看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Miami Heat Coach Pat Riley: "Anybody who's got the kind of energy to try to hoist up (nearly) 70 shots is going to score a lot of point. It's remarkable, the execution and the efficiency, but we've got a lot of guys in this league, if they took 70 shots, they'd score a lot of points." Pat Riley: "如果有任何人可以有那種舉手投球七十次的精力,那麼他一定可以拿很多分。 這件事情(單場81分)最傑出的地方在於執行它的能力以及效率,聯盟裡有很多球員, 如果他們能夠出手七十次,那麼他們也能拿很多分。" "He might get 100. If you can get 81 . . . absolutely. He has the mentality to do that and conditioning. He's one of the best conditioned athletes in the world." "他也許能夠得一百分。如果你能拿到八十一分的話...很明顯的,他有那種意志及訓練 去做到。他是全世界訓練最為良好的運動員之一。" Tex Winter, Ex-Assistant: "It was quite an exhibition. It's what the fans love. I don't think you can win a championship playing that way and so, consequently, I would be concerned about that. But it was a great victory and I don't want to take anything away from Kobe because it was one of the greatest I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of exhibitions." Tex Winter: "這就像是徹底展示了KOBE的能力,而這就是球迷最愛看到的。我並不認為這樣的打法 能夠贏得冠軍,絕對不可能,這就是我所擔心的。但這是個偉大的勝利,而我並不願 意去潑KOBE冷水,因為這是我所見過最偉大的比賽裡的其中一場,而KOBE這樣的瘋狂 的表現我看了不少次了。" Indiana Pacers Coach, Rick Carlisle: "I don't feel so bad about the 45 he got on us now." Rick Carlisle: "之前他對到溜馬時攻下45分,我現在一點也不覺得難過。" Golden State Warriors Coach, Mike Montgomery: "I wish we had King Kong (to guard him). Anything we can do, we'll do." Mike Montgomery: "我希望我們能有金剛來防守他。任何能守住他的方法,我們都會去嘗試。" Hubie Brown, Analyst: "For Kobe Bryant to do this as a guard, it is a testimony to his athletic ability, incredible endurance." Hubie Brown: "以Kobe身為一個後衛的狀況來說,這就表現了他的運動能力,難以至信的耐久力。" Utah Jazz Coach, Jerry Sloan: "Kobe brought his team back from a big deficit to win the game, so you like to see that. That means quite a bit more than getting points with no competition." Jerry Sloan: "Kobe把他的隊伍從一個巨大的逆境中拯救出來,並且贏得了比賽,所以你才愛看。 這比沒有競爭的得分有意義多了。" Celtics Coach, Doc Rivers: "What was lost in all of that was that he got it going when they were down by 18 points. The other amazing part was that he didn't get tired at the end." Doc Rivers: "大家都遺忘掉的部份是Kobe從湖人落後十八分才開始發飆。另一個令人咋舌的部分是 他比賽結束後竟然不覺得累。" Detroit Pistons Coach, Flip Saunders: "I think the most amazing thing about Kobe scoring 81 is about how easy he made it look. It's not like he made a lot of difficult shots. A lot of the shots he took were like open shots." Flip Saunders: "我想Kobe單場得八十一分裡最令人驚訝的,是他讓這件事情看起來有多容易。他並沒有 做很多高難度的出手,他在這場比賽裡的很多出手都看起來是大空檔。" Atlanta Hawks Coach, Mike Woodson: "It was just a special, special night. And I'm sure Kobe felt that way. Because 81 points is, well, 81 points, and I don't care how you cut it up. It's amazing." Mike Woodson: "這是一個很特別,很特別的夜晚。我確定Kobe也這樣認為。因為八十一分..嗯..八十一 分...我不會在意你們怎麼覺得,這真是太屌了。" Orlando Coach, Brian Hill: "Forget about 81 points. To be able to get up that many shots and still play defense at the other end of the floor, that's a pretty incredible physical accomplishment." Brian Hill: "先忘了那八十一分。要做出那麼多次的出手以及仍然能夠在球場的另一端執行防守, 那還真是一個體能上令人難以致信的成就。" Hornets Coach Byron Scott: "I think Wilt's record is pretty safe unless a player like Kobe goes into four or five overtimes. I think this is the closest you'll see anybody get to it." Byron Scott: "我想張伯倫的記錄應該是很安全的,除非有像Kobe這樣的球員打了四五次的延長賽。 我想這就是你所能看到最接近張伯倫的記錄。" -- 歷史性的一刻 2006 01/22 PLAYERS POS MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A O D T AST PF ST TO BLK PTS K. Bryant G 41:56 28-46 7-13 18-21 2 4 6 2 1 3 3 1 81 下半場 神戶隊 VS 暴龍隊 55-41 肯德基爺爺說:我沒看過80分的比賽,但是今天我看到了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jerrett:推 R大速度之快 ...佩服佩服... 01/25 01:31
bume:推推 R大翻譯的又讚又快 以後我都把外電寄到你信箱好了 XDD 01/25 01:32
a200ea200e:速度真是快阿 01/25 01:33
bume:不要再這樣出來獻醜了 逃~~~~~~~~~~~\("▔□▔)/ 01/25 01:33
mathteacher: 推 01/25 01:34
LakersSoul:還有一票球員的吶,加油加油! :P 01/25 01:42
OLDdaughter:喔喔喔喔 太棒了 我期待了!!!!! 好文必推阿!!!!! 01/25 01:46
dpogcnn:"這真是太屌了"翻的很讚XDDD 01/25 01:46
misakiling:史考特 你確定這是最接近嗎 我怎麼感覺他可以攻下90分 01/25 03:00
jnco:辛苦啦! 01/25 03:59
flyintmtc:大推,翻的好阿~!! 01/25 09:18
smw:R大好棒呦...給你拍拍手:)........(((啪啪啪啪啪啪啪))) 01/25 09:25
u2gogowin:推R大也推B大:) 01/25 09:36
amonway:推...史隆居然稱讚Kobe!!難得難得.. 01/25 12:05
CVC:問個問題,為何Pat Riley一直談70 shots?+free throw?? 01/25 12:14
RAGERACER:aval版大那篇有比較易懂的翻譯 01/25 12:25
smw:其實Riley講的也沒錯,只是做不做的到那就是另一回事了 01/25 12:59
Ljj:暴龍教練:............................. 01/25 13:45
CGary:因為油頭大概對於他們隊伍的體能訓練不滿吧?:p 01/25 15:20
CGary:油頭:(鞭子抽) 給我練球, 看看人家這樣出手都還不累,你們這 01/25 15:20
CGary:些廢柴..... 01/25 15:21
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 15:50)