看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: qss5 (亣) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Ron Artest is still learning Lakers' offense 時間: Sun Oct 11 23:09:49 2009 Ron Artest is still learning Lakers' offense Ron Artest正在學習湖人進攻模式 By Broderick Turner, October 10, 2009 | 12:20 p.m. He missed more shots than he made, but Ron Artest played the solid defense the Lakers hoped he would when he signed with them this summer. 雖然命中率不到5成﹐Ron Artest仍展現出湖人簽下他希望看到的堅強防守 Artest missed five of the seven shots he took and all four of his three-pointers. Artest投七球有五球沒中﹐其中四球是三分球 He finished with six points and two rebounds in an exhibition game against the Golden State Warriors on Friday night at the Forum. 對勇士比賽他最終拿到6分2籃板 "I was actually on," Artest said. "I felt on. I felt great tonight out there." Artest說「我確實進入狀況﹑我也感覺進入了狀況﹐我今晚感覺很好」 In the 25 minutes he played, it didn't look as if Artest got in a rhythm. 在Artest上場的25分鐘時﹐卻看不到他找到比賽節奏 He mostly strayed on the outside. 他幾乎迷失在外線 Artest muscled his way in for one of his field goals. Artest靠硬打進了其中一球 "Ron had some [hard] time out there trying to make shots," Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. "He hesitated on taking shots a few times. We'll get him in rhythm." 湖人總教練Phil Jackson說「Artest在嘗試出手時遇到困難﹐他在幾次出手時猶豫不決 ﹐我們會幫他找到比賽節奏」 On defense, Artest had two steals. 防守端Artest有2抄截 He hustled for loose balls. He used his body on defenders. He helped on defense. He dived on the floor for balls. 他拼了命去追掉球﹐全心放在防守端﹐對防守做出了貢獻﹐還為了搶球撲到地板上 "I was trying to take advantage of some loose balls and trying to get a little more active," Artest said. Artest說「我總是試著去搶到球權﹐同時試著更積極主動」 All of this is still a process for Artest. 所有的一切對Artest來說都還在磨合 He's still trying to learn the offense. 他仍試著在學習進攻 He's still trying to learn where his spot is on the floor, where his teammates like the basketball. 他仍試著找到他自己和新隊友的出手位置 Once in the first quarter, Artest tried to throw a pass to Kobe Bryant with a defender close by. 曾在第一節中﹐Artest試著傳出一個險球﹐給正被對手貼身防守的Kobe Artest was able to squeeze the ball in, but Bryant was unable to do anything with it because he was behind the basket. 當時Artest有機會硬打進這球﹐但Kobe卻因為在籃框後而完全無法動作 There was a moment late in the third quarter when there were fewer than 24 seconds left in the quarter when Artest pulled the ball back out after the Lakers got an offensive rebound. 在第三節末段﹐剩下不到24秒時﹐Artest替球隊拉下一個進攻籃板 Sasha Vujacic was wide open in the corner and was begging for the ball. Sasha Vujacic當時有無人空檔向他要球 Artest looked at Vujacic and motioned to the clock, indicating that the Lakers were playing for the last shot of the quarter. Artest看著Vujacic示意他注意時鐘﹐表示這是湖人這一節的最後一波攻勢 After the game, Artest was asked if he's still learning how to operate in the triangle offense. 賽後Artest被問到他是否仍在學著如何在三角戰術中操作融入 "Maybe a little bit," Artest said. "But for the most part, I'm catching on. I'd say I'm maybe four or five practices or maybe two or three games away from really getting the offense down, getting to learn everybody. Artest說「也許只有一點但大部分時間我都能理解戰術﹑抓到位置 ﹐我必須說我大概需要4﹑5次練習或2﹑3場比賽﹐就能找到自己和每個人的進攻位置」 "But for the most part, that happened already. For the most part, getting familiar with each other, it already happened. Guys are really comfortable playing with one another." 「但大多數時間﹐我確實還在學習沒錯﹔大部分時間﹐我也確實試著在熟悉其他人沒錯 ﹔我們彼此之間都打得很自在」 http://tinyurl.com/ykcg3e6 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
imsohappy :拿例行賽勝場去換吧=3=.. 10/11 23:21
celestial318:現在還早 沒差 10/11 23:26
lis3065 :不就把球給摳比嗎?? 10/11 23:27
LABOYS :除了得分卡之外 阿泰防守傳導都不錯 10/11 23:44
kuchibu :他進攻一向都這樣 不意外 10/11 23:45
bluebigfly :我總覺得阿泰自我感覺良好? 10/12 00:18
cutyQT :感覺現在阿泰有點像櫻木?XD 10/12 00:23
zsh :阿泰=RODMAN ODOM=PIPPEN KOBE=? 10/12 01:36
ksk0516 :樓上zsh! 快拜 10/12 01:37
evomichael :?=神 10/12 01:51
starbury03 :虎 10/12 02:00
hllwolfkhan :快推 傳奇人物 太公 10/12 02:01
lanth123 :恭賀釣魚大師出桶 10/12 02:02
rainingdayz : 姜 ╱︴<>< 10/12 02:04
wasioli := Allen Iversion ~~~ come on! 10/12 02:11
brokenleg :Gasol看到zsh的比擬應該會很難過吧...... 10/12 02:15
a127n :Gasol=Luc Skywalker(誤 10/12 02:21
kuchibu :樓上...賈索其實是被稱讚地位重要吧 10/12 02:21
kuchibu :怎麼會難過呢? 10/12 02:22
bright9 :的確是阿泰一向如此 10/12 04:06
duncan47 :願者上勾~~~~~ 10/12 04:18
wangkun :還有很多時間進行磨合...加油加油 10/12 08:42
Verlander35 :進攻可以慢慢磨沒差 他得零分湖人也不一定會輸= =a 10/12 10:45
Verlander35 :走了的Ariza也不是得分好手 主要是防守做好就不虧了 10/12 10:46
henry32021 :難道真的是學不來嗎= = 10/12 12:43
Verlander35 :借轉湖人板 謝謝 10/12 12:55
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Verlander35:這裡好像沒看到這篇外電文 就轉來了 阿泰加油! 10/12 12:56
AngelNo13:看來Gasol真的有威到 三角戰術零適應融入= = 10/12 16:59
originbook:湖人從被太陽慘電的年代也沒有缺過進攻 10/12 20:23
RonArtest37:手感似乎還沒恢復... 10/12 23:04
evomichael:樓上直接現身說法! 10/13 10:43