看板 LA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
城市/區域:Walnut/West LA 交貨方式:自取 幫一個朋友代po文章,她有三樣東西要賣, Warm Mist Humidifier + Cool Mist Humidifer + Heater,若一次買這三樣東西,總共只需$50 1) Warm Mist Humidifier (Holmes model no.: HM 5305TG) - $30 Condition: Excellent, clean, come with box, seldom use. bought on Jan 2009 Price: $30 Humidifier brand and details: http://www.holmesproducts.com/Index.aspx 2) Cool Mist Humidifier (ReliOn) - $20 Condition: Excellent, clean, used for 2 months. bought on July 2009 Price: $20 Product details: http://www.relion.com/coughcold/humidifiers 3) Heater (Lakewood) - $15 Condition: Good, clean, used for 2 years. You can buy them separately at the listed price, or buy all three together for $50!! Pick up only! Interested party, please email: [email protected] S: 代po,請勿站內回信,謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: