看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1KYHQZR7 ] 作者: buichcmu (佚肥不了) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 瓜瓜說他和TIM HARDAWAY沒有問題 時間: Thu Dec 11 11:59:28 2014 New York Knicks forward Carmelo Anthony is claiming he and Tim Hardaway Jr. have no issues with another after a reported verbal altercation between the two. 瓜瓜說她和小HARDAWAY彼此間沒有問題 他們被報導說彼此間有些口角 Carmelo Anthony and Tim Hardaway Jr. are not at odds with another. Well, that ’s the story Melo is selling. 瓜瓜和HARDAWAY之間沒有問題 好吧 那是瓜瓜說的 In wake of rumors the two recently engaged in a verbal altercation, Anthony cleared the air Wednesday night. 盛傳兩個人之間曾有一些語言上的糾紛 瓜瓜在星期三晚上澄清了 Ian Begley Carmelo says he and Hardaway Jr have "no problems." 瓜瓜說他和HARDAWAY沒有問題 ESPN’s Chris Broussard reported Wednesday that Melo and Hardaway exchanged words that nearly became blows last week. ESPN的記者在星期三報導說瓜瓜和哈達威交換了一點語言 甚至快要打起來了 The New York Knicks were en route to their fifth straight loss last week against Brooklyn when a frustrated Tim Hardaway Jr. screamed angrily, “Get the rebound!” 上星期當尼克隊面對籃網時 喪氣地HARDAWAY怒吼說 去搶籃板!! 而尼克隊當時正邁向5連敗 Certain his second-year teammate was speaking to him, Carmelo Anthony approached Hardaway on the way down the court and used an expletive to ask Hardaway who in the world he thought he was talking to. 瓜瓜很確定HARDAWAY正在對她說話 瓜瓜在退場時去找了HARDAWAY 然後用了一些話來提醒他正在跟"誰"說話 Anthony, according to sources, used another expletive in telling Hardaway he was going to beat him up when they got into the locker room after the game. 據了解 當時在要進去置物室的時候 瓜瓜又告訴HARDAWAY他要打他一頓 That Melo didn’t deny the report is telling, as it seemingly validates the incident took place. 瓜瓜沒有否認報導中的內容 所以也算是間接承認了有這個事 While we seem to know the two had an altercation, we really don’t have a good idea of whether or not Melo and Hardaway have patched things up, despite Carmelo’s recent comments. 雖然我們知道他們兩個有口角 但是我們還是不太清楚他們有沒有把事情越滾越大 雖然瓜瓜跳出來說了沒有 Even if he and Hardaway Jr. were at odds, Melo’s very unlikely to come out and admit that to be the case. 即使他們兩個還在吵 瓜瓜也不可能出來承認有這檔事 Hopefully for the Knicks’ sake, Melo is being straightforward and he, along with Hardaway and the rest of the team, can come together and start winning some games. 為了尼克隊的大局為重 瓜瓜非常直接所以 他跟HARDAWAY 還有其他隊友 可以團結起來贏一些比賽 New York sits at 4-19 through 23 games. 尼克打完23場比賽只拿到4勝19敗 SOURCE:http://ppt.cc/O8By 紐約港要多一個消波塊了嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1418270371.A.6C7.html ※ 編輯: BleuOmbre (, 12/11/2014 20:20:44