看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lakers forward Lamar Odom isn't happy with his boxing skills Odom對於自己的卡位非常不滿意 Denver's Kenyon Martin slips in for a tip-in with 11 seconds left, the second such late play Odom has allowed this year, and his frustration with himself shows. Martin偷偷從Odom後面補了一下 讓Odom嚐到本季第二次痛不欲生的感覺....ㄜ...就是輸球的意思 The basketball was launched 60 feet, landed on a TV camera atop the basket, and bounced hard toward the crowd, but Lamar Odom was still upset. He failed to box out Kenyon Martin, allowing the Denver Nuggets' forward to slip in for a tip-in with 11 seconds left in the Lakers' 95-90 loss Sunday. 球彈了彈,噴得有點遠,但Odom還是很自責 就因為他沒有卡好Martin "That's twice this year," Odom muttered to a reporter as he ambled across the locker room 30 minutes later. "兩次了,一年第二次真的很痛" Odom邊走邊說 Indeed, Odom allowed San Antonio forward Antonio McDyess to score with a similarly late tip-in two months ago. The Spurs mobbed McDyess, celebrating perhaps their biggest victory this season. 上一次是馬岱,在兩個月前從一樣從後面出現帶走了勝利 The only action on the court at Sunday's was Odom slinging the ball in frustration from one end to the other. Odom was mad at himself. He also hoped to get some help from Ron Artest, who was on the other side of Martin. "Me and Ron have been playing basketball all our life and we didn't communicate on that last free throw," Odom said. "We were supposed to squeeze [Martin], know what I'm saying?" Said Artest: "I guess [Martin] punked us. Or he cheated. One or the other." Odom非常沮喪的說 "蓉蓉跟我打了一輩子球了,我們卻沒有好好溝通好這事" "這太誇囉!他一定有推俺!偷作弊之類的" 蓉蓉不服氣的說 Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said Martin illegally shoved Odom in the back to get to the ball. 肥爾表示: "阿泰說得沒錯,老兄,別懷疑!我那時是醒著的!眼睛可雪亮的!他推了我們老二一把!!" Don't mess with Tex 關於Tex -- 三角戰術的創始者 Jackson has campaigned to get Tex Winter into the Basketball Hall of Fame for too many years to count. So it seemed unusual for Jackson to be tight-lipped about news of Winter's acceptance. "Great," Jackson said flatly. He was annoyed. 對於之前Tex Winter還沒進名人堂,禪師曾提出抱怨 在被問到Tex Winter進名人堂的看法時 禪師只冷冷的對記者說了句"很棒" It had nothing to do with Winter. It just took too long to make it happen. "For the past 15 years, there have been people telling me that Tex is going in the Hall of Fame," Jackson said. "When Tex was verbally and cognizantly capable of receiving this award, I would have been much happier. The fact now that he's had a stroke that's impaired his capabilities, it kind of irritates me a little bit that this wasn't done 10 years ago when he was still serving basketball in such a great capacity." Jackson then added, "Still in all, I'm happy that it's been rewarded." Tex Winter進名人堂完全沒問題 "過去15年每年都有人跟我說他要進名人堂,沒在十年前就入選根本就是有損他的偉大" "當然他獲獎我還是很開心啦" 禪師說 以後一天應該都可以一篇,慢慢增加,希望大家不介意我的翻譯囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
benson:阿泰XDDD 04/05 12:47
PhenomII950:有看有推~ 加油 ! 04/05 12:49
lyfenanook:外電推!!!! 04/05 12:49
lawrence0112:推我們老二一把!!! 04/05 12:52
derwy:推外電~ 04/05 12:54
kazake:給推 其實我覺得爺爺就算是醒著也不會這麼激動XD 04/05 13:26
YamagiN:大概是睡到一半被吵醒 有起床氣 04/05 13:27
ep123:有看有推 加油!!! 04/05 13:32
kobeslaker:少女時代推老二是合理的狀況 04/05 13:33
bn51401:其實是自己很激動 硬把他加在爺爺身上XDDD 04/05 13:50
cccwka:不過那個罰球 沒讓Gasol去卡K罵 我覺得挺怪的 04/05 14:48
ohnacl:我記得球評好像也有說 怎麼不是Pau卡K罵之類的 04/05 14:55
kblover:到底為什麼金塊是少女時代= =? 04/05 15:39
hikaruton:全員先發等級十人輪替~總版梗~人人有得分上雙能力~ 04/05 16:12
monjew:......因為有很多可用之兵,九個!! 04/05 16:12
kobesniper:禪師:劇場都準備好也睡飽了準備加班結果又... 04/05 18:41
asmallbug:推你的翻譯 04/05 19:31
laugino:外電推 04/05 19:41
wrdynasty:外電推 04/05 21:40
rl55586:推外電ㄚ 04/05 21:49
rexagi1988:甜瓜換那一堆人就像宋慧喬去換少女時代來一樣 04/05 21:53
lave70:甜瓜喬妹 04/06 11:12
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sneak: 推外電ㄚ https://daxiv.com 12/11 20:09