看板 LA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《STTC (來LA版參觀唄)》之銘言: : This is a very good topic!!! : I don't see any camera here in Cerritos... : But I would really want to know other city's ^^ : Too frightened to get ticket...... : Please share more to all of us if any of u know other information!!! : Thanks~ : ※ 引述《chenjack (Jack)》之銘言: : : Pasadena的Lake上也有 : : 要上210freeway之前76加油站的路口 : : 小心唷...晚上還會打閃光燈.... HEY MAN!! there are 2 for sure in Cerritos!!!! South and Gridley Bloomfield and Artesia watch out man! -------------------------------------- The way they take photo is like this. <i asked a cop> When the lights turn red. They will have sensors to sense if there are cars in the intersection. ALL 4 CAMERAS WILL TAKE PICTURE! but once the picture taken, they analyze to see if the car is in the "ok" zone or not. i.e. it's the pedestrian lines there. you have to pass the intersection before it's full red. Then you are safe. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參(ptt3.cc) ◆ From:
buster:Thank you for ur share!! 推 04/27
STTC:thank u so much^^ 推 04/28