看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/aM4r Knicks owner Dolan asked for sit-down with Isiah Knicks owner James Dolan called Friday morning’s meeting with Isiah Thomas at the Mandarin Hotel in Midtown, though Thomas already was headed up to Springfield, Mass., for the Hall of Fame induction ceremonies, according to a person close to Thomas. 杜蘭跟笑笑湯前幾天有個私下會面 Though Dolan has no desire to have Thomas fill Scott O'Neil's job as Madison Square Garden sports president because it is a marketing position, the Knicks owner summoned Thomas on short notice. 在這個MSG的體育銷售顧問Scott O'Neil辭職的時期,大家都認為杜蘭想要找回笑笑湯 雖然杜蘭目前沒有提出要笑笑湯回歸的要求 Though he has reached out to Dolan relentlessly to offer assistance and advice, this time, according to a source, Dolan reached out to Thomas for the meeting. 杜蘭仍舊會去聽笑笑湯給出的建議跟意見 Coach Mike Woodson is down an assistant coach after Kenny Atkinson resigned, and a source said plans are in the works to fill the position. It is doubtful Thomas would come on as an assistant, but serving as a training-camp instructor for Woodson, his former Indiana University teammate, isn't unfathomable. 或許他是來當尼克的助理教練? So with the Knicks' eccentric owner, everything is possible. 依照杜蘭以前腦殘的模式,一切都是有可能的 ---------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/9dHO Source: Isiah Thomas hesitant to take job with NY Knicks after conversations with James Dolan 笑笑湯對於現在接受尼克的工作有所猶豫 According to a source close to the former Knicks president, Thomas and Garden chairman James Dolan have had numerous discussions about a position in the organization, but Thomas has been reluctant to accept the job offer. 知情人說杜蘭已經多次向笑笑湯提出工作的邀請,但是笑笑湯目前還不想接受這份工作 “Isiah is very close with Jim Dolan but he's told me that he's not ready to jump back into the NBA just yet,” said the source, who was with Thomas on Friday at the Basketball Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Springfield, Mass. “There's this perception out there that Isiah is desperate to get back, but that's false. "笑笑湯跟杜蘭是很親密的,但是他目前還沒準備要回到NBA,很多人都說他迫不及待想回去 這是錯的!" There are two basketball positions available in the Knicks organization. 現在尼克有兩個空缺的職位 The club is looking to hire a D-League head coach, and Woodson is looking to add an assistant. In fact, LaSalle Thompson, Woodson's former teammate with the Kings, is a leading candidate to replace Kenny Atkinson, who was recently hired by the Atlanta Hawks. 山貓的LaSalle Thompson可能會成為尼克的助理教練,當然或許笑笑湯也在校想這位子 Thomas is not a candidate to replace Scott O’Neil, who was removed from his position as Garden president on Wednesday. 也或許是接Scott O’Neil的位子? 另外關於說笑笑湯只有選秀能看的傳聞 有個另外一面的文章可以看一下 其實早在2010年八 月,那時尼克老闆James Dolan想重新聘請Isiah Thomas 擔任球隊顧 問。 後來被聯盟否決了,因為笑笑湯當時是佛州國際大學總教練職務的身分,會產生利益衝突 。 外界普遍認為笑笑湯Isiah Thomas 沒有良好的管理能力,但有一手不錯的選秀技術。 當初選擇的David Lee 等人都在後來成為可塑之才,不過這可是有內幕的.... 05 年6 月,當時尼克手握首輪第30 號籤,他最初想選擇的球員是Chris Taft,而不是 David Lee。 當時笑笑湯身邊所有管理層同事及球探都懇求他改變主意,儘管他們中沒人相信D. Lee 會有一天成為全明星,一個能拿8000 萬美元合約的球員,但是他們都了解:Chris Taft 糟糕透頂 直到笑笑湯的好友-B. Suhr 出馬做勸說,Thomas 總算聽從建議選擇David Lee。 不過他還是厲聲說道:「你最好踏馬的搞對了。」 事實證明,尼克的選擇是對的(C. Taft只打過17場NBA便因為背傷退出比賽),笑笑湯也可 以靠著D. Lee 來騙吃騙喝繼續宣稱自己是選秀大師級選手。( 馬刺總管R.C. Buford 表 示:喔ˊ_>ˋ ) 因為曾在尼克發生了性醜聞事件,NBA各球隊都不會給他一份工作機會。 但是只有一名舊愛願意聽刺客的想法:尼克老闆Dolan。 過去在Yahoo 方面爆出尼克選秀試訓醜聞後,Dolan 才意識到笑笑湯為他帶來的麻煩有多 大。 不過舊愛總是最美的,僅管刺客在佛羅里達國際大學執教成績一樣差勁,今年四月才被球 隊解僱,執教期間球隊只有26 勝65 負的戰績。 但Dolan 仍忘不了過去的美好時光(!? ,竟然又找回他密談,如果人事案成功通過,恐怕 尼克的黑暗時刻就快再次來臨了... 笑笑湯不要回來啊.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Wall62:笑笑湯真的把尼克搞得烏煙瘴氣的 09/10 23:10
cwolf:這篇文章有帶到一些事情http://tinyurl.com/98kphxa參考就好 09/11 13:46
Kerry906:NO!!! 09/12 18:46