看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 KobeBryant 看板] 作者: RAGERACER (暱稱打啥關你屌事) 看板: KobeBryant 標題: [閒聊] Jackson not hyperventilating over Bynum 時間: Wed Dec 26 15:12:54 2007 http://tinyurl.com/ytndxr 節錄: ------------------------- Jackson was bothered while watching tape of a recent game in which he heard broadcasters say Lakers fans should eventually get used to 20 points and 10 rebounds from Bynum every night. "That's way too much pressure to put on this guy," Jackson said. "Who knows when he's going to be 20 and 10? That's not even a mark that we have to start prepping our audience for." Phil爺爺在觀看之前比賽的錄影帶時,聽到主播說湖人迷以後應該會每晚看到Bynum 拿下20分10籃板的成績,這讓他感到困擾。 "這對於他來說是太沉重的壓力,天知道當他拿到平均20分10籃板是什麼時候?這甚至 不是我們為球迷所設定給他的標竿。" Bynum is playing better defense, and rebounding has been a strength, but Jackson wanted to reserve overall judgment on his improvement until later in the season. "If he grows as much as he did between the beginning of last year and the end of last year this season, we can be competitive and we actually think that we can go and compete in some playoff games," Jackson said. "We've still got a ways to go to see where he's going to be as far as his development." Bynum的防守有進步,鞏固籃板也有一手,但Phil爺爺希望可以等到球季再進行久一 點之後,再來評價他的進步。 "如果他能持續像去年及今年開季的成長,我們會變的更有競爭力且有能力贏得一些 季後賽。但我們還有一段路要走,看看他能進步到什麼程度。" Jackson wanted Bynum to keep working on his post moves, and he also drew the distinction between Bynum fighting for his own baskets as opposed to connecting on easy dunks off well-placed lobs from teammates. In the grander scheme, Jackson hopes Bynum, who also had 12 rebounds against the Suns, will keep a level head. Phil爺爺希望Bynum能持續練習他的低位單打,他也為Bynum的個人單打及與隊友配 合的簡單灌籃得分做了區分。 "In this situation, everything's been done to accelerate Andrew's learning," Jackson said. "From this organization bending over backward to accommodate him . . . we're hopeful that it doesn't change the way he acts as a person. We've had people that have not responded well because they're too young and too pampered. Hopefully, Andrew's going to be one of those guys that understands what the process is and grows into it." "以現在的狀況,所完成的每件事都會加速Bynum的學習。從湖人所特別為了他所設計 的教育,我們希望這不會影響到他為人處事的行為。我們曾有過不受教的球員,因 為他們太年輕太驕縱,希望Bynum可以成為那些了解訓練的過程並且隨之成長的其中 一員。" -- 這篇文章讓你覺得?════════════════════════ by ycat y + . .ˇ ˇ ˇˇ || c ﹀ ̄▽ ̄ ﹏≦b ︶ ̄y – ̄ a 新奇 溫馨 誇張 難過 實用 高興 無聊 生氣 t ═════════════════════════════════ ╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
liousta:推肯德基爺爺 12/26 15:20
springround:肯德基爺真是嚴厲XD但還挺中肯的 12/26 15:19
EchobQ:有些球員年輕驕縱 = Smush?! 12/26 15:27
Coolweiwei:我們曾有過不受教的球員, 旋轉~~跳躍~~我閉著眼~~!? 12/26 15:28
NBASCIDM:對手看不見,你被過了沒 12/26 15:31
NBASCIDM:失誤 漏防 我不停歇 驕縱了兩歲 湖人的防守被我轉碎 12/26 15:41
Coolweiwei:感謝樓上帶來的勁歌熱舞 XD 12/26 16:01
keita:上兩樓的推文屌XD 我笑翻了 12/26 16:01
floriany:推文真讚XD 12/26 16:12
QuentinHu:推文超好笑 我還跟著哼 XD 12/26 16:14
Keepgoing:XDDDDDD 12/26 16:23
kingkuo:呵~XD 12/26 16:42
wu2183:推推文 12/26 16:44
axelKOF:我也跟著哼XDD 12/26 17:11
whylol:XD 12/26 17:14
flyintmtc:XDD 12/26 17:17
oldfat:故事 刻畫在旋轉的門簾 12/26 17:26
funwing:幹。。。。唱的好順.....太讚了.....!! 12/26 17:46
LAWEI:parker? 12/26 17:56
Kreen:XD 12/26 17:56
swatch44:舞孃好,特務J遜掉了 12/26 18:22
zbxxxx:XD慢慢來,比較快 12/26 20:02