看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Houston sold Marcus on Knicks return http://ppt.cc/TOJ7 The veteran center, who signed a three-year contract in July, admitted his return to Madison Square Garden after an 11-year hiatus should be credited to a last-minute phone call from one of his former Knicks teammates. CAMBY承認他會回到MSG是因為他在最後時刻接到老隊友的電話 “I was on my way to Miami, about to go to the airport to go to Miami when I got the call from Allan [Houston],” Camby said. “I played with Allan for four years in New York, and he was like, 'Just come, sit down and have a meeting with us.' So I took the meeting with him and Coach [Mike Woodson] and they pretty much talked me out of going down to Miami to take that visit.” CAMBY說:"當時我正在機場準備要去邁阿密,直到我接到了Allan的電話,我跟Allan一起 在紐約打了4年的球,他像是跟我說:"你只要過來,然後坐下來跟我們見個面就好了", 所以我跟他和尼克目前的總教練武僧有了一次會談,他們極力的勸阻我前往邁阿密" “It would have been hard for me to put on that Miami Heat uniform, especially with all of those battles that we had back in the day,” Camby said. “I'm happy things worked out here in New York.” 對於我來說要穿上熱火球衣是很難想像的,尤其是經歷了過去那段時間,現在我很高興 可以為尼克打球" “I feel we have a team assembled that can make a long playoff push,” Camby said. “We all know it's going to be tough. Miami is the defending champions, and there are still a lot of good teams in the East. [But] we consider ourselves one of the top teams in the East, if not the NBA. ” "我認為我們有一個可以在季後賽走得很長遠的團隊,但我們都知道那是很困難的, 畢竟邁阿密是衛冕冠軍,而東區仍舊還有許多不錯的團隊,但我們認為我們可以在東區成為頂 尖隊伍 “It's easier said than done, we have to get that continuity down,” Camby said at the opening of the North Hempstead Yes We Can Community Center. “I think if I [play my role] and everyone follows suit and listens to what Coach Woodson says we should have a prodigal season.” "動嘴總是比動手做容易,我們必須達到一致性,我認為我只要做好我自己的角色,而且 每個人都好好遵從武僧教練的指揮,我們應該會有一個豐收的一季" “I'm looking forward to being reunited with Carmelo, JR, guys I played 4-5 years with in Denver, I'm familiar with a lot of players on the team,” Camby said. “Raymond is coming back, I played last year with him in Portland. Kurt Thomas is coming back. I like our depth and I like our talent. Hopefully we can put it all together.” 對於尼克隊友們 "我很期待再次跟瓜和JR打球,我曾經在丹佛跟他們一起打了4年球,尼克現在的陣容裡有很多 我很熟悉的傢伙,肥頓也回來了,我去年跟他一起在阿拓打球,還有KT!我很喜歡尼克現在的 陣容深度跟天賦,希望我們可以融合在一塊!" “This is the first time I'll be coming off the bench in 16 years,” Camby said. “There has to come a point, a time in my career, where that's going to happen. I still feel I am going to be a big contributor to this team. “I’m not going to come in here and say, ‘Well, I’ve been a starter for 16 years, so I’m going to be a starter,’ I just want to come here and fit in.” 對於替補 "這是我16年來第一次打替補,這在我職業生涯中是一個轉淚點,看看會發生甚麼吧, 我仍然認為我可以為隊伍提供很大的幫助,我不會在這邊說,是的,我已經先發16年了 ,所以我要打先發,我現在只想要來加入這支隊伍然後融入他!" WALSH: http://ppt.cc/ILCv “I think it's going to be an unbelievable rivalry,” Walsh said. “The Knicks still will have their fans but the Nets now have an entire borough. And Manhattan and Brooklyn have always been rivals.” 對於籃網能不能搶到尼克球迷: WALSH:"我認為這將會是難以置信的競爭關係,尼克仍然會有他們的球迷,但是籃網現在將會 有他們自己的一片天,更何況曼哈頓跟布魯克林一直都是競爭關係" “I think Brooklyn is going to be a great franchise,” said Walsh. “They have solid ownership. They have a great backcourt in Joe Johnson and Deron Williams. [Gerald] Wallace is a top tier player, he goes to the boards, defends, can score. Kris Humphries is a capable rebounder who can stretch the floor with his shot. And I like [Brook] Lopez.” 如何看待籃網 "我認為布魯克林將會是很棒的隊伍,他們有很堅實的陣容,他們有最棒的後場(胖J連線) G蛙是頂尖選手,他有很大範圍的防守區域,也能得分,憨佛是個不錯的籃板手,還有 我超愛肉配汁!" “Not from me,” Walsh laughed. “He’s got talent. He can score. We couldn’ t stop him [with the Knicks] no matter who we put on him.” 對於外界說肉配汁的一些缺點 "那不是我說的,他有很棒的天賦,他能得分,不論我們怎麼推他,尼克就是沒辦法阻止她得分 But again, it takes two good teams for a rivalry. And the Knicks, with a front line of Carmelo Anthony, Amar’e Stoudemire and Tyson Chandler, qualify as good. “I like the Knicks’ roster,” said Walsh, the team president from April 2008 until June 2011. “Glen [Grunwald] has really done a good job. Getting Chandler was a great move. And I don’t buy any of that ‘Carmelo and Amar’e can’t play together’ talk. They’re two terrific players. All you do is, ‘ Hey, two good players. Play together.’ They will.” 重回老問題:談尼克陣容 "我很喜歡尼克的陣容,GG做了很棒的工作,去取得老錢是很棒的一步,還有我真的不認為 瓜跟罵不能共存,他們倆個都是極棒的球員,而你現在在說的就像是: "嘿!兩位好球員!一起好好打球好嗎?" 所以我認為:"他們會的!"" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
HidakaShu:坎比QQQ Once a knick, always a knick.!!!! 09/09 21:49
BleuOmbre:電話打的正是時候!!! 09/09 22:36
skymay:推翻譯 :) 09/09 22:45
更新:WALSH ※ 編輯: BSH99 來自: (09/09 23:10)
camby909:推坎比!!!! 09/09 23:03