看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Miami Heat G, Dwyane Wade: "Everybody was calling. Everybody called every player in the league." "Not at all." - If he thought 80 points was possible "Give him overtime and he might have got there. Now, it's possible." - On the all-time record "Maybe if I go home and play my video game I'll hit 80." - If he can make a run at Kobe Dwyane Wade: "大家都在談論這件事。聯盟裡的每個人都在講。" "完全不可能 - 當他被問到以前覺不覺得有人可以單場拿八十分。" "讓他打延長賽,那麼或許他能夠達到單場一百分。現在,這件事是可能的。" "也許我回家打電動時我可以拿到八十分 - 當他被問到是否可在Kobe面前拿下八十分。" Miami Heat F, Antoine Walker: "I think with the 81 now, no other team or other players will let that happen. Now guys will foul out trying to stop him from doing that. If someone gets 81 on me, I'm going to clothesline him." On Shaq: "He told us to get him 50 shots." Antoine Walker: "我想有了那單場八十一分的記錄之後,沒有任何一隻球隊或是球員會再讓它發生。 現在至少會用犯規來阻止他。如果有人想在我頭上拿八十一分,我會死命的擒抱他。 Shaq說:下一場讓他投個五十球試試。" New Jersey Nets PG, Jason Kidd: "How many minutes did he play, 42? If he had an overtime game, maybe (100 would be possible)" Jason Kidd: "他到底打了幾分鐘,四十二分鐘?那麼如果他去比一場有延長賽的比賽,那...." New Jersey Nets F, Vince Carter: "It is great for the league, for him, just because of the buzz it has created. The only bad thing about it is younger kids, whose minds are easily warped, are going to think, 'Ohhh! I am going to go out there and do it' instead of the team concept first. That is what is missing, guys understanding how to play as a team. They [the NBA] want scoring, they want ratings, you are going to get that. You are definitely going to get them now with the amount of 50-60-point games . . . I just hope kids and young guys understand that yeah, special guys can do that. But . . ." Vince Carter: "這對聯盟來講是很棒的,對他也是。因為那些接下來關於這件事的談論。這件事對於那 些年輕,心智容易被扭曲的孩子們唯一的壞處就是-他們將會去想, 喔!!我也要上場去嘗試同樣的事情。而不是將球隊擺在第一位,那就是近年來的球賽中 所被遺忘的事,該怎麼用團隊的方式打球。 NBA官方想要的是得分,評比,那些你將會得到的東西。接下來你絕對會看到那些單場得 個五六十分的比賽.....我只是希望孩子們跟年輕人能夠了解,有些特殊的人可以做到那 些事情,但是......." Detroit PG, Chauncey Billups: "If you have it going, you're supposed to keep it going. ... Unbelievable." Chauncey Billups: "如果你手感發燙,那麼你就應該繼續投下去。....難以致信。" Cavs Guard, Eric Snow: "Hats off, he's the best. It's hard to get 50 in a game. He did it in a half. It takes a tough player who works really hard. I think he's one of the best ever." Eric Snow: "脫帽致敬,他是最屌的。單場得五十分已經很難了,他半場就得了超過五十分。那是一 個認真的強者。我想他是那些偉大的球員之一。" Celtics Ricky Davis: "That was a great game. It surprises you, but the guy was hitting shot after shot." Ricky Davis: "那是場很棒的比賽。那會讓你驚訝,但那個人就是一直投一直進一直投一直進..." Celtics Forward, Paul Pierce: "It's impressive,. He's probably playing the best basketball of anyone in the NBA right now. When you're taking jump shots, you're going to get more tired. Wilt got all layups. With the athletes that are in the game today, no, it wouldn't happen. You would have to put more minutes on the clock. Well, maybe Kobe could do it. If he shot every time down the floor." " Paul Pierce: "那是令人印象深刻的比賽,他的球技或許比現在聯盟裡的所有球員都還要好。當你投越 多球,你會覺得越累。張伯倫當時都是上籃,如果是跟現代的球員比賽,不可能會發生 這種事。你將會需要花更多的時間。好吧,或許Kobe真能做到,如果他上場時接到每一 球都出手。" 76ers Guard, Andre Iguodala: "How does the other team let him get that many points? Once a guy gets 50 points, you double him every time down the court. They weren't doing a good job of trying to keep the ball out of his hands so I was actually rooting for him. Andre Iguodala: "為什麼那個球隊讓他得那麼多分?如果有人拿了五十分,當他在場上時你會每一球都包夾 他。他們並沒有做好防守讓球遠離Kobe的手...所以我其實是在幫Kobe加油。" Chicago Bulls G, Ben Gordon: "That should put all the questions to rest who's the most talented and who's the, you know, best offensive player in the league. You know if he would've had a decent first half, he might've got 100 points last night. I mean if anybody can go out there and score 25 points a quarter I would definetly say it's Kobe." Ben Gordon: "所有的疑問都可以平息了,到底誰是聯盟中最有天份及最好的得分球員。你要知道如果 上半場他打的像樣一點,他昨晚大概就能拿到單場一百分了。 如果要說那位球員能夠上場一節就轟下二十五分,我絕對會說是-Kobe Bryant。" Chicago Bulls G, Chris Duhon: "I'm just amazed he got up 46 shots. That's like, uh, five games worth for me. After eight shots I'm already having to ice my elbow. You know, 46, that's just amazing on it's own." Chris Duhon: "我只是很驚訝於他竟然能夠出手四十六次。那就好像是..呃..等同於我打了五場比賽。 我投了八球就需要冰敷我的手肘了。四十六次...就已經夠屌的了。" Chicago Bulls F/C, Tyson Chandler: "We're witnessing greatness right now. We need to understand that. (asked: "Is he the best of the best?") Yeah, definetly." Tyson Chandler: "我們正目賭了史上偉大的比賽之一。我們必須要了解,他絕對是萬中選一的球員。" Phoenix Suns F, Shawn Marion: "Is that for real? You know. That's what people will probably go around saying today. Did he really have 81 points? Is that possible?" "這是真的嗎?-這將會是大家今天到每個地方所說的話。他真的拿了八十一分?甘無摳零?" Miami Heat Center Shaquille O'Neal: Declined to comment.. Shaquille O'neal: "謝謝指教,一切依法辦理。" Mavs Guard, Darrell Armstrong: "Imagine if our game had been close. " Darrell Armstrong: "想想我們之前那場比賽要是比數接近一點..." Mavs Guard, Jerry Stackhouse: "How many times did he get to the line? You'd think the Super Bowl would lead 'SportsCenter' tonight. But you know it won't. It can't. Kobe will. He has to." Jerry Stackhouse: "他到底上了罰球線幾次?你或許會想超級盃大概是今晚世界體育中心的標題。但....你也 知道,那將不會發生。那不行,但Kobe可以。他必須上頭條。" Mavs Forward, Dirk Nowitzki (on if he could get 81): "I don't think that would be good from a team standpoint." Dirk Nowitzki: "以球隊的立場來看,我不認為那是件好事。" Mavs Forward, Keith Van Horn: "How many assists?. He didn't have any against us." Keith Van Horn: "他助攻了幾次?之前他對我們得六十二分的時候一次助攻也沒。" Mavs Guard, Devin Harris: "He took 47 shots?" Devin Harris: "他出手四十七次?" Atlanta Hawks Captain, Joe Johnson: "With Kobe, he takes shots that look bad, but they're not bad shots for him. He was on fire. On fire." Joe Johnson: "Kobe常常投一些看起來很勉強的球,但其實對他來說一點也不勉強。 他的手燙的很,燙的不得了。" Orlando Magic Guard, Keyon Dooling: "It's not just a buzz about Kobe, it's a holler. That guy is incredible. That's why he's the best player in the league." Keyon Dooling: "這不是個Kobe的碎碎念,而是個宣告。那個人真是太誇張了,而這也是為什麼他是聯 盟中的最佳球員。" Orlando Guard/Forward, Grant Hill: "I guess they say records are made to be broken. You wouldn't think it could be done, but if anybody could I guess it would be Kobe. It's just incredible. There's not much really you can say. Wow." Grant Hill: "我想大家都說記錄就是記來給人打破用的。但你不會想過那真的可以達成,如果要我猜 誰可以做到,那一定是Kobe。太屌了,沒什麼可以說的,就是Wow~屌~" Hornets Guard Kirk Snyder: "I heard about it after I had finished hanging out with David West, and he called me and said that Kobe had scored 81. My first thought was is that I'm in the NBA with probably one of the best players ever to play in the NBA." Kirk Snyder: "當我和David West閒混完之後才聽到消息,而David West打電話給我跟我說Kobe得了八 十一分。我第一個想法是..我正在NBA裡跟一個可能是有史以來的最佳球員一起打球。" Hornets Guard J.R. Smith: "The first thing that came to my mind when I heard about what Kobe did was the amount of shots he go. If anybody's going to score, it's Kobe. He can take as many shots as he wants, and nobody says nothing. Of course when you take 46 shots you are going to score, but he's good enough to make more than half of them. He's good enough to take good shots, and he just had one of those nights." J.R. Smith: "當我聽到Kobe作出什麼事情後,第一件我想到的事情是-他投了多少球。如果有任何人 最想在比賽中得分,那一定是Kobe。他可以有無限開火權,而且沒有人會說話。 如果你可以出手四十六次,那麼你當然可以得不少分,但Kobe就是有那麼好,可以有 比五成還要多的命中率。他就是可以找到那些空檔投籃,而他剛好在那一晚有個機會做 到。" New Jersey Nets F, Richard Jefferson: "He's the first person to ever get to 80 (since Chamberlain's 100). Is 100 doable? You'd probably have a better chance of winning the lottery but there's always a chance.'' Richard Jefferson: "他是自張伯倫之後第一個可以拿到八十分以上的球員。一百分到底可不可能?中大樂透 搞不好還比較可能,但...事情沒有不可能。" Tmac: "I'm still in awe of what that kid did,It was just a hell of a performance for him to shoot the ball only 46 times to score 81 points. But not just to be able to shoot it 46 times, but to shoot it 46 times and hit well over 50 percent. There are nights I'm in the 30s of shots taken and I've been fatigued.To take 46 and 20 free throws and end up with 81 points, I didn't believe it." T-mac: "我對那小子所幹的事情感到敬畏,他可以只出手四十六次就拿到八十一分,那還真是見 鬼了。不只是出手四十六次,還有用超過五成的命中率轟進。要是我出手三十幾次,我 早累死了。出手四十六次還要罰二十球,最後總共拿八十一分,我不信啊啊啊啊 ~" "We were on the bus and Luther ( Head) yelled out, 'Kobe's got 70-something and there's four minutes left.' I said, 'Luther, stop lying.' I hurried up and got my key and went to my room and called one of my boys to put on the game and Kobe was at the free throw line with 79 points. I said, 'Are you serious?' I don't think I could score that many in a video game." "那時我們還在坐巴士,Luther Head在那邊鬼叫說Kobe拿了七十幾分,而且比賽還有四分 鐘。我叫他不要在那邊豪洨了,當我衝到櫃台拿了房間鑰匙直衝房間,我打電話給我其 中一個正在看比賽的好兄弟,那時Kobe正在罰球線上,而他已經拿了七十九分。靠 ~ 這是真的?我想我打電動都拿不了那麼多分。" "I talked to Mike ( James) after the game," McGrady said. "He said they didn't double team him - not one time. You would think after he hit 40, send two or three guys at him. When he hit 50? When he got 70? What are you doing: playing him one-on-one?"" "賽後我跟Mike James有聊過,他說暴龍並沒有對Kobe包夾,一次也沒有。當他拿了四十 分的時候就該包夾甚至三夾了,還等到他拿到五十分?拿到七十分?那你們到底在幹嘛? 跟Kobe玩一對一鬥牛嗎?" 終於翻完了.-_- KOBE版上有Brucep版友翻譯的版本, 大家也可以去看看. -- 我還沒說完吶~~ 幹!回家了啦!別在這裡丟人現眼了 \ / ○ ︵ \○╱/| . . ﹎ ﹍﹍ ╱ ̄﹚╱> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Phancy:如果沒有最後一段的"翻完了"三個字,配合簽名檔還滿有趣的:P 01/25 10:21
Phancy:窩齁~ 原來我是頭推XD 01/25 10:21
brucep:拜一下 你的完整多了 我只是昨天晚上腦袋發熱卯起來翻 XD 01/25 10:25
dickboy:應該把最後一段刪掉 XD 真的頗好笑.. 01/25 10:25
ws1204:小牛隊的還真酸阿 01/25 10:27
byto:泛紅 葡萄真酸啊~~ 01/25 10:28
Phancy:我記得Dirk上次被拿62分後也挺酸的...= = 01/25 10:28
kobeslaker:推Duhon XD 01/25 10:29
RAGERACER:我有補一點在退休球員那邊.. 01/25 10:30
tonykathlean:推一個!~~~有些地方翻的真是太棒了~~~~~~ 01/25 10:30
Phancy:很多球星都說Kobe得81分太輕鬆...因為在NBA投籃也是很累的 01/25 10:30
Phancy:這種防守強度下還能這樣搞,Kobe自我要求果然高...... 01/25 10:30
mahjm821027:德佬看起來真的很不欣賞KOBE,真的是水火不容啊 01/25 10:31
u2gogowin:哈哈..推一個..還沒看過球賽(再等BT)..沒有包夾@@? 01/25 10:34
JFCC:當然不欣賞阿 每次對到 都敗Orz 01/25 10:35
pun:翻譯真的太屌了啦!!有夠傳神的~~ 01/25 10:38
smw:小牛大概聽到KOBE的名字斜線就出來了... 01/25 10:38
loioi:謝謝指教 01/25 10:45
IsaiahRider:kvh還真是標準鄉民說法 01/25 10:53
smallandy:Cuban:幹 司機你安靜點啦 2月我們還要對上湖人耶!! 01/25 10:54
smallandy:根據一個月一次的魔咒 剛好2月會有一次浩劫 01/25 10:55
danieljaw:Nowitzki也是得分型球員吧?怪 說Kobe獨那是在罵自己?? 01/25 11:00
bestrick:司機真酸~ 01/25 11:05
Acehole:小牛隊....................XD 01/25 11:25
wang3181:Shaquille O'Neal: Declined to comment.... 01/25 11:34
breath35:司機說法的前提是「在他自己得81分的情況下~」請看原文 01/25 11:52
breath35:不過還是很酸。從明嘲變成暗諷。 01/25 11:53
adobeteru:一下就看出來誰有品了XDDDDDD 01/25 11:59
approx:甘無摳零 這個我喜歡 01/25 12:14
CVC:Shaq那段我笑了XD 01/25 12:18
ignisfatuus:小牛好酸 哈哈 01/25 12:26
bigheadgod:難免要酸的...因為"kobe"牛排已經養大湖人迷的胃... 01/25 12:29
Carmelo3:死代課老師還不錯啦 01/25 12:34
sSephiroth:同樣是球隊指標人物VC Kidd T'mac有風度多了... 01/25 12:52
bume:推推~~~~~~~ 01/25 13:00
daniel08:司機當然很酸 kobe得高分 對小牛隊不是件好事 01/25 13:01
kobesec:司機別酸啦~酸Kobe的都沒什麼好下場... 01/25 13:11
CVC:VC也很酸阿,他大概已經淡忘在多倫多的那段時光 01/25 13:40
iorichou:Mavs Forward, Dirk Nowitzki (on if he could get 81) 01/25 14:17
iorichou:他是說自己吧?? 01/25 14:17
Nvil:XDDDDDDD 大推 且翻的很好 最喜歡Tmac那段XDDD 01/25 14:24
iorichou:雖然還是有點酸啦.... 01/25 14:25
misakiling:1我不想說范洪啦 但是布萊恩一個人拿62分比你小牛全隊 01/25 14:41
misakiling:還高 有需要傳什麼助攻嗎 01/25 14:43
Hikaruniwa:范洪比較扯的是常助功給敵隊..... 01/25 14:56
nicholas8855:van horn是怎樣 超不爽他的 甘 01/25 15:15
spawn:踢賣可真的很寶ㄟ 哈哈哈 01/25 15:24
nuclear:這篇看起來Vince就沒那麼酸耶 01/25 15:48
smw:大家別對小牛的言論太認真...畢竟他們苦很久了^^" 01/25 15:48
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 15:52)
clenny:Darrell Armstrong意思應該是如果62分那場比數很接近的話.. 01/25 19:21
FIREDEATH: clothesline XD wwe看太多了XD 01/25 22:33
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 22:37) ※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (01/25 22:38)
allenwho:T妹真是太幽默了XD 01/25 23:11