看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
THE LITTLE PEOPLE: CARLOS MAPLES, LAKERS ASSISTANT EQUIPMENT MANAGER http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?id=3265115 Los Angeles Laker employee Carlos Maples has seen a lot in his 21 seasons with the team. Starting as a ball boy at the age of 13, Maples graduated to assistant equipment manager eleven years ago. And while he does deal with towels, don't you dare call him the towel boy. 洛杉磯湖人隊員工Carlos Maples (簡稱CM)隨隊的這21個球季中經歷過各種情形。從13歲 當球僮開始,CM在11年晉升到助理球具經理一職。儘管他的確經手毛巾業務,但是不可以 隨便叫他towel boy. NO RECYCLING: CM: We go through at least 250 towels a game. We use a brand new towel for every player for every timeout. So if a towel touches a player's hand, that's it, it's done. 不回收 CM:每場比賽我們至少使用250條毛巾。每次暫停都會提供全新的毛巾給每個球員。所以 如果球員只要稍稍碰到那條毛巾,那條毛巾最後就會被丟棄。 R-E-S-P-E-C-T: CM: I have this thing with rookies, I feel it's my job to school them since I've been here so long: my locker room, my rules. Anything that needs to be done really quick, if my guys are busy, you ask a rookie to do it. Rookies, as Coach Phil likes to call them, are 'lower than pond scum.' 尊敬 CM:我對菜鳥有個怪癖。因為我在這裡待的很久了,所以我覺得是我的責任要教導他們。 我的休息室,我的規則。如果有必須馬上完成的工作,而我的手下們全都在忙的話,我也 會叫菜鳥們去作。菜鳥,如PJ所言,比湖底的爛泥還不如。 BEST TIP: CM: It was about $300, from Horace Grant. Magic used to take care of me all the time. Kobe's very generous as well. They're very generous with giving us tickets. We used to get tickets all the time, but the times have changed. Dr. Buss was very generous with tickets for about eighteen years. But the last few years he hasn't been able to give us any. 最大方的小費 CM: 約略300美金,是眼鏡俠給的。魔術強森還在的時候時常會照顧到我們。KOBE也同樣 得很大方。他們都很方的給我們球賽門票。我們之前常常拿的到球賽門票,但是時代。變 了。巴斯老闆曾經有18年的期間對於門票都很大方看的開,但是近幾年他沒有辦法給我們 。 WORST TIPPERS: CM: Some guys just don't know. Over the years, times have changed. A lot of these guys have been pampered the whole way up. When I started, guys used to carry their own stuff. Nowadays, they don't carry anything. They can barely carry a basketball to the floor. 最差的小費 CM:有些人就是搞不懂。經過一段時間,某些習慣也改變了。很多球員都是從小被寵上來 的。我剛開始幹這一行的年代,球員都很習慣的拿自己的東西。現在,他們甚麼都不拿。 他們去球場的時候甚至不會自己拿球。 GRAB THOSE DIGITS!: CM: Over the years, some visiting players wanted my guys to go into the stands for a number or two. Our players are used to seeing beautiful women, so we don't get requests like that from them. Plus, most of them have girlfriends who are watching their every move from the stands. 去取得那些號碼 CM:有時候,一些客隊球員會要我的手下們到觀眾席去要一兩個電話。我們的球員大致 都已經習慣看到美女,所以不會對我們提出這樣子的要求。況且,他們絕大多數都已經 有女朋友,並且在觀眾席上監視著他們的一舉一動。 FUNNY MAN: CM: The funniest guy this season is Ronny Turiaf. He just brings life to the room. When we wore the short shorts in Boston, he came in and looked at the shorts and pulled them up to his waist and said, 'Are you serious?' Then he proceeded to pull them way up, like a nerd would. I was crying. But Shaq is by far the biggest jokester in the history of the Lakers. He's wrestled with the ball boys, and he threw me in a laundry basket for talking back. 搞笑球員 CM:跳跳虎是這球季最搞笑的球員。他為休息室充滿活力。當我們在波士頓穿著超短褲子 的那場比賽,他進入休息室,看到那超短褲子,然後穿上並拉到腰部並且說道:「你是 認真的嗎!?」然後他又繼續往上拉,就跟一些呆子會作的事情一樣。我笑到哭出來。 不過,毋庸置疑的SHAQ是湖人史上最搞笑的。他會跟球僮摔角,並且把我丟到洗衣欄裡, 只因為我對他頂嘴。 THE BIG OOPS: CM: One day I was really ill. I had food poisoning. And I came in in the morning, and tried to get the locker room all set up. That night, I'm at home sick, and, on the air, Stu Lantz says: 'We'd like to wish Carlos a get well soon. And, by the way, Carlos, Shaq doesn't have two left feet.' I had left him two left shoes by mistake. 離譜的錯誤 CM:有一天我生病很嚴重。大概是食物中毒。我早上進來,嘗試把休息室的東西打理好。 那天晚上我在家裡養病,然後在轉播中Stu Lantz說「我們希望CM可以儘快恢復。附帶 一提,CM,SHAQ並且是沒有兩隻左腳」我不小心給了他兩隻左鞋。 CHAMPIONSHIP ATTACK: CM: I just gotta make sure the guys have everything they need. And, I always tell everybody, we're partially like a shrink, because you have to be there when times are good and when times are bad. You are pretty much part of the team, whether or not people like to think of us like that or not. 冠軍之路 CM:我的工作就是確保球員們有他們需要的東西。另外,我也一直告訴別人,我們多少跟 心理醫生等同,因為我們不論情況是好的還是壞的,都要陪伴在那裡。你基本上就是球隊 的一部份,不管別人是否同樣的這樣看待我們。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sharr:PUSH 02/27 13:33
F9: 我喜歡這種場邊的新聞 02/27 13:36
OdomLamar:推 我喜歡這類型的文章 02/27 13:36
CRAZYFAN:我也想要這種工作XD 02/27 13:37
TRAP: 我也想要美女的電話 02/27 13:38
Wangmania: 也想要禪師的電話 02/27 13:38
petgarden:好文共賞!! 02/27 13:39
Kobe824:我想要毛巾~我也想做這份工作~但我不想被歐肥丟進洗衣籃XD 02/27 13:46
ericlao:我也想要這樣的工作! 02/27 13:47
RAGERACER:這篇很棒 02/27 13:50
likora:這個好!!!!!讓我們更加了解湖人!!!推阿 02/27 13:50
ws1204:在那邊工作好像不錯耶 好讚 02/27 13:51
goldenlen:推~ 02/27 13:52
andone100:推 一場球打下來 辛苦的不只是球員 02/27 13:57
ElginBaylor:好報導.翻譯辛苦了 02/27 13:58
deepfeel:好文章 推~ 02/27 14:06
xw668:不推不行 02/27 14:08
discretetime:真有趣 在場邊監視他們XD 02/27 14:09
henryfong:很喜歡這種週邊新聞! 謝謝翻譯 02/27 14:29
Liszt1025:SHAQ並且是沒有兩隻左腳...這句好像翻譯軟體翻的...||| 02/27 14:30
tomiii:shaq那句怪怪的 推喜歡這種小故事 02/27 15:03
blarc:推~~~有趣的小故事~ 02/27 15:17
willer:推有趣文章 湖人版太棒了 02/27 15:29
Gymnopedie:真是個肥缺 02/27 15:41
ohnacl:推 02/27 16:18
pcisfifa:推 02/27 16:53
Kreen:推~ 02/27 19:32
KobeBryant81:推~ 02/27 20:41
hankkchang:推 02/27 22:56
u2gogowin:推推 我也喜歡這種新聞QQ 02/27 23:10
KB24MANIA:推~ 02/27 23:44