看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
SINGAPORE -- Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant is optimistic the NBA champions will re-sign key free agent Lamar Odom. 湖人巨星--kobe對於湖人續約關鍵的自由球員Odom感到樂觀 "I'm optimistic that he'll be back," Bryant said Wednesday at a news conference in Singapore as part of a six-country Asian tour. "He makes us a much, much stronger team." 老大禮拜二在亞洲之旅其中一站-新加坡的訪問中說 Kobe:我很樂觀,他會回來的;他讓我們成為更強大的團隊。 Negotiations broke down last week and the Lakers retracted a contract offer to Odom. The Miami Heat are also wooing the 6-foot-10 forward. 談判在上週破裂湖人收回對Odom的offer,邁阿密熱火隊也開追求了這位6-10的前鋒 Odom played a key role off the bench in the Lakers' championship run, averaging 12.3 points and 9.1 rebounds during the playoffs. 湖人隊冠軍之旅Odom在板凳裡起了關鍵的作用 季後賽中平均每場12.3分和9.1個籃板 Bryant said forward Ron Artest, who signed as a free agent with the Lakers earlier this month, will help bolster the team's chances to repeat as champions. 老大說簽下Artest(自由球員身份與湖人在月初簽約)將有助於球隊尋求連霸 "I think Ron's going to be a great addition to us," Bryant said. "It's about how well we play together. No matter how much talent you have, it's about how you put those pieces of the puzzle together." 這段太難了,不翻了XD 大概是講球隊有天分的人很多不是重點,重點是怎麼整合....猜的XD Bryant downplayed speculation that Lakers coach Phil Jackson may take some games off next season because of health problems. "Who said he's coaching less?" Bryant said. "Phil likes messing with you guys. He'll be there all the time, unless he has a doctor's appointment to get to." 總之是禪師老梗的健康問題,可能下季有些比賽會選擇休息 老大認為除非醫生叫禪師休息,否則他應該會全程參與吧 Bryant also said he was more likely to agree to play for Team USA at the World Championships in 2010 and the 2012 London Olympics now that Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski has committed to lead the team. 老大還是想打美國隊-2010年的世錦賽和2012年倫敦奧運,這支Dr.K表態想繼續 率領的球隊 Bryant and Krzyzewski won the gold medal at the Beijing Olympics last year. 老大和Dr.K在去年的北京奧運奪得了金牌 "I'm very excited to see that he signed on," Bryant said. "It influences all the guys just because we've been through that experience before and it becomes like a family." "It definitely influences me." 老大:我很高興他繼續擔任教練,他影響了所有的球員,因為我們有共同經歷過的經驗 感覺就像一個大家庭一樣,這無疑影響了我 Bryant, an 11-time All-Star, said a possible showdown against LeBron James, former Lakers teammate Shaquille O'Neal and the Cleveland Cavaliers in next season's finals would be "crazy." 科比,入選明星賽11次的球員,如果說明年決賽可能會對上LBJ=>這支有前隊友大歐加入 的騎士隊,老大:「這將會很瘋狂」 "Just the hoopla that surrounds it and all the stories that would come out of it," Bryant said. "If that match up is to happen, we have to take it one day at a time, we can't get caught up in it being a given that we're going to be in the finals." 這段也很難翻...我能力不足,不翻了XD 反正我猜對手也不會是騎士( ′▽`)y-~ "We have to take care of our business, but that being said, it would be a heck of a show." 我們必須專注在我們的本分,但如果發生,這將是一個 a hell of a show Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4347050 英文爛,用google隨便翻譯的XD 反正今晚也沒啥新消息了,看一下殺殺無聊的時間吧 本來這篇有提到老二想說翻一下好了,結果到後來老二也才提到一點點嘛 囧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
goldenlen:頭推~ 07/22 22:42
ballinboy:那段是說 阿泰是很棒的助拳人 不過重點在於團隊的合作 07/22 22:43
bandon:接下來幾年冠軍陣容幾乎都不會變耶~可以年年衝擊總冠軍! 07/22 22:43
ballinboy:不論有多高天份 把各部份拼成一塊完整的拼圖才是重點 07/22 22:43
abda:應該是世錦賽啦,亞錦賽只有亞洲國家打而已 07/22 22:48
Verlander35:原來如此 感謝 囧a 07/22 22:48
※ 編輯: Verlander35 來自: (07/22 22:49)
Verlander35:感謝ban & abd大 07/22 22:50
Champion2008:Kobe到底要不要開刀和休息啊....修賽期都過這麼久了 07/22 23:02
dingdong103:老大說:「我認為Artest對我們來說將會是個很棒的 07/22 23:05
dingdong103:素(奪冠因子!!!)。」主要是我們湊在一起能打得多好。 07/22 23:06
dingdong103:不論你擁有多高的天份(or才能),最重要的還是你如何將 07/22 23:06
dingdong103:各塊的拼圖結合在一起。(白話一點就是原PO說的整合囉) 07/22 23:07
tco:KB說我們還是要一步一步來,不能當作自己一定可以進決賽 07/22 23:11
tco:而和騎士如果在決賽交手將會是籃壇盛世以及過去許多糾葛將一次 07/22 23:12
tco:呈現(KB和SHAQ的過去,以及KB和LBJ的話題) 07/22 23:13
tco:在"和騎士於決賽交手之前",我們必須一步一腳印,守好本分, 07/22 23:15
tco:不要陷入這些對戰組合的迷思 07/22 23:16
Verlander35:辛苦啦 想不到這麼難 囧 07/22 23:16
dennis331533:什麼時候要開刀啦......... 07/23 00:04
oldfat:要開應該也早就去開了...... 07/23 00:04
psdc258:感覺騎士沒啥好擔心的 健康的超賽和魔術比較可能威脅湖人 07/23 01:01
MatLab2007:超賽比較強的感覺 07/23 05:37
MatLab2007:不過跟這三隊打 湖人都有輸的可能性 07/23 05:37
ader1226:最擔心超賽 魔術很難講 馬刺明年也不好打 07/23 08:08
ader1226:如果kobe現在馬上去開刀 我寧可他不要來台灣 07/23 08:09
ader1226:快開刀吧 kobe... 07/23 08:10
ader1226:陣容大家都安心了 現在就擔心kobe開不開刀 07/23 08:10
ader1226:還有gasol能健健康康打完歐錦賽 07/23 08:11
oldfat:老大:自我感覺良好 07/23 08:56
Sephiroth:LBJ成長一歲 KB又老一歲~對陣上其實已經很辛苦了 07/23 09:16
Sephiroth:禁區如果大歐時間能拉長 對PAU會是威脅~Bynum能不能進化 07/23 09:16
Sephiroth:關係到明年連霸與否 對到超賽至少雙槍有KB跟阿泰 不至於 07/23 09:17
Sephiroth:像以前KB守PP 雷槍就主攻~KB守雷槍 PP救主攻一樣囧 07/23 09:17
Sephiroth:KB的手現在開刀我想他自己擔心的是 短時間手感能不能回 07/23 09:18
Sephiroth:來 或者完全復原~畢竟現在軟骨組織都長出來了 開刀是要 07/23 09:19
Sephiroth:先破壞在重建 KB可能是考慮到這樣風險太大... 07/23 09:19
imsohappy:打了在說吧-.- 07/23 09:29
spko:沒有道理Shaq離開醫龍隊、上場時間還能拉長的....XDDD 07/23 09:38
spko:而且第一句也可套用,也是Bynum成長一歲,Shaq又老一歲... 07/23 09:39
oldfat:話說咱們的同城弟兄好像要簽下AI了 這樣他們陣容也頗可怕.. 07/23 09:57