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防彈少年團成功的原因?SUGA「團魂滿滿」回答偷放洋蔥 https://star.ettoday.net/news/1058645 ETtoday 記者蕭采薇/綜合報導 南韓夯團防彈少年團(BTS)從首爾出發,一步步走上世界舞台,在全球都擁有高人氣。 從去年拿下出道以來第一座大賞,接著今年五月在美國「告示牌音樂獎」(Billboard Music Awards)拿下最佳社群明星獎,推特追蹤人數更是在短短半年內暴增一倍,目前已 突破1030萬人追蹤。提到成功的原因,團員SUGA充滿團魂的回答,令不少粉絲都相當感動 。 https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/2937/d2937487.jpg
▲防彈少年團出席2017全美音樂獎(AMAs)。(圖/CFP) 在在美國「告示牌音樂獎」拿獎後,防彈少年團迅速獲得歐美市場的關注,在短短半年內 推特追蹤人數增加了500萬,目前已突破1030萬人追蹤,等於暴增了一倍,也是目前南韓 最多人關注的推特帳號。然而不同於許多偶像團體,團員都擁有個人社群帳號和粉絲互動 ,防彈少年團出道邁入第五年,始終都是7名團員共同使用一個推特帳號。 https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/2875/d2875201.jpg
▲防彈少年團彼此間的好感情有如家人。(圖/BIG HIT entertainment提供) 防彈少年團日前接受韓媒《朝鮮日報》專訪,團員SUGA便笑說:「7人使用一個帳號,會 讓成更覺得是一個團隊。」JIMIN則說:「很多人說我們常常玩社群軟體,但其實是因為 我們7個人一起用吧,才會有這種感覺。」J-Hope也開玩笑表示:「所以才能去告示牌頒 獎典禮,還因為這樣拿了獎。」 把「Team work makes the dream work」當做口頭禪的防彈少年團,面對記者詢問「成功 的原因」,除了音樂和表演外,團員SUGA也強調:「團體裡最重要的就是團隊間的和諧, 『團隊要好、個體才會好』老實說要7個人都這麼想很不容易,但我們就是有這樣共識, 團結就成了我們的力量。」團魂滿滿的回答讓不少粉絲感動。 https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/2907/d2907913.jpg
▲防彈少年團每年在出道紀念日那天,都會上傳「家族照」和粉絲慶祝。(圖/翻攝自 Twitter@BTS_twt) 而事實上,防彈少年團自2010年籌備開始,團員共同走過低谷和高峰,同甘共苦這些年早 已培養出有如家人般的羈絆。團員之間的好感情,也被粉絲形容是「愛彼此愛得要死」, 就如同他們自己所說過的,防彈少年團7人的關係是「聚生分死」。防彈少年團最新專輯 《LOVE YOURSELF 承 ‘Her'》台灣特別版專輯內附贈明信片大卡,L.O.V.E.四版本已在 台發行。 https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/2799/d2799764.jpg
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xxxcco: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:44
monsteris520: 推防彈 11/24 00:45
icandbana: 推>< 11/24 00:46
closeadoor: 推團魂爆發我們防彈! 11/24 00:46
shinee910070: 推防彈團魂!!! 11/24 00:46
j40320tw: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:48
mayting3557: 推防彈團魂\Teamwork makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:48
Nilycee: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:49
sunny61629: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:49
blauXaoi: 一即是七 七即是一的少年們 11/24 00:50
ohhh0607: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:51
ijenchiang: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:51
everyposs: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:51
tooru: \Team work makes the dream work/ 推每年家族照 11/24 00:54
jereval1226: \team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:55
JMsjams: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 00:55
jereval1226: 哦補推 11/24 00:56
monoceania: 推 11/24 01:03
tzuchun0214: Team work makes the dream work! 推我們團魂防彈! 11/24 01:03
star12258: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:08
sana1307: https://i.imgur.com/XwAEqjM.jpg 一直長長久久吧^^ 11/24 01:09
iundertaker: 推\Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/老了 11/24 01:11
iundertaker: 還要一起喝酒聊天的防彈 11/24 01:11
masakaka: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:16
kirakiki: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:19
s7160702: \Team makes the dream work/\聚生分死/\一家人/ 11/24 01:23
mi40828: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:25
freechy: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:33
karino0908: Team work makes the dream work 11/24 01:48
smi8529ha: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:51
velownica: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:51
blpapf: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 01:57
yongling0522: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 02:07
niiiiina: 推防彈! 11/24 02:46
wwBTSww: 推推 \聚生分死/ 11/24 02:52
Chloe18: \Teamwork makes the dream work/ 11/24 03:19
LarryST: 聚生分死~ 11/24 05:05
bkwan: 推團魂滿滿的防彈! 11/24 06:03
Polly123: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 06:22
abby9160: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 06:23
kitvxq: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 06:35
sodavoxyi: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 06:40
zaqxswcd66: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 07:09
cherry3: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 07:11
sheepko012: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 07:24
Cypher039: 推防彈團魂 11/24 07:25
Cypher039: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 07:25
rabbieehaha: \Team work makes the dream work/ \聚生分死/ 11/24 07:30
swagstliou: 我記得【他們彼此之間愛得要死】是方PD在採訪的時候 11/24 07:31
swagstliou: 說的,認同這句話XDD 11/24 07:31
sodanicky: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 07:40
summer0625: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:02
Jia9999: \Team work makes the dream work./\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:17
icode: \ Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 08:19
makiwii: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:23
ashleylilili: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:34
ashleylilili: 再偷推每年都可愛到爆的家族照<3 11/24 08:34
hyh929: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:35
cic0705: \Team Work Makes The Dream Work/推防彈滿滿團魂! 11/24 08:38
pigpig0318: 聚生分死真的好不容易TTTT 11/24 08:38
chiaolin717: 團魂燃燒 11/24 08:41
joons: \Team work makes the dream work /\我也愛你們愛的要死/ 11/24 08:43
shirely819: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 08:44
iamtinghuang: 推! 11/24 08:45
snoocatta: \Team work makes the dream work/\推防彈聚生分死/ 11/24 08:45
whatsJ: 防彈的團魂真的感人 感覺就像是親兄弟 11/24 08:45
neive: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:47
nevebritain: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 08:47
yuhsuan0701: 稱彼此為家人稱宿舍為家的七個人\聚生分死/\防心同 11/24 08:48
yuhsuan0701: 體/ 11/24 08:48
goemillisa: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 08:57
taetae77: 推推永遠的團魂 11/24 08:57
tyc3333: 娘死了 11/24 09:00
munni: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 09:03
whatsJ: 樓上節哀。 11/24 09:03
whatsJ: 樓樓上,抱歉~ 11/24 09:04
bettyntnu: 團體對待彼此是真心的家人 11/24 09:05
icode: 超推他們的團魂滿滿~也是成功的原因~ 11/24 09:18
miyawang: 推防彈團魂QQ 11/24 09:20
duseop0105: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 09:24
angelastu: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 09:35
meow83712: 節哀XDDDD 這個記者是長駐BTS板嗎 11/24 09:53
kuoror001: https://i.imgur.com/BIfybkz.jpg 11/24 09:54
kuoror001: \Team work makes dream work/ 11/24 09:55
tresbien: BTS專板有這篇更詳細的訪問 滿推薦的 #1Q5cp4PZ 11/24 09:55
flyfishkk: \Team work makes the dream 11/24 10:05
boboSana: 反觀EXO 團魂..... 11/24 10:06
chichi26467: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 10:18
TPC1993: 推防彈 11/24 10:28
lanMys: What大的節哀好有哽XDD 11/24 10:41
ishin5: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 10:48
wings5: 推 被相愛相殺的感情圈的死死啊~~~ 11/24 10:54
michelle5: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 10:59
sodavoxyi: 再推滿滿的團魂!真的覺得他們就是親兄弟,很有愛♡ 11/24 11:04
meow83712: \Teamwork makes the dream work/ 11/24 11:05
annabellehsu: 推防彈團魂 11/24 11:16
jane871108: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 11:20
chloelin56: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 11:30
jiaxuan0504: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 11:31
Emikk: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 11:32
Emikk: https://i.imgur.com/R2x3cAt.jpg 11/24 11:32
pink0901: 聚生分死!!!超棒的 11/24 11:43
lovegu0317: 共同的信念和目標一起苦過來的 能走到今天7個人缺一 11/24 12:02
lovegu0317: 不可 每個人都真心誠意的替彼此和團隊著想才有今天的 11/24 12:02
lovegu0317: 防彈啊 11/24 12:02
jane871108: 推防彈團魂!! 11/24 12:10
Queenie0723: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 12:16
dabby0731: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 12:27
colaco0605: 推防彈團魂!!!無法不愛全員!!!! 11/24 12:30
almasyspjm: \Team works makes the dream work/ 11/24 12:39
retsnom: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 12:54
sana1307: https://i.imgur.com/4yhKDOK.jpg 推W大的節哀XDD他們 11/24 12:58
sana1307: 真的很不一樣,聚生分死啊QQ 11/24 12:58
saymama: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 13:07
jesie90815: 推防彈團魂!!!充滿愛QQ 11/24 13:12
yuhsuan0701: https://youtu.be/n-nEKyZbQUE 印象最深的一段 真的 11/24 13:24
yuhsuan0701: 是缺一不可QAQ 11/24 13:24
b10235028: 推 11/24 13:25
minniegau: 推 11/24 13:33
pinny2222000: 爆推推,最喜歡他們七個在一起的時候 11/24 13:33
sefo987: 推 11/24 13:34
yumpf: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/\團魂最高/ 11/24 13:39
mristmn: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 13:41
hahalily: 推團魂啦!!!!!! 11/24 13:51
hahalily: http://i.imgur.com/aRdUu7i.jpg 11/24 13:52
zin89031: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 14:38
sibylkkk: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 15:07
she2629: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/24 15:40
pp789456123: 只要是阿米久了一定變團飯T T 11/24 15:51
girlqaz3712: \Team work makes the dream work/ \聚生分死/ 11/24 16:00
Petrichoreo: 阿米久了變團飯+1 11/24 16:12
pigpig0318: 久了變團飯!!完全同意! 11/24 16:34
ksjopslh: \Team work makes the dream work/ \聚生分死/ 11/24 18:05
coldwin: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 18:24
amynicer: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/24 18:44
nike222: 推\Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/老了 11/24 18:44
BOUKAKA: \Team work makes the dream work/ \聚生分死/ 11/24 18:58
r0926290928: 久了變團飯+1 QQ 11/24 19:48
cherry3: 阿米久了變團飯+1 11/24 21:35
shirely819: \Team work makes the dream work/ \聚生分死/ 11/24 22:52
Ronee: \Team work makes the dream work/ 11/25 03:23
viva4ever: 久了變團飯+1 每個都是寶貝 11/25 07:45
neive: 久了變團飯+1~七個少年一個心臟阿~~ 11/25 09:22
splendid31: 真的久了變團飯~看他們打打鬧鬧也幸福啊~ 11/25 12:58
arisucho: 防彈是我喜歡日韓偶像以來第一個飯全團的 11/25 21:57
qa152242: \Team work makes the dream work/\聚生分死/ 11/26 15:30