看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5417748 Artest自己訪問自己? 我覺得還蠻有深度的。 Under the dome Ron Artest had a tough assignment: getting inside his own head By Ron Artest (as told to Sam Alipour) ESPN The Magazine This article appears in the Aug. 9 issue of ESPN The Magazine. ARE YOU CRAZY? What's crazy? You need to decide. On Twitter you could say I'm pretty crazy, or you could say I just have a weird sense of humor. Off the court you could say I'm pretty crazy, or you could say I'm just ghetto. On the court you could say I'm pretty crazy, or you could say I just play really hard. To each person, I could be a different person. So you need to decide. Of course, there have been times when I've done crazy things. But I don't think I'm crazy. I just grew up in a crazy world. 你瘋了嗎? 瘋是什麼?你需要自己決定。在推特上,你可以說我蠻瘋的,或你可以說我有奇怪的 幽默感。不在球場上,你可以說我蠻瘋的,或者你可以說我只是一個都市壓力很大的 一個人。在球場上,你可以說我蠻瘋的,或者你可以說我打球很認真。對每一個人, 我都是不同的一個人。所以你必須自己決定。當然,曾經有時候我的確幹過很瘋狂的 事情。但是我不認為我瘋了。我只是在一個瘋了的世界長大而已。 WHAT DO THE DOCTORS SAY? Well, there is a history of mental illness in my family. My auntie is in the hospital right now. She's had her ups and downs. I've had mine too. I first saw a doctor when I was 13, when I was getting in a lot of trouble. If I felt I, or someone else, was being disrespected, I would pick a fight. 醫生怎麼認為? 其實,我們家族有精神疾病的歷史。我阿姨現在就在醫院裡。她有過她的好與壞的時 候。我也是。我第一次看醫生是我13歲的時候,那時候我惹了很多麻煩。當時如果我 覺得我或是其他人不被尊重,我便會去找架打。 WHAT LED TO YOU HAVING THOSE FEELINGS? I think a lot of it came from what happened to me as a kid. Some of it was my parents' divorce. A lot of it was getting teased for having ugly clothes and nappy hair. I got bullied so much at 11 and 12 that I became the bully. I didn't want to get bullied no more. And that just carried on through my life. 什麼事情導致你有那樣的情感 我覺得有很大一部份起因於我小時候發生的事情。有一些是我父母的離婚。常常是我 被嘲笑穿著醜陋的衣服或是奇怪的髮型。我11 12歲的時候被人欺負到我開始去欺負 別人了。我只是不想再被欺負了。我人生以後也有著如此的想法。 BESIDES BEING A BULLY, DID YOU ENGAGE IN OTHER DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS? Alcohol was part of the problem. At 15 I started to get twisted, and at 16 I was getting lit up on a regular basis. By the time the Bulls drafted me, I'd drink in the house all day, then go play a game. But I stopped drinking heavily in Sacramento. I'm sure I wouldn't have made the same mistakes if I hadn't been drinking. Was I crazy, or was I not sober enough to have a clear mind? That's the question. 除了欺負別人,你有過其他非正面的行為習慣嗎 酒精是問題的一部份。我15歲開始喝,到了16歲便例行性的在喝了。到了公牛隊選秀 選中我的時候,我已經整天都在喝酒,然後再去上場比賽。我到了Sac之後便沒有再那 麼嚴重的酗酒。我知道我如果沒有那樣子喝酒的話,就不會犯了那些犯了的錯誤。到底 是我瘋了,還是我喝醉了導始我沒辦法清楚想事情?這才是問題癥結。 BUT YOU CONTINUED TO HAVE PROBLEMS IN THE NBA. WHEN DID THINGS START TO TURN AROUND? It started in Sacramento, when I had a domestic issue with my wife. I won't get into specifics, but the court said I had to take classes, had to change course. At first, I was mad. But I took a marriage class, and the teacher was amazing. I became a better husband. Then I took a parenting class, and I became a better father. And I took an anger management class, and that helped me too. Ultimately, I got hooked on self-betterment. All of a sudden, I was addicted to counseling. So when I got to Houston, I started shopping for a mental health doctor. That's when I found Dr. Santhi Periasamy. She's the doctor I kept thanking after the Finals. 但你在NBA裡仍持續著有問題。什麼時候事情開始好轉 在Sac開始的,那時候我和我太太有了一些爭執。我細節不講太多,但是法院要我去上 課,要我去改變我的行為。起初,我很生氣。但是我上了一堂婚姻課程,那個老師棒 呆了。我成了一個更好的老公。然後我又上了一堂父母親課,我成了一個更好的父親。 然後我又上了一堂情緒管理課程,那也對我有幫助。最終,我對於改善自我開始上癮了 。突然間,我愛上了諮詢輔導。所以當我到了Hou,我開始物色一個精神輔導醫師。我 就是在那個時候遇到了Dr.Santhi Periasamy。就是在總冠軍賽封王後我感謝的那位醫 師。 WHAT DID YOU LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF? Every time we talked about my problems -- at home, in my life, whatever -- it would always come back to basketball. She helped me realize that. So we mostly talked about basketball. We talked about my moves, my shot, and how all of the pressure I felt about my game was interfering with the rest of my life. Like, I found out that an argument with my wife was because I had a bad game, and I had a bad game because Coach Jackson was getting on my nerves. I'd bring that stress back home. It was a cycle. Dr. Santhi said, "Solve the basketball problems, and you'll solve the rest." Now, I can take the pressure, the anxiety, the heat from the media and fans, and it doesn't faze me. I don't rush anymore. I'm not anxious for a game, or to get my shot. Everything will come to me. Dr. Santhi helped me figure that out. 我學到了關於你自己什麼事情 每當我們討論我的問題,不管是家裡或是人生中或是其他地方,我們總是會回到籃球上 。這是他幫我瞭解到的。所以我們大部分都在討論籃球。討論我的動作,投籃,以及我 對於我場上的表現所感到的壓力對我的人生所造成的影響。我發現有一次我跟我老婆吵 架是因為我比賽表現的不好,而我表現的不好是因為Jackson教練一直惹毛我。我會把 那些壓力帶回家。那變成一種循環。Dr Santhi說「解決球場上的問題,你便會解決其 他的問題。」現在,我可以承受那些壓力,那些激動,媒體及球迷給的壓力都不會影響 到我。我不再急了。我不會為了一場球賽,或是為了要得到投籃機會而激動。一切該來 的都會來。是Dr. Santhi幫我瞭解這些的。 OPPONENTS DON'T GET UNDER YOUR SKIN? Nah, I'm much more mellow now. I can control myself on the court. If I get fouled, I say what I gotta say and move on. I don't mind being punked anymore. If someone gets in my face, I just walk away. Against the Celtics in the Finals, Tony Allen got in my face, but I don't got the time for Tony Allen. Now, if you're a star and you're talking trash, I'll talk back. All series long, Paul Pierce was talking: "You're a bum, you can't score, you can't guard me, I'm busting your ass." Everything. 對方球員不會惹毛你? 不會,我現在溫和多了。我在場上可以控制住我自己。如果我被犯規了,我就說我該說 的然後繼續打球。我別介意被別人欺負或是佔便宜了。如果有人來找我吵架,我會選擇 離開。總冠軍賽對上Celtics,Tony Allen一直來煩我。可是我沒有時間去理會Allen。 如果你是個明星然後跟我講垃圾話,那我就會回嘴。整個系列賽,Pierce一直在說「你 這流浪漢,你沒辦法得分,你沒辦法守我,瞧我來教訓你」。你想的到的都有。 HOW WOULD YOU TRASH-TALK AGAINST YOURSELF? Well, I guess I would try saying, "You're crazy," or "psychopath." I got called both those things, and worse, in the playoffs. Fans in Utah called me Osama Bin Ron and said, "You need medicine," but none of that fazed me. 你怎麼跟你自己講垃圾話? 我猜我會說「你瘋了,神經病」。季後賽的時候,那兩個詞我都曾經被說過,而且還有 更慘的。Utah的球迷叫我Osama Bin Ron,然後又說「你需要吃藥」,但是這些都影響 不到我。 SO THERE'S NOTHING ANYONE CAN SAY? All right, there is one thing that gets me really mad. Last season, Tim Legler, Charles Barkley and Carmelo Anthony all said something like, "Ron Artest is a step slower and can't play defense no more." I was 270 pounds, all muscle -- which was my goal for the season -- so I was fine, in my peaceful little world, until I heard that. It pissed me off so much! I put myself through my own midseason training camp. Didn't take a sip of alcohol from that time all the way through the playoffs. And by the Finals, I'd lost 20 pounds in two months. The problem was I was exhausted during that part of the season. That's why I was struggling. I was working out at 1 a.m., on the treadmill, in the gym. But I hit my stride in the playoffs. I shut down Kevin Durant, the NBA's scoring leader. I shut down whoever I shut down in Utah; they didn't have any stars at the 3. I shut down Jason Richardson. Shut down Paul Pierce. Three years straight, Paul Pierce is shooting 40.8% against Ron Artest. So, go ahead, tell me I'm slower. Tell me I can't play defense. Thank you. 所以別人說什麼都沒用? 好吧,還是有一個點讓我很氣。上個球季,Tim Legler, Barkley, Melo都曾經說過類似 的話「Artest速度又慢下來了,沒辦法防守了」我那時270磅,都是肌肉,而那也的確是 我給我自己的目標,所以在我自己心中一切都沒問題,直到我聽到那些話為止。那讓我超 生氣的!我讓我自己來一次季中訓練營。沒再喝半滴酒直到季後賽結束。到了總冠軍賽, 我在兩個月內減了20磅。問題是那段時間我簡直累翻了。那也是為什麼我那時候會表現的 比較不好。我凌晨一點都還在健身,在跑步機上或是健身房裡。但是在季後賽的時候找到 了感覺。我鎖住了KD,聯盟得分王。我鎖住了那個被我鎖住的UTAH球員(他們在3號位沒 有有名的球員),我鎖住了J-Rich。我鎖住了PP。連續三年,PP對上Artest投籃命中率 只有40.8%。所以,儘管說我慢了一步,說我沒辦法防守了。謝謝。 WHAT ABOUT PHIL JACKSON? DIDN'T HE GET UNDER YOUR SKIN? Yeah, that's true too. Phil Jackson is the only person these days who can truly get under my skin. And he gets under my skin 80% of the time. Phil totally controls me. In practice, he'll always joke about me and bother me, saying stuff about my shoes or whatever. All season, he'd say, "Ron can't shoot." But after Game 4 of the Finals, when we were tied at two, he changed his tune. He came to me and said, "Ron, I need you to play your game. You have to make plays." Oh, man. I was so happy! I called Derek Fisher and a couple of my friends and said, "Coach told me I could make plays! Boom! Let's go." What happened? I made plays. When my coach and teammates are behind me, there's nothing you can do to stop me. 那PJ呢?他會惹毛你嗎? 恩,那倒是真的。這年頭也只有PJ可以真正的把我惹毛。而且他大概80%的時間都把我惹 毛了。PJ完全的控制了我。練習的時候,他總是在開我的玩笑以及煩我,說我的鞋子或是 什麼其他的。整個球季,他都說「Ron can't shoot」。但是總冠軍第四場之後,那時候 2-2平手,他改變了。他來跟我說「Ron,我需要你打出你的球風。我需要你有所表現」喔 天阿!我真是太高興了!我打給老漁以及一些朋友說「教練讓我有所表現!Boom!來吧」 結果呢?我真的有所表現了。當教練和隊友都知其你,你做什麼都沒辦法擋住我。 Ron Artest's life as a movie My character would be a basketball player who secretly doubles as a bounty hunter. None of my teammates know, because when I'm bounty hunting I wear a disguise -- a black leather jacket, nice shoes, some black jeans, definitely black shades, a fedora and a gray beard. Oh, and a cane. But even with my disguise, a villain finds out I'm the bounty hunter, and he wants to get back at me, so he attempts to kidnap my point guard. So now I have to stop the villain and protect my team without finding out I'm this bounty hunter. There's a climactic scene when my team and I are all on a bus and the villain's people are trying to get to it and my bounty hunting agency and I have to prevent it from happening without revealing my identity. In the end, I catch the guy trying to kidnap the players, and he gives me the location of the villain's headquarters. My agency and I run over there and take the whole network down. 如果Ron的一生是部電影 我的角色會是一名偷偷兼差當賞金獵人的籃球選手。我的隊友都不知道,因為當我在當 賞金獵人的時候,會穿著偽裝--黑皮外套,高檔鞋,黑牛仔褲,當然必備的黑墨鏡,軟呢 帽,灰色鬍子。喔,還有柺杖。儘管我如此偽裝,還是被壞人識破,而他也想要報復, 所以他綁架了我的控球後衛,所以我現在必須阻止壞人並且保護球隊,但是不能讓他們 發現我的身份。高潮戲碼就是當我和隊友都在車上的時候,壞人及他的爪牙想要接近, 而我的正義伙伴們和我要在我不揭露身份的情況下阻止他們。最後,我逮住了想要綁架 我隊友的人,知道了壞人的巢穴。我和我的手下便過去把他們整個組織給瓦解了。 BUT YOU'VE SAID YOU REALLY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR INDIVIDUAL GAME? I don't. It's all about winning now. I spent a lot of my career fighting coaches. When coaches told me don't shoot, I'd shoot anyway. But now I'm able to listen to a coach and sacrifice my game. It wasn't always that way. In Houston, I was one of the best players in the league, in a contract year, and I'm not starting? Are you kidding me? Shouldn't I have cursed out my coach or GM? Shouldn't I have told my agent to get me the hell out of there? But I didn't do any of that. I was pissed off, but I didn't once say anything to anybody. Then, I get to LA, and ignorant people are saying, "Ron can't fit in." 但是你說你並不在意你個人的表現? 我不在意現在最重要的就是贏球。我職業生涯很大部分的時間都是在跟教練吵架。教練 叫我不要投球,但是我還是投了。但是我現在有辦法聽進教練的話然後犧牲我自己的數 據。不是本來就這樣的。在Hou,我是聯盟裡最頂尖球員之一,合約最後一年,然後我 不是先發球員?你在搞笑嗎?我那時不該說說我的教練和GM嗎?我不該跟我的經紀人講 趕快把我弄出去嗎?但是我都沒有那樣子做。後來,我來了LA,也沒有去理會別人說的 「Ron沒辦法融入」 BUT YOU DO LOVE THE SPOTLIGHT, RIGHT? I don't care about that anymore. I've totally sacrificed my ego. And what happens? God is giving me everything. Look, I'm the editor in chief of this magazine. And God blessed me with a ring. Don't get me wrong, the spotlight is nice, but winning puts you in the spotlight. 但你還是喜歡在鎂光燈下,對吧? 我不再在意那些了。我完全的犧牲我自己的自尊。然後發生了什麼事情?上天給了我所 有的東西。你看,我是這本雜誌的主編。上天也給了我冠軍戒指。別誤會,在鎂光燈下 當然很好,但是贏球才會讓你有機會在鎂光燈下。 WHEN DID IT BECOME ABOUT WINNING FOR YOU? In Sacramento. When I got there, we were in last place in the West. Coach Rick Adelman said, "Ron, the team will go as far as you take us." Well, we went to the playoffs. But this is the important part: Outside of Mike Bibby, I was the go-to guy there. Every play was going through me. But we had Bonzi Wells, too, and he was playing well. So I said, "Coach, we should play through Bonzi." And what did Bonzi do in the playoffs? Averaged 23 and 12. Right there, I realized I cared a lot about winning. I also learned I'd be a good coach someday. 什麼時候對你而言贏球才是最重要的 在Sac。我到那的時候,我們是西區最後一名。Adelman說「Ron,你能把球隊帶到哪,球 隊就能到哪」。我們後來進了季後賽。但這是重點,除了Bibby之外,我是主要的球隊重 心。所有的戰術都要經過我。但那時我們也有Wells,而且那時候他表現得很好。所以我 就說「教練,我們應該以Wells為主」結果Wells季後賽做了什麼?23/12的平均表現。那 時,我便清楚知道我很想要贏球。我也知道有一天我也會是名很好的教練。 WAIT, YOU WANT TO BE A COACH? I want to be a coach, bad. I'd love to coach the Knicks or St. John's, but I'd go anywhere. I want to coach immediately after I retire. I'd be good for a bunch of reasons. I know the little things, like how important spacing is. I also understand how to deal with players, so I'm able to coach a player like me now. I know when the problem is emotional versus selfishness. I've hurt teams with my selfishness, and I've hurt teams with my emotion. I know the difference. If a player doesn't listen to me, I know how to respond. And, of course, I know defense. It's not just physical; it's more than that. How do I get through a playoff game with only one foul, as physical as I am? It's about knowledge. I know every player's moves and tendencies. I know exactly where all 10 guys on the court are supposed to be, and when. I'm 100% sure this coaching thing will work. All I need is a good staff, and to watch more tape. One thing I don't do is watch tape. I gotta start if I want to coach. 等等,你要當教練? 我要當教練,很想要。我很想要當尼克或是聖約翰的教練,但我哪裡都可。我退休後想 馬上開始當教練。有很多原因我會成功。我知道那些重要的小事情,例如空間取得。我 也清楚如何和球員相處,所以要駕馭像我一樣的球員沒有問題。我會知道什麼時候問題 是情緒上或自私。我曾經因為自私而傷害過球隊,我也曾經因為情緒而傷害過球隊。我 知道其中的差別。如果球員不聽我的話,我知道該如何反應。當然,我瞭解防守。那並 不只是肢體上碰撞,比那還深奧。我如何在一場季後賽比賽打完卻只有吹一次犯規,且 如此具侵略性的我。都是知識。我知道所有球員的動作和習慣。我清楚知道場上10個球 員什麼時候該在的位置。我只需要好的教練團,以及看更多的影帶。我唯一不做得就是 看影帶。如果我想當教練我必須開始看影帶了。 EVERY GOOD COACH NEEDS A GOOD MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE. WHAT'S YOURS? "It's not what I can do. It's what I'm gonna do." That's mine. I made it up. I was in my house one day, reading the newspapers, and everybody was writing me off. I'm like, what the hell is everyone talking about? And that's what popped into my head. 所有的教練都需要激勵人心的銘言。你的呢? 「不是你可以做什麼,而是你將做什麼」這就是我的。我自己原創的。有一天我在家裡 ,看著報紙,然後每個人都在說我的壞話。我那時覺得,他們這些人都在講什麼阿?就 在那個時候想到這句。 BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN EXACTLY? It means a lot of things. I may not win a dunk contest, but you're not dunking on me. And I'm not as fast as you, but I'll beat you to your spot. It's not that I can't score -- I will score, and I'll make sure you're not going to score. It's the best quote ever. 但是那到底是什麼意思? 那有很多意思。我也許贏不了灌籃比賽,但是你不會在我頭上灌籃。我也許沒有你那麼 快,但是我會比你早到那個點的。不是我沒有辦法得分--我會得分的,而是我會確保你 沒辦法得分。這是最棒的一句話。 WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? Titanic. When DiCaprio is trying to save the young lady, that was dope. When she tries to save him, and he dies, that was dope too. That whole situation was tragic. When I saw the baby in the water, frozen? I cried a little, but mostly I was pissed. I'd just had my daughter, so when I saw that frozen baby, I was like, "What the f -- !? That's bull -- !" And let's not forget about Céline Dion. That woman is unbelievable. You know how much I love my music? Well, I wouldn't put out a song for 10 years if that meant I could put out a song with her. Her voice sounds like pure fresh air. It sounds like what it sounded like when the world was created. 你最喜歡的電影? 鐵達尼。當DiCaprio要救那個年輕女孩的時候,那很悲傷。當她想救他,而他死的時候 ,那很悲傷。整個情形都很悲慘。當我看到那個小孩在水里,冰凍著。我哭了一點,但 主要還是生氣。那時候我女兒剛出生,所以當我看到那小孩的時候,我說「搞什麼阿, 這樣太狗血了吧」。然後我們也不能忘記Celine Dion。那女的不可置信。你知道我多愛 我的音樂吧,但是如果我可以跟她一起出一首歌,我十年不出自己的歌都可以。她的聲 音有如純淨新鮮的空氣。聽起來就像是世界剛被創造時的感覺一樣。 WHERE ARE YOU MOST AT PEACE? At the beach. Man, give me a mango drink, some sand, that water, and it's all good. I love running in the sand. But sometimes I'm scared as hell of water. Whenever I'm out there, I'm thinking, "Damn, some tidal wave is about to come!" Okay, so maybe I'm not totally at peace at the beach. 你在哪裡最平靜? 在海灘。給我一杯芒果飲料,一些沙子,那些海,就夠了。我喜歡在沙子裡跑步。但有 時候我超怕的。在外面的時候,心裡總是會想「他奶奶的,那些海嘯是不是要來了」。 好吧,也許我在海邊不是完全的平靜。 NOW THAT YOU'VE WON A TITLE, DO YOU STILL HAVE ANY PERSONAL GOALS IN THE NBA? I would love to get back to first-team All-Defense. I own defense. It's like my corporation. I'm the CEO and everyone else is just an employee. The fans and players know I belong. When you need a stop, who you going to call? Not the goddamn Ghostbusters, I'll tell you that. You call me. 現在你得到了總冠軍,你在NBA還有什麼個人目標嗎? 我很希望可以重返防守第一隊。我的一切就是防守。就好比我的企業。我是CEO,其他人 都只是員工。球迷和球員都知道我屬於第一隊。當你需到阻止得分,你會叫誰來?不是 那些見鬼的魔鬼剋星。你會找我。 DO YOU STILL WANT TO PLAY FOR TEAM USA? I want a gold medal so bad, I'd be the water boy. But they won't even let me try out! I've been trying to get on that team forever. Three years ago, I called Jerry Colangelo. He answered the phone. I said, "Hi, this is Ron Artest," and the dude hung up! At least let me try out. Give me a chance to represent the ghettos of America. Come on, Team USA! I don't have much time left. 你還想為美國隊效力嗎? 我想要一面金牌,我連倒茶水小弟都願意當。但是他們連讓我去面試的機會都沒有。我 老早就想要進那個球隊了。三年前,我打給Colangelo。他接了電話。我說「Hi,我是 Ron Artest」,那小子竟然掛電話了!至少讓我試試嘛。給我個機會代表美國阿。美國 隊,來吧。我沒多少時間了。 HOW ARE YOU KEEPING IN SHAPE THIS SUMMER? My secret weapon is spin class. It's crazy. My first time there, I'm like, "What the hell is this? A bunch of girls and old people on bikes? Easy." So I get on the bike, and within 10 minutes I wanted to quit. But I can't when these girls are hardly sweating. Can't quit. So I kept going. When it's over, I've got a pool of sweat under me. I've never done anything so hard in my life. 這個暑假你如何保持狀況? 我的秘密武器是健身腳踏車課程。那簡直瘋了。我第一次去的時候,我覺得「這啥鬼? 一堆女人跟老人在腳踏車上?簡單。」所以我上了腳踏車,然後不到十分鐘我就想要放 棄了。但是我沒辦法放棄,因為那些女生幾乎連流汗都沒有。不能放棄。所以我繼續下 去。結束的時候,我底下有一灘汗水。我這生沒做過這麼困難的事情。 WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON KOBE? I thought you'd never ask. We'll be on the plane, playing cards. Kobe will walk up, stop the game and say, "Ron, come to the back of the plane." Then, he'll show me some tape and say, "Look at this. Here's what you need to do." I'll go back to my seat, and then he'll walk up to Shannon Brown, stop the card game and do the same thing. And it doesn't matter if you're sleeping. He'll wake you up and show you things you've never thought about. He puts so much time and passion into the game. I have no problem following somebody who's worth being followed, who works as hard as me. I will follow Kobe anywhere. 你對KB的看法? 我還以為你永遠都不會問咧。我們在飛機上,打牌。KB會走過來,停止牌局,然後說「 Ron,到飛機後頭來一下」然後他會給我看一些影片,然後說「看這裡。你這裡應該怎麼 做」我回到座位上,然後他會走到Brown身邊,停止牌局,然後做一樣的事情。就算你在 睡覺也沒差。他會把你叫醒然後給你看一些你從來不曾想過的事情。他對籃球付出了極大 的時間與熱情。我對於跟隨一個值得跟隨的人完全沒有意見,一個跟我一樣努力的人。 我會跟隨KB到任何地方。 WILL IT BE A LAKERS-HEAT FINALS? Don't sleep on Boston, but I like Miami in the East. It would be an honor to face the Heat. I'll take LeBron. Kobe's on Wade. Gasol's got Bosh. It'll come down to Andrew Bynum. If he's healthy, we can't be stopped. 會是湖人熱火的總冠軍戲碼嗎? 別忽略BOS,但是東區我看好MIA。能對上MIA是種榮譽。我會守LEBRON。KB會守WADE。 GASOL守BOSH。一切會取決於BYNUM。如果他健康,沒有人能阻止我們。 YOU'VE PLAYED FOR FIVE TEAMS OVER 11 SEASONS. WHERE IS HOME? By now everyone knows Queensbridge is where I grew up, but Indiana is my home. My whole family's been out there since I signed with the Pacers. It's where I got married. It's where my new life began, where everything I worked for started to come true. It's where I signed my first big contract. I have a special place in my heart for Indiana. 你11個球季效力過5支球隊。哪裡才是家? 現在大家應該都知道我在Queensbridge長大的,但是印第安那是我的家。至從我和IND 簽約之後,我的家人都過去那邊了。我在那裡結婚。我在那裡新生。我所努力打拼的在 那裡開實現。我的第一個大合約。印第安那在我心中有特殊的地位。 ... DESPITE WHAT HAPPENED WHILE YOU WERE WITH THE PACERS? Listen, I told my agent last off-season that if Houston doesn't want to keep me, my first choice was New York. That wasn't an option, so I said, "Let's go to Indiana." I would've gone there for any amount of money. If they would've offered me $4 million, I'd be a Pacer now. I just felt like I owed them something. I owed them more good seasons. I didn't give them my all because I was mad about my contract. Now I know to leave the selfish stuff for an appropriate setting. The fourth quarter isn't the time to worry about yourself. I finally stopped worrying about money after I made Larry Bird mad for the last time. I told him I wanted to be traded, and I regret that. But I don't regret asking for the time off to work on my music, because I needed time to work on my head, too. I was still trying to figure out what I was becoming, and what kind of person I wanted to be. I was lost. I needed that time. 儘管在溜馬隊的時候發生的那些事情? 聽著。上個休賽期我告訴我的經紀人,如果HOU不要的的話,我的第一選擇是NY。那選擇 不曾出現,所以我說「我們去IND吧」。不管合約多少我都願意去。如果他們那時出4M, 我現在就是溜馬球員了。我覺得我欠他們什麼。我欠他們好的表現。我因為合約的問題沒 有盡全力。現在我知道要把自私的情緒適當的排解掉。第四節不是為自己煩惱的時候。 自從上次把大鳥惹毛之後,我終於不在擔心前的問題了。我告訴他我想要被交易,我也後 悔我那麼說。但是我不後悔要求一些時間去弄我的音樂,因為我需要那個時間去搞定我的 腦袋。我那時還在摸索我將變成什麼,以及我想要變成怎樣的人。我需要那個時間。 WHO DO YOU WISH YOU COULD'VE PLAYED AGAINST IN HIS PRIME? Jordan, because I'd want to see what he'd do to me. I think he would've busted my ass. 你希望你可以對上顛峰時期的誰? MJ,因為我想看看他可以對我做什麼。我猜他會狠狠的教訓我。 Sam Alipour is a contributing writer for ESPN The Magazine. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hok:賞金獵人XD 07/30 11:07
sunnypeng:好長,看完推! 07/30 11:13
※ 編輯: claus 來自: (07/30 11:14)
imsohappy:米國隊 XD 07/30 11:18
hikaruton:Ron:我會跟隨KB到任何地方。 07/30 11:22
hikaruton:阿泰形容KOBE那邊好棒 KOBE連飛機上都在認真...... 07/30 11:23
Maxslack:掛電話XDDDDD 07/30 11:25
hikaruton:其實他打美國對會很好用吧 XD 美國隊需要好防守~ 07/30 11:26
hikaruton:他又能頂SG SF 勉強PF(夠厚) 得分攪和也不錯~ 07/30 11:27
Maxslack:不會 美國隊更需要速度... 07/30 11:28
Maxslack:現在這隻美國隊沒速度跟本是上不了場的 07/30 11:28
zard1983:阿泰在大陸說湖人3巨頭是kobe+敗嫩+咖嗽...變得非常謙虛 07/30 11:39
zard1983:一個火爆浪子狼湖人後變雅痞了..改變真大 07/30 11:40
benson:梗不少XD 07/30 11:42
lyfenanook:KOBE在飛機上也閒不下來...太扯了... 07/30 11:43
hojoe:阿泰真性情,賞金獵人跟海嘯都好好笑,看鐵達尼也哭了 07/30 11:56
flyintmtc:推 It's not what I can do. It's what I'm gonna do. 07/30 11:57
Mman:MJ第二次復出前練習時防守MJ弄傷他肋骨肉體上阿泰教訓過MJ阿 07/30 12:04
anniewho:推~ 哈哈越來越喜歡阿泰了! 07/30 12:08
blueennis:未看先推 07/30 12:12
fishblack:長相像通緝犯的肌肉棒子最愛的電影居然是鐵達尼....... 07/30 12:16
yehming:推 竟然被直接掛電話= = 07/30 12:18
dragonjohn:推阿泰 07/30 12:23
kerry0496x:阿泰 : 瘋是什麼?你需要自己決定。 有火鳳的FU~ 07/30 12:26
goldenlen:推~ 蠻精彩的啊 07/30 12:32
ohha0221:阿泰竟然會承認自己會守不住MJ 也難怪MJ是他偶像 07/30 12:32
kerry0496x:好想轉總板@@ 這篇好好笑XD 07/30 12:34
kerry0496x:要手套、小蟲那等級的才可能守住MJ吧@@ 07/30 12:35
newevian:謝謝原po的翻譯 看完這篇以後 更喜歡阿泰了! 07/30 12:46
zealeliot:直接掛電話實在太XD了...另推老大那段~ 07/30 12:49
kerry0496x:經作者同意轉錄 07/30 13:09
kerry0496x:轉錄至看板 NBA 07/30 13:09
JackX:Ron VS MJ 結果MJ的肋骨就斷了 = = 07/30 13:16
Sephiroth:轉去總板有多少人會看= = 07/30 13:35
pcisfifa:推 他真的很有趣XD 07/30 13:37
rl55586:哈哈哈 掛電話太好笑了 07/30 13:45
tlw0709:所以禪師=唐三藏 Ron=孫悟空... 07/30 14:00
kerry0496x:拿到總冠軍後,我想不論是最佳防守球員或是美國隊 07/30 14:13
kerry0496x:得選拔上,沒人敢瞧不起他了,真是爽 07/30 14:13
dkjirh:我會跟隨KB到任何地方... 07/30 14:49
kb81:阿泰推 07/30 15:03
SBTNINE:推阿泰~ 07/30 15:57
jerry2588:我會跟隨KB到任何地方... 07/30 16:04
blooddaemon:好文必推! KB那個真的是認真到了極點... 07/30 16:23
dick58582001:好文 07/30 16:49
kb81:阿泰你就跟著老大直到退休吧 <(_ _)> <(_ _)> <(_ _)> 07/30 16:55
cck1985:跟著老大繼續N連霸下去吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07/30 17:10
zz781212:阿泰 水唷 水唷 07/30 17:55
animalspell:呼,有個處女座的老大,是很辛苦滴... 07/30 18:06
handsomeku:底下有一攤水.....什麼水XD 07/30 18:17
SureHappy:好文 很有深度的自我訪談! 07/30 18:34
fireleon:好文推 07/30 18:47
amartinv12:湖人推 07/30 19:27
yucen0924:推 那小子居然掛電話了 至少讓我試試嘛 看到這裡大笑= = 07/30 19:35
cluclu:tell me I'm slower. Tell me I can't play defense. Thank 07/30 19:57
momowawa1981:補推 07/30 20:07
nicenick:好文推~~~! 07/30 20:15
nicenick:Ron can't shoot」 XDDD 07/30 20:16
Mayaku:PJ:oh~oh~oh~oh~o~only you~能陪我取冠軍~ 07/30 20:46
Mayaku:Ron:我快被你煩死啦ˋˊ 07/30 20:47
kerry0496x:oh~oh~oh~oh~o~only you~能斬姚除Mo (抱歉姚明@@) 07/30 21:02
albon:推 阿泰的改變 07/30 21:17
Maziger:跟Kobe同隊壓力超大..... 07/30 21:43
chancewen:我愛蓉蓉>////< 07/30 22:14
kobewlps:推!真有趣! 07/30 22:30
AngelNo13: 07/30 22:38
YamagiN:Osama-Bin-Ron我笑了 美國鄉民酸得很有水準 07/30 23:06
wassup:RON 到後面一下...有沒有這麼拼啊 07/30 23:15