it be through obviously his physical therapy or just having him involved with the organization going forward. He really loves that team and that organization has done an excellent job with Baron, and Baron feels like that's home. He really, really enjoyed last season with the Knicks." "他仍舊在球隊身邊而且由他的經驗來幫助那些年輕的傢伙,大鬍子對尼克有了一個不錯的 時期,並且尼克還盡力的去支持大鬍子,不管是他的物理治療或是給他一個加入尼克制服組 的期望,大鬍子...他真的很愛這支球隊,這個組織也對大鬍子做了很棒的待遇,大鬍子認為 這裡就像是個家,他真的真的真的...很喜愛最後這一季的尼克時光" Ramasar said Davis' goal remains the same from the moment he suffered a partial tear of his right patella tendon and complete tears of his right anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments during Game 4 against the Heat. "He wants to make a comeback," Ramasar said. 經紀人說:"大鬍子的目標是一直沒有變,從他膝蓋受傷那時起,他就一直想要東山再起" Davis is now walking around without a knee brace, and without the assistance of a cane or crutches. Ramasar said the last time Davis had a major checkup in early July, doctors determined he was ahead of schedule. The biggest thing right now for Davis is to regain his range of motion since the scar tissue healed. 大鬍子現在不用依賴拐杖就可以走路了,最近的一次檢查在7月,醫生堅定地跟他說 你的恢復狀況良好並且提前了!" "From what I'm observing, a lot of his therapy is just coming from walking and strengthening that leg again, and kind of adding some of those muscles that might have atrophied from the time down," Ramasar said. "He's starting to get those muscles to fire again." 這裡是說大鬍子的復健狀況 In addition to physical therapy in New York and Los Angeles, where Davis makes his first home, he's been busy with two of his companies, Verso Entertainment, which distributes films, TV shows and web content, and his new one, 5 Balloons Interactive, which develops games for mobile devices. He's also been involved with his longtime community work in L.A. Just last week, he hosted an all-star kickball game on UCLA's campus, featuring a dozen pro athletes, to raise money for his foundation, Rising Stars of America. BD副業部分 Ramasar said it's "too early to tell" if Davis will play at all this season, but not to rule anything out. If anyone knows that, it's Ramasar, a former Bruins teammate of Davis' in the late 1990s who witnessed the former All-Star point guard return from a left ACL tear. 大鬍子的經紀人說:"現在談他下一季能不能上場還太早了,但我們不排除任何的可能性 如果有人知道會發生甚麼,那就是他,他曾經見證過1990年全明星控衛Davis'從ACL 中回復過來!" "One thing I saw then and I've known about Baron is that when he puts his mind to something, in terms of his will, there's no stopping Baron," Ramasar said. "As horrific and devastating that knee injury was this past season, if Baron's mind and will are into making a comeback and recovering fully, then that's not something that anyone would want to bet against." 只有一件事是我看到的,還有我很清楚大鬍子他決定了某些事,在這個時期他將會去做, 沒有甚麼東西可以阻止他,在上一季那可怕又毀滅性的膝蓋傷害後,或許大鬍子他決定 完全恢復並東山再起,我想這件事沒有人想要拿來打賭吧(笑)" 心得:大鬍子加入制服組!!??? 有搞頭嗎0.0 -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MOJS:誰知道呢...XD 沒甚麼特別感覺就是了 08/24 22:38
s880303:像土匪一樣搶別隊就對了 08/24 22:42
esther81828:推尼克推BD,如果尼克這麼恐怖怎麼會有那麼多人想來想 08/24 23:28
esther81828:留下? 08/24 23:28
sherry821224:推! 08/24 23:38
TimofyMozgov:退休=失業阿..有這種工作當然要接 08/24 23:43
esther81828:而且我覺得隊醫還持續照顧也很有義氣XD 08/24 23:53
Kerry906:EWING卻一直不得其門而入.... 08/25 00:20
jayelva:推BD 08/25 00:40
osape:Ewing記得是想當教練...@@ 不知道能不能安插其他位置... 08/25 00:46
lest83:ewing比較像是想當總教練其他她都不要@@ 08/25 01:03
esther81828:BD不是有在經營電影公司......? 08/25 01:07
achin:其實文章少譯了一小段,就是在說他其實還有一些副業在忙.. 08/25 01:16
achin:他若不是很愛籃球(or尼克?!),他大可放手休養,並不會真的 08/25 01:17
achin:"失業"...... 08/25 01:17
skymay:恩恩 他暑假就有跟阿罵去客串了一部美劇,所以他有演電影和 08/25 01:19
skymay:美劇,此外還有當製作人 08/25 01:19
skymay:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Davis 這裡有他的資 08/25 01:20
skymay:料 還有http://tinyurl.com/93omrso 這是客串美劇的新聞 08/25 01:21
lest83:!!! 真的看漏了XD 我先補貼好了 有空再翻 08/25 02:22
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/25 02:23)
Dopin:杜蘭印象分數 +10 (咦 ?!!!) 08/25 08:03
AmazingRustu:杜蘭印象分數 +10 現在有-990分了!! 09/05 06:06