看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/bryant-hard-denver-2427507-work-game <In the year of the ox, Kobe has been a beast> <牛年的神戶科老大 還是依然牛逼> In Chinese astrology, this is the year of the ox. It is meant to symbolize prosperity through hard work and endurance. 在咱們中國人的占星學來說 今年是牛年 而牛年呢 象徵著人們不懈的努力 以換取本身的繁榮 The last time it was the year of the ox, Kobe Bryant was finishing his rookie season 12 years ago. 上一個牛年 是12年前的事情了 當時正逢科老大進入NBA的菜鳥球季 Bryant knows a little something about the Chinese zodiac because he is a golden god in China, where he has visited the past three summers. 而對於中國人的生肖 科老大也略知一二 因為過去的三個夏天他都造訪中國 而在神州大陸 他已經是許多球迷心中全能的神 Bryant even put the image of an ox, with the years “97” and “09,” on a special edition of his Nike Zoom Kobe IV sneakers. 科老大甚至把牛的圖片 放在他Nike Zoom Kobe IV的一款特別版運動鞋上 旁邊還付著兩個數字 "97" , "09" 而IV代表的當然是4這個數字 That’s “IV,” as in four, although in today’s context we’re citing “IV” as short for the “intravenous fluids” 但我今天想談的"IV"是靜脈注射液(intravenous fluids) Bryant took after the Lakers’ Game 3 Western Conference finals victory Saturday night. 科老大在周六晚上 丹佛金塊的G3後 對自己注射這樣東西 Bryant has taken an IV in past games he has played in spite of illness - most recently he was given fluids at halftime of the Lakers’ Feb. 8 victory in Cleveland 在過去的比賽裡 只要科老大感覺身體不適 他就會選擇注射這種靜脈注射液取代休戰 最近的一次是在2月8號在騎士隊主場的比賽 半場打完老大感覺不太好 隨即使用了靜脈注射 – but in this instance he was just that tired from playing that hard. 但是這一次 他不是生病 他只是累了 他打的確實很辛苦 If Bryant wins this NBA championship, it's going to cap 12 years of hard work and endurance before solely leading a team to the top. 如果科老大真的帶領湖人最後奪冠 他12年來的勤奮和不懈最終將被肯定 And if Bryant wins this NBA championship, it's only going to happen through hard work and endurance considering the way he is trudging, not cruising, through this postseason. 他也終於能實現帶領湖人隊攻頂的夢想 這些一旦發生 人們想到的肯定會是他在休賽季裡 對自己的魔鬼訓練和苛刻要求 Bryant spoke immediately after Game 3 about how "I haven't had a break for three years"– referring to his full schedule of in-season and offseason work. 科老大在G3賽後跟記者提到 "我已經三年沒休息過了" 無論是賽季中還是休賽季 他的計劃表總是排的滿滿的 Both he and Phil Jackson spoke Sunday about how much energy Bryant has had to expend to score points in these playoffs against Houston and Denver. 他跟禪師都提到了一點 在面對金塊和火箭的這兩個系列賽中 科老大到底要消耗多少能量來得分 Jackson: “Nothing’s come easy for him at the offensive end. He's had to work hard.” 禪師說"他在進攻端確實很不容易 對方的防守讓他不得不多費力一點" Bryant: "These (Denver) guys grabbing and holding more than the Houston series, it's tough. It has been a really physical series. They’re making me work for everything.” "金塊隊的這些傢伙比火箭隊還要難纏 所以比賽不太好打 這個系列賽真的很激烈 他們嘗試逼我去做每一件事" 老大也談道 In case you don't grasp the subtleties of zone-based NBA defense, both Houston and Denver have more than a little Boston in them with the way they overcommit troops toward someone such as Bryant. 也許各位還沒有留意NBA區域防守的奧妙 火箭和金塊的打法其實都有賽隊的影子 他們都嘗試派出一支小分隊去壓制科老大 Denver coach George Karl actually prepared for this series by studying what Boston did to hold Bryant to 40.5 percent in the NBA Finals after he shot 49.1 in the three previous playoff rounds. 丹佛金塊總教頭卡爾教練特別在系列賽前去研究去年Final賽隊的防守策略 前三輪科老大的命中率是49.1趴 而賽隊在系列戰中硬生生的壓制成40.5趴 It is not just randomly happening. 這可不是什麼偶然 “I had all summer to work on that,” Bryant said of beating Boston’s style of defense. "我花了一整個夏天研究這些" 科老大談到關於破解賽隊防守的時候 如是說 Bryant worked hard on adding more arc to his jumper. He also has been diligent about getting into the post this series to save a lot of resistance steps toward the basket. It’s all paying off now. 他努力的訓練自己 他刻意的提高投籃的弧度 並在這個賽季頻繁的衝擊內線 因而減少在外面勉強出手的比率 而他的努力正在一步步的獲得回報 So Bryant's plan is to keep marching with the heavy legs – he lobbied Jackson to play more fourth-quarter minutes Saturday night even though Jackson could read the developing fatigue in Bryant's gait – and carry on through the NBA Finals. 老大自己的計畫 就是拖著兩條疲憊的腿跟他拼了 即使禪師也看出他的步伐日益沉重 他還是在星期六遊說禪師 希望他能在比賽的的第四節擁有更多的上場時間 並一直堅持到總決賽結束 Even as wrung out as he was after the game Saturday night, Bryant was thinking ahead to total control of this round – 儘管賽後的他疲憊不堪 但是他還是持續思索如何完全掌握住比賽 addressing a postgame reminder to the team about how it won Game 3 in Houston and then unacceptably let up in Game 4. 他提醒了隊友別重蹈了第二輪的覆轍 當時贏下G3的他們 卻在第四戰的時候以不可原諒的方式輸了球 Then after the NBA Finals and a presumed different result, Bryant will go find the most comfortable chair in his house and plop down. 而在這個賽季結束後(如果湖人登頂) 科老大或許真的可以找張最舒服的椅子躺下來好好的休息一番了 There will be no international competition, no surgery rehabilitation, no stress at all if he follows through on plans not to opt out of his contract. 如果按照科老大的計畫順利進行 那他將不會選擇跳出自己的合約 而且這將是一個沒有國際賽事 沒有手術限定恢復期 也沒有任何壓力的夏天 It's hard to believe Bryant will really take that much time off from his beloved workouts, but it's also unlike him to admit his weakness of fatigue after games, as he is now. 但是根據他的脾氣來猜測 休息不了多久他肯定又會開始整天泡在健身房裡 像科老大這樣的人不太可能願意承認自己的體能比以往下降 即使他現在說自己很累了 但他心底肯定是非常不願意見到這種事情發生的 This is why Bryant cannot play every game at max power at both ends, even though that's the very ideal he sold Carmelo Anthony on while raising Anthony's bar during USA Basketball gold-medal run in China last summer. 很難要求現在的科老大在攻守兩端都全力以赴 儘管大家都希望他能做到 但在去年的奧運 他說服了其他人 把開火權大量的分給甜瓜 後者也不負眾望的 得分是節節攀升 It's exhausting to do that much. 確實 一個人包攬攻防的大任 是會累死人的 Beyond working so hard to score on Denver, Bryant is guarding all three of Denver's leading scorers. 除了在金塊隊頭上努力砍分之外 他還要負責看管三個金塊的領頭羊 Bryant chases the ball and Chauncey Billups from the start, tracks J.R. Smith through a multitude of picks for a supposed breather and winds up totaled at the end from repeated late-game head-on collisions with a wide load named ‘Melo. 當比賽一開始老大就要持續跟著球跑 同時追趕妨礙槍西 隨後又要在大量的時間裡干擾丁尺的持球 以讓球隊獲得一絲喘息的機會 而在比賽的最後時刻 他還得要站在攻防最前線 面對面對抗"甜瓜牌大噸位殺傷性武器" Perhaps somewhere in China there is a farmer who can boast of a creature industrious enough to plow that many different fields to achieve the greatest harvest. 也許 在神州大陸的某個地方 有個農民正在吹噓他的牛兒有多麼勤快 能在不同的田地裡辛勤的工作 為他取得最大量的豐收 If so, someone give that ox an IV, too. 那樣的話 也許是有人也給他的牛兒打了支靜脈注射液吧? http://photo.xuite.net/dhj951/3296961/105.jpg
裁判大大~ 我的態度很好的 我一直都很配合你知道的~ -- 洛杉磯 湖人 Los Angeles Lakers ◢██◣ φlin798183 ◢█◤ ◢◤ ◢█◣ ◢◣ ██◤ █◤◢█ ◢◤ █ ◤ ◤◤ ◥◣ █◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◣ ◥◤ ◥█◤ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kb81:頭推 05/28 18:31
A2P169:靜脈注射液是啥? 05/28 18:36
frogforce:推 辛苦翻譯 05/28 18:36
ycutr:帥 05/28 18:38
newsno1:推 05/28 18:38
michael26:我猜IV injection應該是將一些以葡萄糖為基礎的能量直接 05/28 18:43
michael26:打到血液由人體吸收,有可能也有一些必須amino acid代謝 05/28 18:44
michael26:乳酸恢復疲勞~不過應該不會有像魔鬼隊打的新藥一樣XD 05/28 18:45
vul3j9:看到魔鬼隊的新藥我就笑了XDD 05/28 18:53
goldenlen:翻完再吃嘛...XD 05/28 18:58
jryuhsing:干牛年什麼事哈哈 05/28 18:59
hok:辛苦了,老大~~~ 05/28 19:01
mr81lakers:洛城男孩推一個 05/28 19:23
joy2292:推!!! 05/28 19:32
scq2389: 05/28 19:48
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (05/28 20:17)
Kreen:翻譯辛苦了~ 05/28 20:21
mr81lakers:是好久不見的克林大 05/28 20:26
Kreen:不用加大啦Orz 05/28 20:28
brian771025:加大多五塊唷 05/28 21:18
vul3j9:看到那張圖在配上那個旁白,不錯笑~ 05/28 21:49
theowing:IV指的是注射的方法,比起打肌肉或皮下有更快的吸收效果 05/28 22:27
dtc0210:KOBE真的為了總冠軍付出了他的一切 應該說為了"籃球"... 05/28 22:35
b91314403:今年老大一定要奪冠!!!!!!! 05/28 23:18
zBen:就是打點滴 補充養分 05/28 23:56
pcisfifa:推 05/29 02:00