看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: http://0rz.net/6010k A sampling of the reaction from around the NBA to Kobe Bryant's 81-point game on Sunday. 當聽到Kobe Bryant得到81分,各家球星及教練的反應. "It's beyond words. For a two-guard to do that in this era when defenses can be geared around one player, it's out of this world. . . . I don't feel so bad about the 45 he got on us now." -- Pacers coach Rick Carlisle 溜馬隊總教練Rick Carlisle: "這不是言語可以形容的。這是一個後衛嘗試去作這件事的時候,會遭遇到猶如被齒輪卡 死的防守的年代裡。這不是這世界上該發生的事.... 我現在覺得,之前他對到溜馬時攻下45分的分數,好像不是件壞事。" "I don't think I could score that many in a video game." -- Houston's Tracy McGrady T-Mac: "我不覺得我打電動能拿到那麼多的分數。" "(Shaquille O'Neal) told us to get him 50 shots (in the next game)." -- Miami's Antoine Walker Antoine Walker: "Shaq跟我們說,下場比賽讓他出手五十次。" "The only bad thing about it is that younger kids now, whose minds are easily warped, they are going to think, 'Ohhh! I am going to go out there and do it.' That is what is missing in the game, guys understanding how to play as a team." -- New Jersey's Vince Carter Vince Carter: "這件事對於那些年輕,心智容易被扭曲的孩子們唯一的壞處就是- 他們將會去想,喔!!我也要上場去嘗試同樣的事情。 這就是近年來的球賽中所被遺忘的事,該怎麼用團隊的方式打球。" "I'm not in that kind of shape to score that much. When I had 56 (in high school), my shoulder was so tired I had to ice that thing down. That takes so much energy to score those kinds of points because, think about it, you're not making every single shot. There are lots of trips you miss shots and still got to play D. No way I could do that." -- Detroit's Chauncey Billups Chauncey Billups: "我不是那種能得那麼多分的球員。當我在高中的比賽裡拿下56分的時候,我的肩膀酸的 要死讓我只能去冰敷。那將會耗費相當大的精力去得那麼多分,試想,你不可能每一球 都投進。有很多種狀況都會令你無法投進,而且你還是要回去防守。 我不可能做的到那種事。" "He's just one of those guys I have a lot of respect for. He's strong-willed and he believes in himself to the core." -- Minnesota's Wally Szczerbiak Wally Szczerbiak: "他就是那些令我肅然起敬的人其中之一。他有強烈的欲望並且他打從心裡的堅信自己。" "Can anyone get 100? If you can get 81, absolutely. He just needs to take 10 more shots." -- Miami coach Pat Riley 熱火隊總教練Pat Riley: "到底有沒有人可以拿到單場一百分?當你可以得81分的時候,很明顯的,他只需要再投 個十來球就行了。" "The No. 1 thing he said after the game which impressed me was not that he scored 81 but that's what he thought he needed to do in order for his team to get the win." -- Detroit coach Flip Saunders 活塞隊總教練Flip Saunders: "令我印象最深刻的並不是他拿到81分,而是他賽後所說的話- 他覺得這就是他為了讓球隊贏球所該做的事。" -- 男生都喜歡女生乖巧清純不亂來 但是那是要對自己以外的男人 男生也喜歡女生又騷又嗲又愛玩 但這對象僅限於自己 在客廳像貴婦 在廚房是主婦 在臥室變蕩婦 這就是男人理想中的女性.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tco:辛苦了... 01/24 23:15
davintsai:推『這就是他為了讓球隊贏球所該做的事。』 01/24 23:17
bume:推推 L大的翻譯 果然還是比我好太多了 01/24 23:18
kaino1:Shaq...XD 01/24 23:19
smw:R大這裡還有...XD 01/24 23:21
RAGERACER:L大是誰-_-"a? 01/24 23:21
RAGERACER:smw這篇怎麼這麼長..-_- 等我去念完書再說.XD 01/24 23:22
smw:讓你賺P幣呀:) 01/24 23:23
bume:歹勢啦 打太快啦 R大別生氣啦~~~~ 01/24 23:23
RAGERACER:我還看了一下鍵盤..R跟L應該差很遠吧?XD 01/24 23:24
RAGERACER:我跟LakerSoul並不是同一個人.XD 01/24 23:24
allenwho:VC的回答有種微酸的感覺XD 01/24 23:24
xerophil:TMac那句話超好笑的 XD 01/24 23:25
bume:唉唷== ==+ 因為一看到翻譯第一個想到的都是LakerSoul 01/24 23:25
bume:畢竟aval大很少來這邊翻 而且R大你的文筆跟L大很像 01/24 23:26
RAGERACER:我也打錯ID了...Laker"s"Soul...XD 01/24 23:26
bume:哈哈 你的文筆這麼好 以後外電應該讓你來翻 01/24 23:28
RAGERACER:我的國文從小就很差,你不要想推卸責任=_=+ 01/24 23:29
Tectonics:VC真的有酸到,TMAC就還好 XD 01/24 23:31
mathteacher:推 01/24 23:31
u2gogowin:推一個..@@ 01/24 23:32
bume:這是包皮說的 If he shot every time down the floor 01/24 23:35
Cephas:其實Carter也還好 他是說唯一的壞處 唯一 01/24 23:36
redmilk:推T-Mac 頗幽默的:p 01/24 23:36
bume:是指老大在任何地方都能跳投得分嗎?? 01/24 23:36
RAGERACER:應該是說他每次拿到球都出手吧. 01/24 23:45
nuclear:好喜歡Tmac的回答 01/24 23:47
nuclear:板主可以m這篇嗎~"~ 01/24 23:48
bume:嗯嗯 我漏看了前面的一句話 難怪我覺得怪怪的 謝啦 01/25 00:09
RAGERACER:你要翻我就不翻了.@_@ 01/25 00:16
smw:R大...第二頁還有呦...XD 01/25 00:18
bume:我沒有要翻阿 我只是看看而已 順便問一下 加油 好好翻/..XD 01/25 00:19
RAGERACER:................................. 01/25 00:20
clenny:RAGERACER多謝你的熱心 加油 XD 01/25 00:22
smw:我看大家回去都會先玩NBA LIVE看有沒有辦法拿81分...XD 01/25 00:23
smw:我看完要睡覺了...R大你加油呦:) 01/25 00:25
bume:R大我先去打一場電動 等一下再回來看你精湛的翻譯..XDDD 01/25 00:27
RAGERACER:你....你們這群畜牲.....(吐血) 01/25 00:28
CVC:R大加油吧,晚安:) 01/25 00:39
abda:R大看你的了(拋媚眼) 01/25 00:47
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 15:49)