看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lakers not worried about playoff matchups 對手是誰? 湖人沒在擔心的啦 The Lakers are within 11/2 games of catching the San Antonio Spurs, but do they want to pass them? It's a hilarious debate, truly, the Lakers on an absolute roll and the Spurs absolutely getting rolled these days, but finishing ahead of the Spurs could mean a more difficult second-round playoff series. Instead of playing the Dallas Mavericks, whom the Lakers don't fear at all — just ask Matt Barnes — a rematch with Oklahoma City could be waiting. 湖人差1.5場勝差就一要追過馬刺了 但超過他們真的是好事嗎? 一旦超車也就代表著他們第二輪可能會遇到雷帝,一群青春的肉體 老漁: 來啊!!(抖) 如果不超車他們第二輪將遇到咱咩棒will kill的小牛,他們的控衛則是kidd 老漁: 來阿!! =) Anybody remember the 110-89 pasting the Lakers absorbed in Game 4 of last season's first round against the Thunder? Or the last-second Pau Gasol follow they needed to take Game 6 in Oklahoma City? The Lakers didn't so much win that series as survive it. 還記得嗎?上季跟雷霆血戰,若沒有Pau最後的跟進,將會使整個系列賽拖到第六戰 雷霆主場。 With all due respect to Portland, New Orleans and Memphis, who figure to be little more than a baseball card in the spoke of the Lakers' bicycle tires, it borders on ridiculous to even look so far ahead, but that's what fans (and sportswriters) do. Not to be forgotten is that immensely improving Denver could beat Oklahoma City in the first round. 當然,連第一輪都還沒過關似乎不應該想這麼多,湖人迷跟老科不同似乎都很擔心劇場 老科:I'm good!! I feel good!! I have 100% recovered..... 但這就是球迷嘛!!甚至連雷霆能不能打敗少女時代都還不知道...就在操心了 The Lakers were brought into the down-the-road conversation on an otherwise quiet Saturday at their practice facility. "I think that's what scared teams do, try to position themselves," forward Lamar Odom said. "We're not going to run from a team not to finish first. That's the problem with some teams. 星期六湖人隊經過了一次沉著的訓練 "我想一個強隊就該這樣,每個人都能扮演好自己的角色,我們只為了第一而奮鬥" Odom說 "Being around Phil [Jackson] and Kobe [Bryant] and Derek [Fisher], you just look up at the banners. We don't put division titles up and things like that. Our goal is to be the best team and if we can finish as the best team in the West, that's an accomplishment." "在科科跟老魚身邊打球,你必須要把目標訂得更高,我們必須要成為最棒的隊伍,如 果能獲得西區第一,對我們來說都是很大的鼓舞" Jackson isn't going to sandbag anything. Besides, if the Lakers pass San Antonio, they'll secure home-court advantage throughout the Western Conference playoffs. "We want to win every game we can win," Jackson said. 能擁有主場優勢也是很重要的 "能贏的當然要給他贏下阿呀!!!(呼...呼...)" 肥爾在睡夢中表示 He'll kill you? 殺人!?這種想法我天天都有啊!! A few hours after getting ejected Thursday against Dallas, Barnes released a T-shirt that read on the front, "Matt Barnes Will Kill You … If Ron Artest Doesn't First." The back of it reads, "Killah Bees" and has images of Barnes, Steve Blake and Shannon Brown with bee-like bodies. "如果咱滅絕師泰不扁你,老子也會砍爆你" 咩棒惡狠狠的在T-shirt上表示 "That was my [apparel] partners that actually released it at that time," Barnes said Saturday. "It was good timing, I guess. The shirts had just got there, like, two days ago. It didn't hurt us. All three of us got thrown out and the shirts went crazy [with demand]." Barnes did not divulge specific sales numbers, but it will help make up some of the $17,650 he forfeited by serving a one-game suspension after shoving Dallas guard Jason Terry. 做這件衣服真是爽快,上面來有我 小黑 香濃的親密合照 嗨翻的同時還可以賺一些錢貼補我那已經夠少卻被停薪一場的收入.... Barnes will be back Sunday against Denver but still isn't entirely done discussing Dallas. "In Golden State, we showed how to beat Dallas — go in there and take it right to their chin and they back down," Barnes said. "I don't think nothing's changed since then. Hopefully we get a chance to see them again." Barnes was on the eighth-seeded Warriors when they stunned top-seeded Dallas in the first round of the 2007 playoffs. 在勇士曾經創造老八傳奇打敗小牛的咩棒表示: 我那時就知道要怎麼對付小牛了啦(菸) 送他們這麼一下,他們就嚇得回去找媽媽啦 那時候我就知道啦,哀 真希望還遇得到他們(吐煙圈) Carmelo who? 強摘得甜瓜不甜... The Nuggets are 14-4 since trading Carmelo Anthony and have improved their defense dramatically, giving up 95 points a game since sending him to New York. They've also picked up scoring from former Knicks forwards Danilo Gallinari (15.2 points a game) and Wilson Chandler (12.8 a game). 在甜瓜人生落幕後,金塊平均每場只讓對手攻下95分 少女時代迷惑了眾人 讓他的對手為了看他們而無法好好得分 也激起了Danilo Wilson Chandler的慾望(得分方面) "Their attack is a lot different because it's not pre-determined," Odom said. "You know they were going to go to Melo, go to Melo and run pick-and-roll with Chauncey [Billups]. This team hits you from all angles and whoever's open shoots the ball well. They're a team to be reckoned with." Billups' departure in the trade has allowed second-year point guard Ty Lawson to prosper. He averaged 16.3 points and 7.5 assists last month. Raymond Felton, yet another acquisition in the Anthony deal, is averaging 10.8 points and 6.6 assists with the Nuggets. 他們現在是多重攻擊耶,沒有鄉民受的了這麼多美腿吧... 有夠難守的,以前就看槍西還有甜瓜表演就好... 而且槍西被交易後,少女時代完全解放了泰勞,上個月他平均16.6分 7.5助攻 哈韓的Felton也有10.8分 6.6助攻的好表現 "Sometimes when you lose a superstar, the ball moves a little bit better and everything happens a little bit more like a team wants to play," Jackson said. "Everybody has the joy of touching and participating in the offense. And of course they got some real good talent when they got the trade." "塞翁失馬焉知非福呀,每個人都碰到球也不錯嘛!" 被少女時代吵醒的肥爾表示 結果真的輸了.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ep123:有笑有推 辛苦了!!! 04/04 11:19
pujolsX:金塊.阿拓.雷霆都不想遇到啊= = 04/04 11:21
kobeslaker:一場定生死的話 確實是不想遇到 04/04 11:23
kobeslaker:不過系列賽嘛 湖人的優勢就擺在那 這就是季後賽 04/04 11:23
hahaha613:遇到阿拓不錯阿 04/04 11:25
sheekat:XD 04/04 11:29
Verlander35:最好情況是金塊超車有主場優勢 不過太難了 04/04 11:31
asruar:炮哥就是在第六戰最後補進的吧 然後就淘汰雷霆 04/04 11:31
Verlander35:至於湖人 該擔心的是西冠、總冠軍或許沒主場優勢這問 04/04 11:31
Verlander35:題而已 前兩輪不用太想對手是誰的問題 反過都是要贏的 04/04 11:32
Verlander35:=3= 04/04 11:32
fix927:湖人沒再怕球隊 只怕骯髒球員 季末很多球員都越來越誇張 04/04 11:35
Verlander35:我們也挺髒的啊XD 先發除了霸男 其他都...替補老二+咩 04/04 11:36
Verlander35:棒也是小動作一堆XD 04/04 11:36
lin11220206:湖人還是西區第二好了..一點都不想碰到雷霆.金塊.阿拓 04/04 11:38
rex852753:可以問一下少女時代的梗是 = =? 整個lag 04/04 11:41
DenyPedrosa:真的好想買咩棒那件啪數T XDDD 04/04 12:10
shin30:XD 04/04 12:17
fix927:少女時代10人金塊先發替補10人都有得分上雙能力(是這樣嗎?) 04/04 12:21
hikaruton:沒有鄉民受的了這麼多美腿吧...有夠難守的....真的... 04/04 12:25
changuj1:少女時代是9人0.0 04/04 12:27
zealeliot:金塊還是交給雷霆對付吧 誰出線都脫層皮 04/04 12:27
fix927:囧 04/04 12:29
JackX:一不小心 第一輪遇到灰熊就有點麻煩了 = = 04/04 12:31
animalspell:這話題去年KB就講過啦,志在奪冠的球隊沒在挑對手的 04/04 12:49
animalspell:不管是誰來了都要想辦法 04/04 12:49
FSGuitar:KOBE是講得很豪氣拉XD 但是去年對雷霆時KOBE並沒有表現 04/04 16:25
FSGuitar:我們具有不挑對手的實力..XD 雖然KOBE那時候的膝傷很嚴重 04/04 16:26
FSGuitar:但這就是為什麼需要挑對手的原因-.-... 能有機會選 還是 04/04 16:26
FSGuitar:選有利一點的好 04/04 16:26
spko:挑不挑對手到不是重點,重點是最好冠軍賽能有主場優勢 04/05 02:56
spko:Kobe也許不挑對手,但他肯定不想冠軍賽Game 7在對手家打吧 04/05 02:56
LABOYS:該贏就要贏... 04/05 02:58
bitegod0921:我認為挑第一輪對手是必要的,最理想是挑西區老八,如 04/05 03:38
bitegod0921:果不行的話就西區第七吧 04/05 03:38
sneak: 湖人沒再怕球隊 只怕骯 https://muxiv.com 08/08 13:36
sneak: =3= https://daxiv.com 09/11 05:18
sneak: 不管是誰來了都要想辦法 https://noxiv.com 12/11 20:09