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TAEYEON 太妍 '四季 (Four Seasons)' The 1st Season https://youtu.be/belTadVtclc
TAEYEON 太妍 '四季 (Four Seasons)' The 2nd Season https://youtu.be/GZ8kQNKyang
TAEYEON 太妍 '四季 (Four Seasons)' The 3rd Season https://youtu.be/-HEVpH7l8y8
TAEYEON 太妍 '四季 (Four Seasons)' The 4th Season https://youtu.be/vy1snbTdCds
cr:SMTOWN@YouTube, GirlsGeneration@twitter Music Video 3.22 6PM (KST) Music Release 3.24 6PM (KST) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1553181335.A.B28.html
lavender13: 最後兩張好喜歡!!! 03/21 23:18
intro: 預告很好聽!太妍太美了 TT 03/21 23:18
carlxdxd: 推太妍 好美好好聽 03/21 23:21
asnonieta320: 推推 金太妍超美 03/21 23:30
eswxol: 每個造型都超美>////< 而且旋律好抓耳 太期待了!!! 03/21 23:32
superamanda: 大推!!超漂亮!!預告好好聽! 03/21 23:35
andy1126: 推~~ 03/21 23:46
Kristoflower: 推 03/21 23:49
sunny61629: 推太妍~~好好聽!! 03/21 23:49
Vincent10247: 推太妍!! 03/21 23:52
VONKate: 推,預告就好好聽呀 03/21 23:52
whocarescoco: 喜歡預告~~期待! 03/21 23:57
LilykoKun: 推太妍!旋律感覺會很中 03/22 00:06
guoyoung: 超好聽~~ 03/22 00:07
yslu00: 超期待的~~~~~ 03/22 00:08
swagtae309: 愛了愛了 03/22 00:11
swagtae309: 金太妍不要再散發魅力了 03/22 00:11
sunny8456: 金太妍太美了 teaser旋律超抓耳 03/22 00:16
kuo0805: 推信聽太 這次風格很特別 03/22 00:22
taemicoo: 推妖精女王太妍 03/22 00:27
JKsisTSnae: 期待推 03/22 01:10
matchatriang: 期待新歌 造型好美<3 03/22 01:11
yuwen614: 推 03/22 01:15
qwe1541141: 推精靈王~ 超期待新歌 03/22 01:20
phizQQ: 推! 03/22 01:39
NomeL: 推太妍~喜歡第二個造型! 03/22 01:44
bolo187: 期待啊啊 03/22 01:53
lalangel: 期待期待~~~~ 03/22 02:09
di3xyo0z: 推太妍 03/22 02:11
iwannaleave: 好期待喔! 03/22 06:47
biobirst: 推太妍 03/22 07:00
pxxgyxjin: 推! 03/22 07:52
Axy8: 推 03/22 08:00
purple20: 推太妍~ 03/22 08:03
kuk9527: 超期待!!! 03/22 08:26
qqpp4321: 推太妍~~~~ 03/22 08:46
froheprinz: 推信聽太 03/22 09:25
tae217: 每個造型都好美!!期待~~ 03/22 09:33
sunsirr: 太妍必推 03/22 09:38
XIN920224: 推金太妍!teaser就很好聽了 03/22 09:42
rfvmko88: 唱兩句就好好聽啊~期待完整版 03/22 10:09
yang122: 第二季超清純超美的!前奏以為要接劈你的雷正在路上XD 03/22 10:25
aanubis: 推金太妍 03/22 11:09
huashe: 推 光是預告就好喜歡!! 03/22 11:17
onthehill: 推信聽太!! 03/22 11:27
zx852561: 推!!! 03/22 11:49
nene80726: 信聽太! 03/22 12:14
MINMINYYY: 推推信聽太! 03/22 12:25
sssone: 推啊 03/22 12:30
carolyvonne: 推 信聽太!!! 03/22 12:46
douliii: 期待!! 03/22 13:25
hermes20372: 推太妍 03/22 14:18
sunsirr: 就是今晚了 03/22 14:32
yiing0221: 喔喔喔期待推!! 03/22 16:19
stinghou: 推推 好期待~~ 03/22 16:37