看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Strange Ending Produces L.A. Loss to Blazers 奇怪的結尾導致湖人輸球 The Lakers may have locked up home court advantage throughout the Western Conference Playoffs with Friday evening’s win at Minnesota, but that didn’t take the intrigue out of Sunday afternoon’s contest against potential first-round playoff opponent Portland. 湖人隊才剛在禮拜五鎖定西區季後賽的主場優勢, 但是在輸給季後賽第一輪的可能對手拓荒者之後,他們沒有讓這計策延續過禮拜天下午。 In fact, it’s hard to draw up a more dramatic, or more strange, final minute of regulation in which the Blazers appeared to have the game locked up … then lost … and finally won again, 91-88. 事實上,很難去寫一齣比這更有戲劇張力、更詭異的最後幾分鐘的劇本, 在拓荒者以為勝券在握時嚇出一身冷汗,最終還是91:88贏這場比賽。 With Portland up five points and 55 seconds remaining on the clock, Kobe Bryant nailed a deep 3-pointer, then capitalized on Sasha Vujacic’s drawn charge to convert a driving and-1 layup around LaMarcus Aldridge to put L.A. up one with 31 seconds to play. However, Portland got a put back layup from Marcus Camby on Aldridge’s miss to retake a lead that Bryant could have erased after drawing a foul with 6.9 seconds to play to head to the free throw line. Instead, he improbably missed both attempts. 在比賽離終場55秒的時候拓荒者仍然領先5分, 但Kobe隨即牢牢地投進一顆大號三分球,加上Sasha在成功做了進攻犯規得以讓Kobe能 在倒數31秒時賺到一記進算加罰。 然而下一波進攻Camby補進兩分使拓荒者取回1分領先,剩下6.9秒Kobe被犯規站上罰球 線罰兩球有機會取得領先,但是……兩罰皆墨。 Just as strange, Derek Fisher missed the front end of his two freebies that resulted from Pau Gasol’s rebound and Andre Miller’s foul, though his second attempt tied the game at 88 with 4.7 seconds on the clock. 奇怪的來了,Gasol把籃板球撥給Fisher,隨即被Miller犯規, 但Fisher兩罰中一,浪費了Gasol和Miller送的大禮。 比賽剩下4.7秒,雙方88比88平手。 “Not two back-to-back,” was Phil Jackson’s reaction to whether he’d ever seen L.A.’s best two foul shooters miss down the stretch. 「怎麼可能又..」這是Phil的反應, 他從沒看過這兩位洛杉磯最好的罰球者在關鍵時刻如此失常。 As it turned out, the misses may not have mattered, as Fisher fouled Martell Webster behind the three-point arc with 3.1 seconds to play, and Webster hit all three to put Portland up 91-88. Still with us? Needing a triple to tie, it was Gasol, not Fisher or Bryant, for whom Phil Jackson drew up the final play, but the Spaniard missed a good look wide right. 沒關係,只是平手。 但隨後剩3.1秒時,Fisher對三分外的Webster犯規,Webster三罰全進……。 你還想看下去? 這時候需要一顆三分球追平比數,Phil的戰術把執行者給Gasol, 這位西班牙佬沒進,比賽結束。 “Crazy,” was Blazers’ coach Nate McMillan’s feeling on the ending. “That was just crazy. We fouled Kobe, they foul us, Kobe missed two free throws, Fisher missed a free throw. I mean, just a crazy ending. I’m glad we were on the winning side of that though.” 「太瘋狂了!」阿拓教頭McMliilan說「太瘋狂了,我們對Kobe犯規,然後他兩罰沒進, 然後Fisher又兩罰中一,我是說,這一切實在太瘋狂了,好佳在我們是勝利的這一方。」 With the victory, Portland took a big step towards avoiding the Lakers in the first round by drawing even with San Antonio in the standings (49-31) - against whom they own the tiebreaker - with two games to play, both of which come at home. 這場勝利後,阿拓暫時避免了季後賽第一輪面對湖人,目前和馬刺戰績持平, 關鍵就在接下來的兩場比賽,不過這兩場都是在波特蘭主場。 The Blazers managed the win despite losing Brandon Roy to a sore knee in the first half by shooting 45 percent and outrebounding the Lakers 46-41. Bryant struggled from the field in his first game after taking two off to rest his various injuries, making 8-of-23 shots for 20 points. Double-doubles from Gasol (23 and 12) and Lamar Odom (16 and 15) weren’t enough to counter L.A.’ s lack of bench production (eight points on 3-of-15 shooting). 儘管Roy受傷(右膝酸痛),阿拓抓下46個籃板小贏湖人的41個。 Kobe投23中8得了20分,Gasol和Odom搭撥搭撥分別23分12籃板和16分15籃板,但如此 不足以掩飾板凳群投15只中3(8分)的窘境。 “I told the team that we looked to give this game away and we certainly did, ” said Jackson. (抱歉,這句我看不太懂 囧) 「我告訴球隊,這場乾脆就送給他們,然後我們確實做到了」爺爺說。 (省略幾段,大意是描述前三節的比賽過程) Then came the “crazy” final stretch, the importance of which Bryant downplayed after the game, his concern lying more with getting his body ready for the playoffs. Kobe賽後輕描淡寫的受訪, 從言語中看出他所關心的是"身體是否準備好進入季後賽了?" “It’s a little rusty, a little stiff from not playing, not being active,” he said of his right knee. “I’ll be fine. It’s nice to get out there and play a little bit, loosen up the joints. 「有一點生鏽、有一點僵硬,感覺不怎麼靈活」Kobe指自己的右膝「我感覺還可以, 需要幾場比賽讓膝蓋關節放鬆一點。」 “The rest did me good. You can’t rest too much because then you get rusty and your joints get stiff.” 「休息對我來說還不錯,但是你不能休息太久因為身體會生鏽、關節會僵硬。」 The Lakers, who fell behind Orlando in the race for the NBA’s second overall seed, have two games left before the first round of the playoffs likely starts a week from Sunday. 這場輸球後,湖人讓出聯盟第二的位置,不過還有兩場比賽, 距離季後賽開始(週日)還有一個禮拜的時間。 Until then, your numbers: POSTGAME NUMBERS 賽後重點回顧──魔術數字 = =? 1 Huge dunk through traffic produced by Sasha Vujacic, his first since last season in Sacramento. 莎莎在人堆中爆扣!!繼上賽季對國王爆扣後的第次扣籃!!! 回味一下http://tinyurl.com/ydqa5um 3 Improbable missed free throws from Kobe Bryant (2) and Derek Fisher (1) in the game’s final minute. 難以置信Kobe和Fisher關鍵的3顆罰球沒進。 6 Turnovers for the Lakers, a season low, all of which came on offensive fouls; Phil Jackson said he was pleased with that aspect of the game. 本季失誤最少的一次(6次),爺爺很高興這層面有達到水準。 8 Bench points for the Lakers on 3-of-15 shooting. 板凳15投只中3,共8分,命中率只有兩成。 27 Combined rebounds for Lamar Odom (15) and Pau Gasol (12), though L.A. lost the battle of the boards 46-41 to the Blazers. Gasol和Odom共抓了27個籃板,但湖人團隊籃板抓了41個小輸阿拓的46個。 Published by Mike Trudell on April 11, 2010 in Post-Game 原文出處 http://my.lakers.com/blogs/category/post-game/ -- 這篇好長 翻好久 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
WB:所以今天戰犯是漁夫??? 04/12 11:00
rocktu214:找戰犯沒意義啦.. 樓上今天有買牛奶嗎 04/12 11:03
※ 編輯: rocktu214 來自: (04/12 11:04)
WB:關鍵時刻不是都不抓犯規的嗎????? 04/12 11:04
tco:最後那個犯規有點不必要 04/12 11:05
tco:下手那麼快又那麼不准 04/12 11:05
a9527a:外電推!!!!!!!!!! 04/12 11:06
chinhan1216:Fisher好像很常這樣搞... 04/12 11:08
WASP01:老魚唯一作用只剩精神講話 04/12 11:12
u2gogowin:那球應該不用下手,判斷錯誤吧 04/12 11:21
YamagiN:第一次看到有人去犯三分球騎馬射箭的這種智障規 04/12 11:23
dkjirh:KOBE的狀況季後賽堪慮 04/12 11:28
u2gogowin:不管怎樣只能捏著LP衝了,今年進季後賽的狀況跟往年不能 04/12 11:29
u2gogowin:比,不過我相信還是能做到的~! 04/12 11:29
nameless22:爺爺是說 我們眼睜睜看著這場比賽就這樣輸掉 04/12 11:32
WASP01:其實大心臟跟大頭症僅僅是一線之隔而已 04/12 11:34
GANZ:危險了,感覺有之前老八傳奇的小牛味道了,囧.... 04/12 11:37
yolasiku:從這季看來...湖人真的需要Kobe嗎?! 04/12 11:41
yolasiku:Kobe缺陣的幾場 。其實湖人真的打得不錯 不是嗎?! 04/12 11:42
yolasiku:假如這場Kobe沒上 他的出手次數分給其他人 應該會對拓 04/12 11:42
yolasiku:荒者 2連勝吧?! 04/12 11:42
WASP01:雷霆被勇士作掉 如果明天又輸拓荒 第一輪對手就是他們 04/12 11:44
killer922:可是賭S.brown 偽喬登跟老魚 那還是賭Kobe比較實在 04/12 11:45
killer922:不以結果論來看 一個Kobe還是比其他兩個可怕 04/12 11:46
jerryyuan:原來60勝早就gg了 今年只有一隊 04/12 11:56
hikaruton:kobe缺鎮那幾場湖人除了嘎瘦跟老二 其他人也不算打得好 04/12 12:38
hikaruton:運轉也不很流暢 跟kobe在沒兩樣~ 也常流於單打~ 04/12 12:38
tingken:賭後衛其他三個?等季後賽打完你再來說吧! 04/12 13:16
goldenlen:對了,這一季不是不准板凳區站起來?? 04/12 13:19
rock61816:湖人的板凳好像在看演唱會喔!超High的 04/12 13:32
cwy1029:KOBE缺陣打的比較好的言論又出來了......= = 04/12 16:51
allendesper:感覺有陰謀 04/12 18:47
nasa709:感覺爺爺不想第一輪對拓荒者 04/13 00:43