看板 LadyGaga 關於我們 聯絡資訊
After opening the VMAs with her new single, Lady Gaga is also likely to see sales gains by next week with "Applause," which rises 6-4 in its second week on the Hot 100. The track falls 3-5 on Digital Songs (163,000, down 25%) after launching last week with 218,000. What fuels its Hot 100 rise the most, however, is the premiere of its official video on Aug. 19: "Applause" boasts the biggest increase on Streaming Songs, where it pounces 9-3 (6 million, up 106%). (77% of the streaming for "Applause" stems from VEVO on YouTube views.) On On-Demand Songs, "Applause" vaults 36-12 (995,000, up 109%). In its second week on Radio Songs, it ascends 40-35 (37 million, up 19%). It also tops Dance/Electronic Songs for a second week. 本週銷售跌幅不高,在數位單曲榜#5,銷售16.3萬張。 重點在於MV釋出後帶來的網路點閱分數大漲, Streaming Songs從上週#9跳升至#3,上漲106%,成為這週名次上升的主因。 電台部分表現尚可,小升19%,目前在#35。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cwhalf:peak 了? 08/29 03:07
knmtou:hater真是每分鐘都在抹黑,科,have fun~ 08/29 03:08
knmtou:多虧你讓GAGA板不無聊 08/29 03:08
flyhigher:對cw無腦討戰真的膩了(哈欠)..... 08/29 04:56
flyhigher:不過有這種人也蠻不錯的,不然ga歌迷都會被說是愚粉。 08/29 04:58
valen1229:劣文兩篇看來其來有自:3 08/29 09:03
herohoney:我說真的 真的很有可能是peak在這裡== 08/29 11:03
herohoney:不過希望可以在top十待久一點 08/29 11:04
elmayuu:有了現場演出覺得值得更高的名次~ 這是首好歌啊!! 08/29 11:12
loveppears4u:我也覺得這首歌的路數差不多就這樣了吧 囧 08/29 12:04
loveppears4u:雖然MV和VMA都超讚 但畢竟一開始聽歌就覺得普通而已 08/29 12:05
ohisjeff:gaga已經在宣傳二單 應該已經對鼓掌不期待了吧 08/29 14:52
flyhigher:就差不多這樣子了吧 08/29 17:49
gagabrit:起碼打頭陣的單曲有摸到Top 10 :) 滿足中 08/29 18:42
cwhalf:沒錯 至少有摸到一支 top 5 不像Beyonce 的4沒半隻top 10 08/29 20:47
naoki1969:對啊幸好有造成top10視覺暫留 08/29 23:02
h344567:本週第4感覺衝不上去了… 08/29 23:15
billloung:#4不錯啦,希望Artpop多幾隻top10,最好能五支以上 08/29 23:50
billloung:每隻都拍音樂錄影帶~~這樣是最好的結果,#1有沒有是其次 08/29 23:50
cwhalf:最好還是有#1啦 top10視覺暫留感覺氣勢不夠 08/30 00:43
JC1984:還是有機會前三,不過應該不會是未來這兩週~ 08/30 18:02