看板 LadyGaga 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://alturl.com/oew5 Gaga本週四將在Miami的Fontainebleau hotel開poolside concert... The crazy singer is performing poolside at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami, where guests can belly up to an open bar till midnight. Not only can partygoers feast their eyes and ears on Gaga's always-interesting show, but VIPs will munch on Domino's new pizza, delivered just before midnight. 感覺是個很不一樣的演唱會 酒精加上Gaga的現場表演 一定感覺很棒 好想去邁阿密 (泣) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
IanLing:前面新聞有喔 不過票價可不是普通人付得起的XD 12/30 23:25
echo0520:ya我知道~謝謝版友提醒~因為這個有海報 所以重新發一篇 12/31 00:05
CENTERYO:新年快樂~低調推 01/01 04:57
CENTERYO:(推錯版= =!!) 01/01 04:57