看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Celtics Great Larry Bird: "That's wild. That is really wild. That's a lot of points, I'm telling you. There's no question how good he is, but when you start throwing numbers around like that, it's unbelievable. It would be hard to believe if you didn't know it was true." Larry Bird: "這真是誇張。真的有夠誇張。我告訴你,八十一分是很多分耶。他到底有多好,早已 沒有疑問了,但是當你開始得那麼多分的時候,那真是令人難以致信。 如果你不知道那是真的,那還真難去相信這事兒是真的。" Lakers Great, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: "Kobe's range is unreal, and he does it his way. It was a real treat. His ability to shoot from long range and also attack the hoop, split the defense and get in close for opportunities near the basket is unique. He's made a niche for himself, and he deserves it." Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: "Kobe的得分極限是不存在的,他是用他自己的方式去證明。這是真的,他的長距離投射 能力,帶球切入攻擊籃框,撕裂防守陣勢,接近籃框尋找出手機會的能力是獨一無二的 。他為他自己在歷史上建立了地位,而這也是他應得的。" Bulls Great Scottie Pippen: "It's superb, definitely. Something that is new to me, that is shocking. I got the news last night about 3 in the morning, and I don't think I even went back to bed." "毫無疑問的,這件事是很炫的。我很震驚,因為這對我而言是個新的經歷。我昨晚凌晨 三點才接到消息,而我也被嚇到根本沒再滾回去睡回籠覺。" Detroit Pistons President of Basketball Operations, Joe Dumars: "I think it is an awesome feat what Kobe did the other night, and I tip my hat to him. The one word that comes to mind when I think about what he accomplished is SPECIAL." Joe Dumars: "我認為Kobe那晚所做的事情,是件令人敬畏的事蹟。而我對他脫帽致敬。當他完成這件 偉大的事蹟時,我只想到一個字-SPECIAL。" George Gervin: "To compare it to anybody would be useless. He set himself apart from everyone else. Everyone looks for another Michael Jordan, and there probably won't be one. What Kobe did was establish himself as one of the greatest scorers of all time at an early age. He's a phenom. I'm a believer, man. Now we've got to sit back and wait and see if anyone scores 82." George Gervin: "把這件事跟任何人去相比都是沒有意義的。他讓他自己從其他球員之中脫離了。 每個人都想要尋找下一個Michael Jordan,或許永遠都可能找不到。 Kobe所做出的表現已經讓他成為史上最偉大的得分手的其中之一。 他是個傑出的球員,而我是他的信徒。 現在我們可以坐下,然後等待看有沒有人能單場拿八十二分。" Elgin Baylor: "Scoring 81 points is a truly amazing accomplishment. Of course, the most important thing is that his effort contributed to a victory for his team." Elgin Baylor: "單場八十一分是個很神奇的成就。當然,最重要的是經由他的努力,他供獻了一場勝利 給湖人。" Mavs GM, Mark Cuban: "It's amazing. Beyond amazing. He's on another level from any other player at this point. It's like he is toying with teams. If you push up on him, he just takes two steps back and shoots from further out. I hope the NBA adjusts its TV schedule so we all can see him play more. It would be fun to watch and fun to debate how far a one-man show can drag four other players in a team sport." Mark Cuban: "這真是驚人,超乎想像。現階段的他完全處在另外一個等級,就好像他在戲弄其他球隊 一樣。如果你想推他出去,他就會後退兩步從更遠的地方投籃。 我希望NBA官方能調整一下節目表,讓我們能看更多場他的比賽。 那是很有趣的,無論是去看或是爭論在一個團體的運動裡,一個one-man show究竟可以 帶著其他四個隊友走多遠。" Atlanta Hawks Radio Analyst, Dennis Scott: "The most points I ever scored was 65 in the Urban Coalition summer league in D.C.. I had something like 16 3-pointers, and I'm telling you, I was dead tired when it was over. I saw the highlights of Kobe, and he looked like he could have played another game." Dennis Scott: "我單場最多得分是在Urban Coalition夏季聯盟時得了六十五分..我投進了十六顆三分球 ,我告訴你啊....比賽打完時我累到快掛了。 我看了那些Kobe的精彩鏡頭,他看起來卻像還可以再打一場。" Orlando Magic Assistant GM, Otis Smith: "Whether you like him or dislike him, Kobe is a special player. He has the killer instinct in him that a lot of the talented players don't have. When he smells blood, he goes for the jugular. That's a (Michael) Jordan-like quality." Otis Smith: "不管你喜不喜歡他,Kobe是個特別的球員。他有著殺手的特質,那種特質是其他很多有 天份的球員所沒有的。當他聞到血的味道,他就會衝上去咬斷你的頸動脈,那就是一種 類似Jordan的特質。" Jerry West: "I don't know if anyone could have stopped him last night. It's so senseless to me to say he shouldn't take over like that. You give the same amount of shots to everybody else and they're not making that many, I know it. Players are jealous of greatness. Kobe is a unique talent and a unique person. His belief that he can jump to the moon is never going to change. But I admire him, what he's been able to overcome. You would think he would be a fair-haired man of the NBA with what's he's already done. But he's taken a fairly good battering." Jerry West: "我不知道是否有人能在昨晚把他守住。對我來說,說他不應該如此的接管比賽真是太愚 蠢了。你可以給其他球員同樣的出手次數,但他們將不會投進那麼多球,我就是知道。 球員對於偉大的表現是嫉妒的。Kobe有著獨一無二的天分,是個獨特的人。 他對於他能夠跳上月球的信念永遠都不會改變(XD)。 我欽佩他,對於那些他曾經克服過的障礙。 對於他過往的表現,你或許會覺得他只是一個被NBA官方捧起來的球員,但他用他的表現 打擊那些傳聞。" Ex-Bull and now-Analyst Steve Kerr: "I'm always one to credit the guys who win. I don't know if I would have given Kobe the M.V.P. last week. But what he did in the game last night, he's so clearly the best player out there." Steve Kerr: "我總是相信那些贏得比賽的人。上個禮拜我不知道我會不會在MVP票選時投給Kobe。 但就他昨晚所幹的事,他很明顯的是那場比賽中的最佳球員。" Richie Guerin, played in 100 pt game: "I thought the game in the second half was set up to try to have Wilt score as many points as he could. And I told Wilt this personally. Kobe's, I think is a little more special because of his size and he played in a game that was significant and meaningful. Taking nothing away from Wilt. . . . If you play a game a normal way, I think it's just about impossible to score that many points." Roche Guerin - 曾經打過那場單場一百分比賽的人 : "我想那時下半場的比賽是為了讓張伯倫可以能拿幾分就拿幾分。我曾經跟張伯倫私底下 聊過(跟死人聊天??)。Kobe不同於張伯倫的地方在於他的身材並不高大,而這場比賽是 有意義且正常的比賽。雖然這不影響張伯倫單場一百分記錄的價值..如果你照平常的方 法打球,我想張伯倫也不可能去拿那麼多分。" -- 台灣籃球史上最強陣容 - C:你走步阿伯 PF:你阻擋阿伯 SF:我哪有犯規阿伯 SG:這球你碰出界阿伯 PG:明明我們的球阿伯 替補:姿勢超醜卻勾射百發百中阿伯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
baigyatsh:kobe版有些別人講的話 01/25 02:32
dan0206:冰人真是中肯啊 01/25 02:34
dpogcnn:推George Gervin 01/25 02:39
dpogcnn:靠 庫本說的好阿 是應該多轉撥一點>"< 01/25 02:40
taicomjp:推Mark Cuban 01/25 02:42
IsaiahRider:push 01/25 02:52
KOBEisBRYANT:Cuban最後那句還蠻酸的(不過本季還會對上小牛吧!) 01/25 02:53
dpogcnn:對阿 所以只推庫本說的應該多轉撥 後面說的就..不怕老大 01/25 03:05
dpogcnn:報復嗎 01/25 03:05
AirChicken:呵呵~Mark Cuban話中有話喔 01/25 03:16
RAGERACER:受不了了....先睡再說.>< 其他的明天再補. 01/25 03:28
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 03:34)
deyugo:Steve Kerr最後應該是說他是聯盟中的最佳球員的意思 01/25 05:12
deyugo:要把票投給他(在Yahoo看到他也這樣說) XDD 01/25 05:12
ToBeGentle:我要推Otis Smith 01/25 09:05
smw:R大好棒呦...給你拍拍手:)........(((啪啪啪啪啪啪啪))) 01/25 09:06
flyintmtc:R大辛苦了~! 01/25 09:25
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 10:29)
Phancy:跟死人聊天......-___- 01/25 10:33
bestrick:頸動脈@@ 01/25 11:08
honda:Guerin是指Wilt那場的下半場是為了讓Wilt多拿分 01/25 11:30
honda:但kobe那場則是有意義的正常比賽,意指kobe更難更厲害 01/25 11:32
RAGERACER:Ooops,看錯.多謝指正. 01/25 11:35
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 11:40)
bume:起床看了再來推~~~ 01/25 12:57
u2gogowin:推推推,Kerr要記得投喔..:) 01/25 14:38
adslcheap:I told Wilt this personally應該是指100 pt game時期 01/26 00:21
adslcheap:而不是跟他討論KOBE吧? 死人聊天太誇張了 XD 01/26 00:22
GTFX:簽名檔超好笑...XD 01/26 14:47