看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
有關Pau的問題我覺得ESPN講得也算是中肯啦 http://0rz.tw/jB8ea 6. We think Pau Gasol will be fine. Gasol thinks he'll be fine. But will Gasol be fine? 我們覺得耶穌會很OK滴,他也覺得他自己很OK,但有影冇? Still hard to say. 粉難說耶 Gasol was great Wednesday against the Clippers, but overall his numbers are down as his role has undergone the greatest level of change. Brown & Co. haven’t figured out how best to use him, and with so many players gravitating to the high and low posts (Bryant, Bynum, Metta World Peace) Gasol has been pushed away from the basket. Moreover, because the Lakers lack high-end facilitators beyond Kobe, they’ve increasingly leaned on Gasol to operate from the elbow, and distribute. 耶穌在對快艇一役打得很出色,但整體上他的個人數據正因他的角色正遭逢大幅 度改變而降低。MB跟制服組們還沒弄清楚該怎樣才能善加利用他,而且能打高低 位的人也不少啦(KB、霸男、阿平等等的),耶穌就被擠出籃下了。進一步地說 ,湖人也缺乏KB以外另外一個能從高位組織戰術的人,因此他們也就越來越依靠 耶穌在那個地方來分球。 Pau can't simply blame coaching, though. Wednesday's performance underlined ways in which he could have been more aggressive all along, whether by attacking from high on the floor or working faster on the block and not waiting for doubles to arrive. While the talk has focused on low-post touches, what Gasol really wants is a more featured role, with more plays run specifically for him, responsibility to create offense he feels is in line with his skill level, and to have the Lakers play in a way that makes sense for their roster (meaning inside play for Bynum, as well). 耶穌也不能老責怪教練團,星期三的比賽就告訴我們說他早該打得更積極些,不 管是從高位攻擊、移位快些(我不確定working faster on the block到底指的 是碰到對方的協防要快速移位,還是跟自己隊友的交叉掩護動作要快點,還是只 是說在禁區腳步不要遲疑,有待其他版友補充)、不要等人來包夾等等的。耶穌 的談話著眼在低位要球的問題,耶穌想要的無非是定位更清楚的角色、更多為他 設計的戰術、跟他的身手相稱的進攻責任(翻譯成白話就是開火權),以及一套 更適合他們球隊陣容的打法(同樣也適用於讓霸男多打內線)。 He's searching for definition in his role. It's up to Brown to provide it, and then for Gasol to, as they say, walk the walk. The skill level is still there, and as we saw Wednesday, so is the aggressiveness. The latter needs to come more often. 耶穌還在尋求自己的角色定位。這當然得看MB的想法,但對耶穌自己來說也得說 得到做得到(小弟的腦補:換言之啦,要是真的戰術多設計給他,讓他多在低位 拿到球,他自己也得積極進攻,而不是一直把球傳出去,而且也得把球好好塞進 藍框裡面)。技巧對耶穌來說不是問題,就如同星期三那次一樣,他也可以打得 很兇,而相對之下湖人更需要他這方面的積極度。 Defensively, Pau has actually been very solid, particularly given the strain of what Brown wants him to do. 就是耶穌的防守很靠著啦,尤其是搧掉幹藍哥的那球,美呆了 7. What happens if Gasol isn't fine? 那要是耶穌喇賽呢? The Lakers won’t win. 那湖人就毀了(我也是這麼覺得) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gjack:剛說完今天馬上就喇賽......................結果還真的毀了 01/29 12:47