看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lakers' Bryant 'anticipates' playing against Portland, Jackson says 如題 EL SEGUNDO - Coach Phil Jackson and Kobe Bryant had a short chat on the Lakers' long flight home after clinching the best record in the Western Conference with a victory Friday over the Minnesota Timberwolves at the Target Center. Bryant told Jackson he intends to play today against the Portland Trail Blazers, ending his two-game absence because of swelling in his right knee. He did not play Friday against the Timberwolves or in Thursday's loss to the Denver Nuggets. 科科告訴禪師他想上場。 Bryant was unavailable for comment for the second consecutive day, but Jackson said Bryant was "anticipating" playing against the Trail Blazers. Nagging finger, ankle and knee injuries have hampered Bryant this season. 阿科這兩天沒有接受採訪,但肥爾說科科預計對拓荒者的比賽會上場 The Lakers are 5-2 without him, 湖人在家裡沒大人的期間戰績是五勝二敗 However,their only losses without Bryant this season came when Derek Fisher missed jump shots at the buzzer against the Nuggets on Friday and the Boston Celtics on Feb. 18. 然而湖人在Kobe缺陣期間輸掉兩場有機會絕殺的球賽, 包括對上金塊那場老漁的自殺三分,和二月份對超賽那場。 Jackson said he had no idea how many minutes Bryant might play today. 至於下場比賽Kobe要上場多久呢?爺爺沒有想法。 Jackson has left the decision whether to play or sit out the last two games up to Bryant, who missed five games in February because of a strained tendon in his left ankle. "It depends on how he feels," Jackson said when asked if he would limit Bryant's playing time. "He may be very lively (today) and feel great. We'll see how he plays. "Obviously, he'll want to compete in the game. We'll see how it goes." 記者問到爺爺是否會限制Kobe上場時間,他老神在在: 「一切取決於Kobe,搞不好他會砍50分讓上一篇的大大普物當掉...(誤), 很明顯的Kobe就像賽亞人一樣享受戰鬥,請各位看官拭目以待……」 Bryant did not practice Saturday. 不過Kobe禮拜六沒有參與練球 <(  ̄皿 ̄)╮☆(__ __|||) Playing for keeps Jackson said he would play to win today's game against Portland. "It's our job to compete and uphold our end of the bargain," Jackson said of playing at something close to full strength today against the Trail Blazers, who are jockeying with the Oklahoma City Thunder and San Antonio Spurs for sixth place. 爺爺說:「我們的工作就是維持高競爭力,今晚會是高張力的比賽,因為拓荒者、 馬刺和雷霆正為了第六名而處於混戰中。」 "We're not going to give any game away to anybody who's been (fighting) all season. So, we're coming out to compete against Portland the way we should." 我們不會禮讓對手,所以今晚我們會全力以赴。 The Lakers end the regular season with games against the Sacramento Kings and Clippers, two teams who aren't going to the playoffs. Jackson said he might be inclined to rest some regulars if the mood is right. "The other games against Sacramento and the Clippers, we'll play those games according to how our players are doing," he said. "Hopefully, we'll have some momentum and play guys the kind of minutes we need to keep them in rhythm." 季賽剩下幾場比賽分別對上快艇和國王,這兩支隊伍都與季後賽無緣, 這兩場比賽可能會選擇性休息(放水)一下,不過還是要看爺爺的心情啦~ (囧) Extended workout 加強訓練 The Lakers' practice went a good deal longer than Jackson anticipated, perhaps by as much as an hour. The Lakers reviewed their game plan against the Trail Blazers, who make their one and only regular-season visit to Staples Center. 這次練習時間比爺爺預期得還久一個多小時, 他們不斷沙盤推演該如何招待阿拓這次訂書機中心一遊。 When a reporter began a question to Pau Gasol by saying, "You guys had a long practice today - " the 7-footer interrupted him. "No kidding," Gasol cracked. "Did I say that out loud?" Reporter: "Did you accomplish anything?" Gasol: "I hope so." 「你們今天訓練真久」記者從地底深處仰望七呎高的Gasol 「還好啦,我說得夠大聲嗎?」Gasol低頭問遠在地底深處的記者。 「你們今天有偷練什麼秘密武器嗎?」 「哎唷,偶才不告訴逆。」 When the laughter died down, Gasol grew serious. "We worked on some offensive details because Portland, the way they play defense, the way they set up, they force you to do some different things out there," he said. "We watched a lot of video - just to get ourselves prepared." 兩人冷笑話說完後阿姐收起嬌嗔的笑容,認真地說: 「我們著重進攻細節,如何面對阿拓的防守、組織還有各種狀況的應對, 我們也看了很多片子,讓我們準備的更充裕。」 By Elliott Teaford Staff Writer Updated: 04/10/2010 10:59:34 PM PDT http://www.dailynews.com/lakers/ci_14862088 -- 翻得不好請見諒 --
KYOROD: Λ_Λ03/25 20:32
newmatt: 咻 ー <丶‵∀′> 路過,大家繼續03/25 20:34
idolater:  =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕03/25 20:46
wrather: = ◎──◎03/25 20:54
jeffqoo2002:路路路路路路路路路路路路路 路路路路路路路路03/25 20:57
devilshadow:路路路路路路路路路路路路路△△△△路路路路路路路路 03/25 21:47
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
benson:對阿拓應該上場 很可能就是第一輪對手 多打多心得 04/11 17:13
Loveandpeace:我猜Kobe明天不會出手太多 04/11 17:16
liouandy:如果不上然後贏球 Kobe可以一直休息到第二輪嗎?XD (誤) 04/11 17:16
rocktu214:我輸了..總版新聞比我快T^T 04/11 17:17
jackthegreat:KOBE:能打倒湖人的就只有我!! 04/11 17:20
chancewen:我比較希望bynum能上QQ 04/11 17:24
spko:兩場有機會絕殺的比賽....都是老漁瞎扔的麵包....囧 04/11 17:31
thai0907:1這場是不是沒有轉播? 04/11 17:49
rocktu214:這場沒轉播 04/11 17:52
Verlander35:看來湖人已經選好第一輪的對手了 結果是馬刺 囧! 04/11 18:01
flyintmtc:每次外電都在說強調防守 = = 怎麼一整季了沒看到什麼變 04/11 18:26
※ 編輯: rocktu214 來自: (04/11 18:44)
jacktw1987:簽名檔好口愛XDDDD 04/11 18:45
dOodoOhOw:Nooooo!! get more rest!!!!! 04/11 18:55
jiyu520:簽名擋好酷 04/11 19:03
kerry0496x:希望連拜能也會上場,就把這場當作熱血的前哨戰吧!!! 04/11 19:10
kerry0496x:阿拓大概也會傾全力,他們不論輸贏都有好處,贏了避 04/11 19:11
kerry0496x:我們,阿拓也會假設輸球,那他們更得把這場當前哨戰 04/11 19:13
benson:看這篇就知道沒人把隊醫的新聞當一回事 04/11 19:26
dOodoOhOw: ^^^^^^這三個字可以去掉XD 04/11 19:48
mnmnqq:簽名檔XD 04/11 20:10
momowawa1981:兩隊都希望贏 這場會很好看 衝了 04/11 20:47
LBJKO:我覺得還是在嘴砲xd 我們防守根本就沒起色(絕是那場不知是 04/11 20:51
LBJKO:突然睡醒) 希望她們能真的肯去拼防守 而不是說說 季後賽要 04/11 20:52
LBJKO:贏 得靠防守........還有替補 04/11 20:52
cck1985:這場不希望輸...不想看到前年的小牛慘事發生於湖人 = = 04/11 21:00
LBJKO:說真的 我反而希望對雷霆 讓湖人皮繃緊點 KB也提早熟悉"黏 04/11 21:05
jerryyuan:會比東區大戰好看嗎? 04/11 21:06
LBJKO:人"的防守 去找出破解方法 前報一下被慘電的仇 04/11 21:06
flyintmtc:雷霆的Sefolosha防守很好,現在老又傷的Kobe可能很難應付 04/11 21:22
Bigcookie2:Sefolosha沒難道Kobe很難應付吧...... 04/11 22:02
Bigcookie2: 到 04/11 22:02
Bigcookie2:也太小看Kobe了 04/11 22:03
ken52039:我要熬夜了 希望是場好比賽 04/11 22:06
uf1276:明天要上班不能熬夜 唉 04/11 22:57
smaillove:對阿拓是今天凌晨三點半嗎? 04/12 00:16
kb81:看樣子賽程表根本就沒有人在看Orz 04/12 00:56
kosha:樓上別難過!!!我都有在鎖定你做的賽程表啦!!! 04/12 01:03
smaillove:我有看啊 只是互動式的用得不習慣 04/12 01:23
smaillove:另外就是不知道時間是美國時間還是台灣的.... 04/12 01:24
kb81:我有標示台北時間啊,糟糕這樣說來應該很多人都沒注意到(汗) 04/12 02:13
flyintmtc:大餅乾我不是小看,現在的Kobe誰來守都一樣糟糕 = = 04/12 08:43
chinhan1216:今年Kobe又沒守多好 04/12 09:58