看板 L_LifeInfo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看板:ask 板主:Sgenius 日期:2013/04/03(三) ~ 2013/04/07(日) 事由:剛口試完藉連假出門放鬆休息,期間無電腦可使用不克上網。 板務等回家之後一次解決,若有趁機作亂絕不寬貸。 麻煩小組長了 :) -- Blossom! Commander and the leader, ╭══╮╭══╮╭══╮/ Bubbles! She is the joy and the laughter, ║╭╮║║╭╮║║╭═ Buttercup! She is the toughest fighter, ║╰╯║║╰╯║║║ Powerpuffs save the day! PowerPuffGirl║╭═╯║╭═╯║╰ Fighting crime ~ Trying to save the world ╰╯ower╰╯uff═╯irls by Here they come just in time ~ The Powerpuff Girls ~~~ Powerpuff! Sgenius -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: