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Shaq expects rivalry to heat up 大歐預期球隊的競爭會更激烈 http://ppt.cc/_IKF NEW YORK -- As the Nets enter their first season in Brooklyn, plenty of New Yorkers are wondering if the Big Apple ever will be a Nets town. Future Hall of Famer Shaquille O'Neal doesn't think so. "No, probably not," O'Neal told ESPNNewYork.com. 當布魯克林籃網這夏天做了許多大動作後,記者訪問大歐說:"籃網能否搶走尼克的地位" 大歐表示:"不會,應該是不會發生" The big man likes what Brooklyn did in the offseason, particularly its re-signing of center Brook Lopez. "Brooklyn got better," he said. 大歐很喜歡籃網這休假期所做的動作,尤其是留下肉配汁,大歐:"不過籃網真的變好了" O'Neal also thinks the Knicks-Nets rivalry will heat up now that Mikhail Prokhorov's team is in Brooklyn. "The good thing about (New Yorkers) is that they're always excited, they're very competitive," said O'Neal, who attended the Yankees-Tampa Bay Rays game Friday night in the Bronx. "(So) I'm looking for the Nets-Knicks rivalry to amp up a little bit more this year." 大歐認為尼克跟籃網的競爭將會持續加溫,"這對紐約人來說是件好事,他們總是很興奮 ,而且求勝慾望很重,所以我認為尼克跟籃網的競爭將會讓紐約人的求勝心變得更加劇烈" O'Neal thinks the Knicks' stars, Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire, need to take things "more personally" to succeed against the defending NBA champion Miami Heat. 大歐還認為瓜跟罵在對抗衛冕冠軍熱火時,必須打得更有侵略性,這樣才有勝算 "I think when Carmelo plays against LeBron (James) and (Dwyane Wade), he should take it personally, like he's always talked about last (among the three). When Amare plays against (Chris) Bosh, he should take it personally," O'Neal said. "That's what I always used to do. I played against guys, I used to take it personally that you're not talking about me. "They need to do that. In order to beat Miami, they've got to." "我認為當瓜在對抗喇叭詹跟典偉時,他應該更自私點,更有個人情緒一點,就像他總是跟 其他人說得一樣,當然阿罵也是,當阿罵對位BOSH時,他應該要打得更自私,更有情緒一點 這就是我以前常做的,當我對抗對手時,我會把這當成一對一的對決,並不在意外界說 了什麼(不能跟誰誰誰共存之類的鬼話),這就是他們得要做的,如果想打贏熱火, 他們必須做到這一點" O'Neal said Anthony and Stoudemire have played "OK" in their season and a half together in New York. The Knicks have a sub-.500 record in games in which Anthony and Stoudemire have started. "They've done OK. But in New York, OK is not good enough," O'Neal said. "In order to have a legitimate 1-2 punch, OK is not good enough. "(Kobe) Bryant and Shaq, we were OK in 1997, '98, '99. But it just wasn't good enough. And then we both decided to become a little bit more aggressive, more dominant and it was OK." 大歐說:"瓜跟罵在這一個半季已經做了還OK的表現,在他們都先發的情況下 讓尼克有5成的勝率,他們做得還不錯,但是在紐約,僅僅只是還不錯是不夠的,為了要 有衝擊冠軍的那種效應,還不錯是絕對不夠的" "科比跟我在1997,98,99年十我們也是做了還不錯的事,但是那樣是不夠好的,我們決定 要打得更積極點,更有統治性點,所以我們後來就真的OK了!"(3連霸) O'Neal also said that Knicks great Patrick Ewing made the right decision when he turned down the Knicks' offer to coach its D-League affiliate, the Erie Bayhawks. According to a source, Ewing turned down the job because he wanted to remain in the NBA and, as an eight-year NBA assistant, he felt slighted by the offer. "I think Pat made the correct decision not going to the D-League," O'Neal said. "He's done a lot for the organization and he wants to be a professional (NBA) coach. You have to look at the situation and say to yourself, 'Jacque Vaughn (the new Orlando Magic coach) gets a job before me?' "So Pat did the correct thing. Hopefully one day a slot will open up for him." 大歐也談到EWING,"我覺得她拒絕了尼克的發展聯盟總教練職位是對的,我認為EWING 可以為球隊做很多,而他也想要成為一個專業的NBA教練,妳得要看看情況然後跟 自己說"Jacque Vaughn(魔術的新教練)比我早當總教練????",所以EWING做了正確的事 希望他有天可以找到這職位的工作" -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: