看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2296001 LOS ANGELES -- Ronny Turiaf is back with the Los Angeles Lakers less than six months after having open-heart surgery. 經過心臟手術之後還不到半年的時間,Turiaf回到了湖人的行列中。 The 23-year-old power forward signed a deal Tuesday. 在禮拜二的時候,湖人簽下了這位23歲的大前鋒。 "Of course, people would have some doubts about whether you could come back from open-heart surgery," he said during a conference call. "There is no worries. I feel comfortable that there is no risk." "當然,人們都會對於我是否能夠在接受手術後還能回到場上有所疑問。" "但我的感覺很好,所以我不覺得這是個冒險的行為,沒什麼好擔心的。" Turiaf, a three-year starter at Gonzaga, was a second-round draft pick of the Lakers last June after averaging 15.9 points and 9.5 rebounds as a senior last season. Turiaf,有過Gonzaga大學三年的先發經歷,平均得15.9分9.5籃板,在去年六月的第二輪 選秀中被湖人選中。 An enlarged aortic root was discovered by the Lakers in a physical exam four weeks after the draft, and Turiaf underwent surgery July 26 to repair the aortic root and preserve his aortic valve. 在選秀會過後四個禮拜的體檢中,他被檢查出來有心臟大動脈擴張的現象, 而他選擇在七月二十六號接受手術,修復他的大動脈以及保障他心臟的功能。 The contract Turiaf had signed with the Lakers was voided, but the team paid for the surgery. 因此,他之前與湖人所簽的約是無效的。但湖人還是為他付了手術費。 "My expectation is to practice hard," Turiaf said. "I'm back to being a freshman in college. I'll make those guys' life a little bit tough in practice. I want to go out there and do the dirty work." "我期望能夠努力的打球。就好像回到當年大一新鮮人的時候,我會讓對手感覺有更多 的對抗,我想要上場並且作一些髒活兒。" The 6-foot-10 Turiaf averaged 13 points and 6.3 rebounds in nine games for the Yakama Sun Kings of the CBA. 六呎十吋的Turiaf幫CBA聯盟Yakama Sun Kings出賽,九場比賽中平均拿下13分6.3籃板。 Turiaf said he appreciated the outpouring of supportive letters and e-mails he received. Turiaf說他很感激那些來自於他所收到的信件及e-mail的鼓勵。 "I want to tell those people it's going to take me a while to respond," he said. "I'm going to try to do it one person at a time. It's going to take me time, but I will do it." "我想跟那些人說,我會嘗試去回每一封信,那會花上我一些時間。但我一定會回的。" (譯按: 這裡是在說PTT的O2版嗎?-_-) To make room for Turiaf on the 15-man roster, the Lakers waived guard Laron Profit. He had surgery recently to repair a ruptured left Achilles tendon and wasn't expected to play again this season. 但為了在湖人的十五人名單中空出一個位置給Turiaf,湖人揮棄了Laron Profit。 Profit前陣子接受了手術,修復他斷裂的左阿基里斯腱,而他可能這季都沒辦法上場。 -- 男生都喜歡女生乖巧清純不亂來 但是那是要對自己以外的男人 男生也喜歡女生又騷又嗲又愛玩 但這對象僅限於自己 在客廳像貴婦 在廚房是主婦 在臥室變蕩婦 這就是男人理想中的女性.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
stenler:推翻譯 01/18 13:33
kuuga2000:推翻譯 01/18 13:34
hibernate:推歐兔版XDDD 01/18 13:36
kobeslaker:第二輪的禁區苦工 快變成Boozer吧 01/18 13:37
GodOfTiger:推翻譯! 01/18 14:12
yugy:辛苦翻譯了 01/18 14:20
flyintmtc:大大辛苦了~! 推~~ 01/18 14:39
u2gogowin:推推..辛苦囉~~ 01/18 14:40
accostic:大推翻譯~~~ 不過大學數據好像多得1分XD~ 01/18 16:13
bume:推推~~~ 翻譯辛苦了 01/18 16:20
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/18 16:31)
maigawapa:替身辛苦了 接下來 不再需要替身了 XD 01/18 16:39
allenscsie:辛苦了 01/18 16:46
NPCNiNi:推簽名檔...orz 01/18 18:24
kreen:推簽名檔 01/18 20:22