看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/peIsg 相信很多湖迷還是很關心我們的老朋友... 今天早上在ESPN網站看到這樣的標題 嚇了我一跳 "Mavs' Odom was 'close' to taking a year off" 上班中沒有時間全文翻譯,以下就節錄幾段 As his Martin Luther King Day reunion with the Los Angeles Lakers approaches, Lamar Odom has revealed that he was "real close" to walking away from the game for a season -- or perhaps longer -- well before his December trade to the Dallas Mavericks. 所以說在他被交易之前他就有想休息的念頭了 Left reeling by the July murder of his 24-year-old cousin and a fatal car accident days later that killed a teen pedestrian after the car he was riding in as a passenger collided with a motorcycle, Odom told ESPN.com that he had to be convinced by wife Khloe Kardashian to scrap his plans for a hiatus. 也就是說七月他的cousin喪命跟後來發生撞死一位騎士的車禍,讓他覺得想要休 息了 "Cause I was asking myself: 'Was I mentally prepared to play? If I didn't play well, was I mentally prepared to help the team?' I had thought, 'Maybe I need a year.' Because of the lockout, I thought, 'Maybe somebody's sending me a sign that I needed this time off.' 老二就捫心自問啦,自己的心理狀態是不是已經準備好了?如果打不好,是不是 已經已經準備好可以幫助球隊?也許休個一年,也許更久,因為有封館的關係, 也許是人家給他的訊息說他該休息了 He's spoken openly about his struggles to adapt to his new team after seven seasons with the Lakers and the fact that he's not yet in the shape he needs to be, but Odom insists that his sub-par production is not because he's still struggling to accept the fact that the Lakers dealt him away. 老二公開地說他要適應新東家還有困難,畢竟已經已經在湖人奮戰了七年,事實上 就是他沒有到該有的狀態... 但老二堅持這跟湖人想把他給賣了無關 Odom says he's "blessed" to be playing for the Mavericks -- given that the Lakers could have sent him anywhere 他覺得湖人送他去小牛他還蠻好命的,畢竟人家可能送他到任何地方去 (被交易到去年的冠軍隊伍,夫復何求阿) Odom has never denied that he was initially stung deeply by the news that the Lakers agreed to trade him to New Orleans in December in a three-team deal with the Hornets and Houston Rockets that would have sent Chris Paul to L.A. 老二從不否認十二月實得知要被賣到紐澳良去他嚇壞了 (David Stern那段不想翻... fuck basketball reasons) But Odom, dismissing the notion of a trade hangover, said Saturday that the events of July made him realize "how much I wasn't over some of the things that I went through (in life)," most notably the death of 6-month-old son Jayden in 2006 from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). 但老二說他不是被交易後就變成游魂了(他又不是只有被交易的時候才會變成 游魂),反倒是說七月的事情讓他覺得他還沒捱過他人生中的那些事,最知名 的就是2006年他六個月大的兒子死於嬰兒猝死症 Odom, though, has expressed confidence in recent days that his sharpness will gradually start to return. 然而老二相信,休息過後他會漸漸回復到跟以前一樣犀利的... 心得: 1. 老二是我們永遠的好朋友,我們關心他,希望他快點好起來 2. 我老覺得如果他現在還跟KB一起打球應該會好很多 Best wishes to our long-time friend... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pringle348:Best wishes to our long-time friend Lamar Odom. 01/16 10:22
Odom7: 01/16 10:32
animalspell:我知道這樣很任性,可是我多麼希望他還在湖人 :~~~ 01/16 10:33
GANZ:暑假應該會被小牛買斷... 01/16 10:33
Oslam: 我知道這樣很任性,可是我多麼希望他還在湖人 :~~~ 01/16 10:35
hikaruton:黑暗兵法@@? 01/16 10:36
flyintmtc:看到他現在打球的樣子很掙扎,真不忍心 = = 01/16 10:40
jl3000x: 我知道這樣很任性,可是我多麼希望他還在湖人 :~~~ 01/16 10:48
harrypotter2:回來吧~~這裡是你的家 01/16 11:02
ohnacl:我腦子裡都是黑暗期他與Kobe浴血奮戰的畫面 01/16 11:22
Verlander35:小牛買斷後我猜回LAC退休 01/16 11:28
asd0217j:我知道這樣很任性,可是我多麼希望Oslam別再來湖版 :~~~ 01/16 11:45
clyhcw:Odom真是個太全能但是全部不精的球員,他的能力比替補高,卻 01/16 11:46
clyhcw:又不是一哥二哥的料,薪水要怎麼給都是難題,現在看來只能拿 01/16 11:47
clyhcw:中產到退休了,明年可能會去Knicks or Nets,他老家在紐約 01/16 11:48
a34567:淚推永遠的二哥 01/16 12:08
Oslam:我在我心目中 就是穿LA7號的ODOM 7號是他的 以後誰都沒資格 01/16 12:43
Oslam: 穿 01/16 12:44
Oslam:ODOM 01/16 12:44
JAMES8242:看某人說話我好想吐 01/16 13:08
Oslam:樓上怎麼了 01/16 13:09
steven610381: 因為有人一直反串 裝的很噁心 01/16 13:29
Sgsfmamba:寒假到囉? 沒事做 給我滾 01/16 14:15
john0421:怎麼辦 我好想老二假退休 快回來湖人!! 01/16 15:23
Kobe24Bryant:心中只想著老二會在湖人終老 01/16 16:49
cvbn7910:在湖人那段時間 的確是他重新證明自己的時刻 01/16 16:59
blazingx:Odom倒地救球之後傳給Kobe怒灌Nash那球真是經典阿... 01/16 19:09
jeffleentu:Oslam反串的真辛苦,臥底這麼久...到底是有多恨湖人阿 01/16 21:35
acenova:看他浪費這麼多人生在板上,真為他感到難過。 01/16 21:43
jerry2588: 我知道這樣很任性,可是我多麼希望他還在湖人 :~~~ 01/16 23:06
sneak: 樓上怎麼了 https://daxiv.com 09/11 05:50