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※ 引述《chpan (chimp)》之銘言: : Karl Malone 有機會打破 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 所保持的 NBA 最多得分紀錄。 : 但是已經進入名人堂的 Jabbar 認為 Malone 應該花更多的心力去贏得總冠軍! : 目前的紀錄是由 Jabbar 在闖蕩 NBA 二十年後所創下的 38387分。Malone 目前 : 十八年的 NBA 生涯共計得分 36374分,距離紀錄只有 2013分。若 Malone 能再 : 多打兩年,他只要每場平均得分到達 12.3 分便可順利破紀錄。若是以 Malone : 去年平均得分 20.6分來計算,他甚至可以在明年十二月初便達到這個目的。 : Jabbar 表示贏得冠軍應該是每個人打球的最大動機。對他而言,那正是他打球的 : 目的。另一方面,Jabbar 怎表示他並不會太關注 Malone 是否及何時會打破他的 : 紀錄,他表示:那將不會對我有太大的影響! 他不介意才有鬼呢.... 當初他打破張伯倫高懸的得分紀錄時,兩人曾經引發一陣口水戰, 老張說老賈早該退休了,不應該賴在場上拖死狗賺養老金,老賈後 來也反唇相譏張伯倫根本是個只會靠夭不懂贏球的老傢伙;直到賈 霸又拿三次冠軍,真的老到快打不動了,張大帥又舊話重提,還說 賈霸天分之高史上無匹,卻只能打出這樣的成績(他自大得有點太 過份,果真如此,全部NBA的球員大概都得跳海了),實在讓人太失 望,而且後來關鍵時刻常常手軟就不該戀棧,賈霸聽畢還在以最後 一個球季為背景的日記裡開闢專文一一反駁,說自己明明那麼神勇 幫湖人奪冠多次,你老張每次看球隊苗頭不對就想酸,才是關鍵時 刻不能挺身而出的外強中乾角色,明明連洛城人都沒啥興趣的主題 他倆卻吵得很開心。 更誇張的是,兩人經常好像人格分裂一般,明明剛罵完人,沒過多 久又會在訪問中恭維對方實在偉大到不行,蠻有意思的。兩人有時 也會互相學習一些有的沒有的,像是比較年輕的賈霸在李小龍電影 辦了幾次大反派後,張伯倫也跟進當了幾部電影的配角。 老賈霸跟張伯倫都有一種歌利亞症候群,孤芳自賞之餘還常常認為 沒人真正了解自己,因此對於侵犯到自己偉大的人事物都會突然強 力反彈,賈霸對於80年總冠軍賽選出Magic當MVP始終很不諒解,事 隔多年只要有人問起,他一定會說這不公平、是被作掉的云云.. 要說年紀大了的人就只會出一張嘴也行,不過賈霸這方面真的是很 會計較的,而人之常情大抵就是如此,大家想想馬怪爾在記錄被破 後也難免曾經說出一些酸話,就知道好不容易累積下來的戰功被人 一一超越實在不是一件愉快的事。 : 以上為大意,原文於下 : 來源 : http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Jun/06132003/sports/sports.asp : Kareem to Karl: Go After a Title : By Phil Miller : The Salt Lake Tribune : EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is aware that Karl Malone : is in pursuit of his all-time NBA scoring record. But the Hall of Fame : center believes Malone should pursue another of Abdul-Jabbar's achievements : even harder: A world championship. : "A championship should be everybody's motivation," said Abdul-Jabbar, : who was honored during Game 4 of the NBA Finals on Wednesday. "That's the most : important thing. That's why I played the game." : As he was doing so, the innovator of the skyhook also piled up 38,387 : points, more than anyone in history. It's a record that many people considered : unbreakable when Abdul-Jabbar retired after 20 NBA seasons with the Bucks : and Lakers, but one that Malone is quickly closing in on. : The Jazz great finished his 18th season with 36,374 points, just 2,013 : away from the record. If he plays two more seasons, Malone needs to average : only 12.3 points per game to catch Abdul-Jabbar; if he maintains the 20.6- : point average he posted last season, the soon-to-be 40-year-old would catch : Abdul-Jabbar in early December 2004. : Malone never can equal Abdul-Jabbar's six world titles -- one in Milwaukee : and five in Los Angeles -- and the Laker great understands how that must grate : on the Jazz veteran. Perhaps the scoring record can salve that wound, Abdul- : Jabbar said. : "It will be something for him to hang his hat on. Not winning any world : championships, that's tough," Abdul-Jabbar said. "It must be really : frustrating for him to have such a fine career but have nothing that really : sets him apart. So [the scoring record] might be it." : Abdul-Jabbar said he hasn't followed Malone's progress closely, but is : aware the record is in jeopardy. : "If he maintains his motivation and stays consistent, he'll be able to : do it," Abdul-Jabbar said. "I'm not really too involved in it. He's had a : great career. And if he breaks the record, it's great for him, but it's not : going to affect me too much." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
somebodie:YA...說的沒錯 推 06/15
arkod:耍心機耍心機..:P 推 06/15
chpan:反正重點也不是他在不在意...:P 推 06/15
Ajay:推第一句..簡單扼要的點出重點 推 06/15
limphead:個人認為 得分的效率也是很重要低 推 06/21
gratitude:借轉爵士板! 感謝! 06/22 13:37