看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=hill/070326&sportCat=nba 裡面有作者的照片 20-30歲黑人女性 Putting Kobe in perspective By Jemele Hill Page 2 Kobe Bryant is better than Michael Jordan. Not more successful. Hasn't had a bigger economic impact. Hasn't won more MVPs. Hasn't won more titles. But he's a better player. KB比MJ優秀。 不是比較成功。 不是帶來的商業價值比較大。 不是贏得較多的MVP。 不是贏得較多的冠軍 但是他是一個比較優秀的球員。 Kobe can do everything Michael did, and even a few things Michael couldn't do. Kobe is just as good a defender. His killer instinct is just as pronounced. He can shoot, finish and explode. And just like Jordan, the more he's pissed off, the more unstoppable he is. At the very least, Kobe's scoring spree over the last week should put to rest a ny lingering doubts that he's the best player in the NBA. Yes, better than Stev e Nash, who is the best point guard, but not the lethal force that Kobe is. Yes , better than Dwyane Wade, who is certainly closer to the Kobe-Jordan level tha n LeBron James, but D-Wade's game is not as polished as Kobe's. Kobe's streak of four straight 50-points-plus games is something none of those players can do, and it's something that hasn't been done since Wilt Chamberlain , who had an NBA-record seven straight 50-point games. Truthfully, Kobe should have tacked another 50 on Golden State on Sunday night. KB可以做到任何MJ可以做到的事情,甚至一些MJ自己無法做到的。 KB身為一個防守者一樣頂尖。他的殺手本能一樣眾所皆知。他可以投籃得分、平一己之力 結束比賽,或是大爆發瘋狂取分。另外和MJ一樣的,他越生氣,他就越無法被阻擋。 至少,KB上一個禮拜的得分潮應該可以解除任何對於他是現今NBA最優秀球員的疑慮。是 的,比Nash優秀,當今最佳控球後衛也不具有有KB的破壞力。是的,甚是比Wade優秀,當 今最接近(比LB大帝還接近)MJ-KB領域的球員也不具有KB熟練的技巧。 KB連4場50+分的紀錄是其他球員沒有辦法辦到的,一個至張大帥以來(連續7場)都沒有 任何球員可以半到的。說實話,週日晚上為勇士的比賽KB本來應該至少得50分以上的。 Of course, the idea that Kobe is better than Jordan -- or even the best player in this league -- is as repugnant to some folks as a rectal exam. Even though K obe has proven himself under pressure countless times, he gets the A-Rod treatm ent. Kobe can't please anyone. And it doesn't help that most people suffer from revi sionist history when it comes to Jordan, forgetting that he was just as poor a teammate and a ball hog and that he ran off coach Doug Collins like Kobe ran of f Phil Jackson the first time. In fact, you could argue that Jordan was even worse. Far as we know, Kobe hasn' t jacked up any of his teammates the way Jordan punched out Steve Kerr and Will Perdue at practice. 當然,光是KB比MJ優秀,甚至是聯盟最優秀球員的這個想法,對於一些人來說和直腸檢查 一樣的感到反感。儘管KB已經無數次的在壓力極大的情況中證明自己的實力,但是他仍然 得到了A-Rod式的待遇。 KB無法滿足任何人。更別提許多人仍然生活於Jordan的光輝年代裡,下意識的忽略MJ自己 同樣的不是一位好隊友,同樣的黏球,甚至像KB把PJ趕走一樣把教練Collins也趕走。 妳甚至可以講說MJ這方面更糟。到目前為止,並沒有任何報導說KB有像MJ在練習的時候揍 了Kerr 和 Perdue一樣的暴力行為。 Kobe will never be forgiven for Shaq's departure, but you're delusional if you think Jordan wouldn't have had any ego issues playing alongside a player with S haq's star power. The best-player argument shouldn't be determined by personal dislike. But if yo u want to take it there, fine. Jordan was hardly the ideal husband, but only th e tabloids were brave enough to venture into his personal life. And what about those gambling issues? If Jordan's life had been covered like Kobe's, we would have an entirely different opinion of His Airness. Besides a different level of media scrutiny, there was definitely a difference in the level of competition during Jordan's heyday compared to now. KB永遠都無法擺脫SHAQ離開LA的責任,但妳一定是一個理想主義者如果妳認為MJ不會有同 樣的「老大問題」如果他和SHAQ一般超級巨星級同隊。 誰是最優秀的球員不應該牽扯到各人喜好。但是如果硬是要牽扯到球員的私人面,MJ和 模範老公絲毫無法沾上一點邊。膽敢緊盯著MJ的私生活的記者少之又少。還有那些賭博 問題呢?如果MJ的私人生活受到KB等級的狗仔待遇的話,我們對於喬丹大帝應該會有截 然不同的印象。 Yesterday's NBA player certainly was more fundamentally sound, but t here's no question that today's player is bigger, stronger and faster. When Jor dan played, he was a singular force that could not be equaled. Jordan was guard ed by the likes of John Starks and Joe Dumars, who were fine players but weren' t nearly as skilled or physically imposing as LeBron, D-Wade, Tracy McGrady or even Vince Carter. The NBA is tougher now. Kobe, like Michael, is surrounded with mediocre to below-average talent, and Ph oenix, Dallas and San Antonio are all better than the Utah, Portland and the Ch arles Barkley-led Phoenix team that Michael met in the NBA Finals. Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson and Patrick Ewing will be among the best center s ever, but none of them affected the league the way Shaq and Tim Duncan have. There are two two-time MVPs in Kobe's own conference (Duncan, Nash), which is a problem Jordan never faced during his championship runs. Seven-footers weren't launching 3s back then. Magic Johnson and the Lakers were on a downward spiral , and the Pistons were on their last legs. It was Michael and everyone else. Th at's not the case for Kobe. 之前的NBA球員個人基本能力比較純手,但是毫無疑問的當今的球員身材又高又壯而且速度 又快。MJ打球的時候他是獨一無二且無人可批敵的球員。MJ被Starks或Dumars之流的防守 ,都是好球員但是不具有JBK D-Wade, TMac 或VC等人的身材條件或是防守技巧。 NBA現在比較難混了。 如同MJ一樣,KB被平均水準以下的球員所輔佐。PHX DAL SAS都比當初MJ在NBA總冠軍賽所 遭遇的UTA POR 和巴爺所領軍的PHX都還要實力堅強。 歐拉珠旺,海軍上將,Ewing將會是有史以來最優秀的中鋒之一,但他們對球賽的影響力 都無法和SHAQ或TD相比。在KB的西區裡有兩位兩度MVP的主(TD NASH),而MJ在他的冠軍 之路上不曾有類似的遭遇。當年沒有七尺會是三分砲塔,魔術強森和當時的湖人正在走下 坡,活塞也正在使出最後吃奶的力氣。當時是MJ和其他人(的區別)。這不是目前KB所 面對的情形。 The shame of it is that Kobe might finish his career without a MVP, even though his ability can be compared only to that of Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain. All t his time we've been looking for a player who is better than Jordan, but most of us can't get beyond whether we like or dislike Kobe as a person to recognize h is contributions to the game. Ultimately the MVP award will go to either Nash or Dirk Nowitzki, who are deser ving this season, but neither are as good as Kobe. Dallas and Phoenix are stron g enough to make the playoffs without their stars. The Lakers, however, are a l ottery team without Kobe. Now that's a valuable player. 最諷刺的是,KB可能退休了都還無法得到一座MVP,儘管他的能力足以和MJ或張大帥相比 。這時間我們都在找一個比MJ還要優秀的球員,但是我們仍然拘泥於我們個人私底下喜不 喜歡KB本身而忽略了他對球賽本身的影響力和貢獻。 本季最終MVP還是會頒給DIRK或是NASH兩位符合人選之一,但兩位都沒有KB的那麼優秀。 DAL和PHX沒有當家球星都仍然足以進入季後賽。反觀LAL,如果沒有KB的話會是一支樂透 區的球隊。 這才就做有價值的球員。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
koge:頭推 04/02 13:45
chochofish:有些不太認同 轉去nba版會被狂幹 04/02 13:46
van2003:這在KOBE版被討論過了,滿主觀的意見,千萬別轉去NAB版 04/02 13:47
Kobe824:我比較好奇的是MJ揍人的詳情...有大大們知道嗎? 04/02 13:59
JuliusErving:中肯到一種雞掰的地步...! 04/02 14:02
RickymarU:MJ脾氣差 練習動怒也不是新聞 04/02 14:03
Kobe824:聽說Kobe練習時也曾氣到把水瓶踢飛過半場... 04/02 14:05
van2003:他和KERR起衝突好像是在練習時他對KERRㄧ直說垃圾話,搞到 04/02 14:08
van2003:KERR超不爽,和普度打架好像是MJ說他的球技侮辱了普度大學 04/02 14:10
van2003:叫大家以後不准叫他普度,喬丹脾氣差?好勝心太強是真的,他렠 04/02 14:12
van2003:根本不需要動怒,他的嘴巴就夠可怕了,和巴克利不同的是,他선 04/02 14:14
van2003:講話不帶髒字,卻充滿侮辱和挑釁的意味,KOBE後來也把的這招 04/02 14:16
van2003:垃圾話招式學起來,咍咍 04/02 14:19
ww3:Kobe得分能力比MJ強這無庸置疑啦..不過MJ的破壞力還是比Kobe強 04/02 14:29
ww3:光看MJ在命中率...抄截...籃板和助攻方面的績效...Kobe還有努 04/02 14:30
ww3:力空間..但如果純粹比得分目前Kobe大概是天下無敵了... 04/02 14:31
theowing:中肯 KB的得分手段和爆發力已經超越了MJ 04/02 14:41
originbook:雖然我是MJ迷 但是比得分 Kobe真的是天下無敵 04/02 15:26
LOJ:喬丹的朋友大概也只有老巴吧... 04/02 15:51
thindust:標準引戰文 最扯的一段就是小牛等隊比以前的爵士強.... 04/02 16:43
JackX:的確 MJ的私生活也沒好到哪 但卻沒人會拿他私生活來批判 04/02 17:22
JackX:這點 KB 受的待遇 實在不公平 04/02 17:23
van2003:地位的差距就是影響兩人的最大評價,看看去年KOBE的廣告就 04/02 17:45
van2003:知道,飽受人們極端的好惡對待,好的人說他早已超越喬丹,惡 04/02 17:46
van2003:的人覺得他連屁的不是,很難給予他中肯的評價,28歲的KOBE就 04/02 17:47
van2003:被說球技超越喬丹,對喬丹來說並不公平,不過KOBE受到不公平 04/02 17:50
van2003:待遇恐怕更多,從籃球金童變成聯盟N01,他的地位卻沒有如喬ꐠ 04/02 17:54
van2003:丹般躍升的趨勢,不過KOBE應該也算喬丹的朋友吧 04/02 17:56
NBASCIDM:等KOBE退休在拿來和MJ比較吧 04/02 18:11
young23:KB的得分能力比Jordan強無庸置疑?不可思議的說法 04/02 18:49
young23:10屆得分王 生涯平均超過30分 哪一個是KB可以達到的? 04/02 18:50
histidine:至少81分MJ做不到阿 04/02 18:54
young23:這篇應該轉至NBA版的 和NBA迷一起分享不是極好 04/02 18:56
young23:5次MVP? 10次得分王? 總冠軍賽6次MVP? 最佳防守球員 04/02 18:57
young23:抄截王? 搔搔頭 哪一個KB可以辦到阿? 04/02 18:58
kevincy:即使不轉錄也是有人要來酸 真是無聊 文章沒看嗎 時代背景 04/02 19:09
kevincy:進攻強度 防守者身材素質都與當年不同了 04/02 19:10
van2003:算啦,Y大的推文看看就好,不要太陷入比較意識 04/02 19:24
pett:KB得分能力很強..不過我看不出得分能力哪裡強過喬丹=.= 04/02 19:38
pett:三分球比較準倒是真的..以喬丹的體能作一些跳投動作更顯瀟灑꜠ 04/02 19:38
shyuanan1:這沒有OP嗎? 04/02 19:50
Keepgoing:推本篇! 辛苦翻譯了 也推2樓~ 04/02 22:54
ted0217:想要轉到NBA版的人就是想戰的人.. 04/02 23:24
dpogcnn:說真的別人隊版自high 垃圾就別來鬧 給別人一點空間 04/03 00:21
dpogcnn:你愛怎麼想你家的事 別人家的你管不著 知道了嗎? 滾吧 04/03 00:22
kery0129:老實說~這篇文真的是很有引戰的實力..... 04/03 01:19
poku1010:這種文 就算是湖人迷也未必能夠認同 太主觀了 04/03 17:09