看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sessions Impressing 原文網址 http://tinyurl.com/849y8ft One week into his tenure in Los Angeles, Ramon Sessions has been impressive enough to turn more than the heads of opposing defenders trying to cut off his penetration. 來湖人才一周,Session讓人印象非常深刻,對方的防守者必須嚴防他的滲透能力 Just ask Kobe Bryant. “I’ve been extremely impressed,” he said. “(Sessions) takes a lot of pressure off me. I can be a legitimate two-guard now. He can play make for others; before, I had to score and play make for others as well. I don’t have to do that, I can be on the receiving end of those plays.” "爽翻了!!" 老科表示 壓力都沒了,以前我總是要自己幹分還要幫隊友找機會 現在我可以爽爽的當得分後衛(ㄊㄧㄝˇ ㄐㄧㄤˋ)囉! Indeed, Sessions’ ability to attack the paint both off regular sets and in transition has produced a bevy of wide open shots for Kobe and the rest of the Lakers (just ask Matt Barnes, who’s average has bumped up five points). Sessions has picked up L.A.’s early offense quickly, complementing his ability to play as he always has in the pick and roll, where he’s excellent at taking what the defense gives him. Session的切入能力,真的可以幫大家找很多空檔 Barnes:Session惠我良多 除此之外,他能快速推進還能玩玩pick and roll 根據防守使用不同的招數 (終於不是慢慢運過半場找老科了....) “His savvy is really the most impressive thing,” Bryant continued. “A lot of players have speed, but he understands how to change directions and sees the floor extremely well. That’s the thing that makes his speed extremely valuable, is that he can change gears.” "他解讀防守的能力真的不是蓋的耶" 老科補充 很多人擁有速度,但他會變換方向更會找尋隊友空檔 而且他還有變速讓他的速度更有價值 The box score spoke pretty loudly for Sessions in his fourth game in Purple and Gold, a decisive 109-93 victory at Dallas in which he scored 17 points on 7-of-8 field goals (3-of-4 3′s), plus nine assists, five rebounds, one block and three turnovers in 29 minutes. 這場比賽的Box score說明他再紫金軍團的一切 上場29分鐘 8投7中 三分球4投3中 17分9助功5籃板1鍋 “The kid, Sessions, made the game easy for everybody,” said his new coach, Mike Brown. “You can see how his speed can help us, and his ability to play pick and roll and turn the corner and get in the teeth of the defense, and set guys up for easy what I call HORSE shots. “That’s where they’ve got their feet set and its like when you’re in seventh grade and you’re playing HORSE with somebody and nobody shoots shots off the dribble, they just stood there and waited until they got the ball in their hands and you shoot it in a comfortable environment.” "歐 這小子把比賽搞得簡單多了!"Brown叔叔說 大家就像小時候玩HORSE一樣 大家就輪流把球舒服送進籃框就好 In four games since his acquisition from Cleveland on trade deadline day, Sessions is averaging (surely-to-go-up) 25.0 minutes per game towards 12.0 points, 6.0 assists and 3.3 rebounds on 56.7 percent from the field, including 3-of-7 three-pointers. According to Sports Illustrated’s Zach Lowe, in the 100 total minutes Sessions has been on the court, L.A. is scoring 114 points per 100 possessions, which (per to NBA.com’s stats tool) would easily lead the NBA. 在騎士隊交易他來以後的四場比賽 Session平均12分6助攻3.3籃板 命中率56.7% 三分球5/7 根據統計在他上場時湖人隊平均100次球權可得114分,領先全聯盟 Lowe points out that L.A.’s three-point shooting has improved markedly with Sessions on the floor, showing that the Lakers have attempted 20 triples per 48 minutes with Sessions in, hitting 48 percent, but connecting on only 25 percent when he sits. That passes the eye test, since his ability to penetrate and dish with a precise pass gives shooters the extra second to set up for an attempt (a HORSE shot, to Brown). In addition to Barnes picking up his play to average 12 points off the bench since Sessions arrived, Pau Gasol has found himself with many wide open looks of late. The Spaniard drained 13-of-16 attempts at Dallas, including all seven attempts from about 15 feet and out on the top of the floor in the pick and pop area. Gasol connected on 10-of-14 field goals against Houston on the previous evening. 專家指出Session上場時,湖人連三分命中率都上升了 有48% 少了靈氣加持,剩下25%... 嘎瘦是被加持最大受益人之一 對上小牛13/16 對上火箭10/14 Sessions is quick to acknowledge that one of the reasons he’s had so much space in which to operate is how much attention Bryant, Gasol and Andrew Bynum in particular demand. Teams really have to make some tough choices when Sessions turns the corner on a pick and roll, because, well, whom should they leave? Session也知道當身邊有一堆吸怪機器時自己可以更加的有破壞力 當雙塔上來檔人,是要防守的人怎麼守啦 一個都不能漏呀QQ Brown hinted that he’s going to have to consider putting Sessions into the starting line up and returning Steve Blake to the second unit, where Blake has played well of late, but said he’d first like to go over the tape from the Mavericks game. Whether Sessions starts on Friday against Portland or continues to play increasingly more minutes off the bench, his impact on the court is thus far unquestioned. Brown也表示也許不久後Session就會上先發,Blake則帶領板凳 但無論是板凳或先發Session都會持續在場上為湖人帶來衝擊力是沒有疑問的 心得:湖人起飛啦!! 我查了一下好像只有翻譯類似的...沒有翻這篇 如果有OP我再D掉....QQ 然後翻得不好大家也可以給點建議... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
YamagiN:那是每100次球權 不是每100分鐘 100分鐘得114分很慘XDD 03/23 18:35
spko:有些地方翻得不太對歐,像是第七段的地方,第一句應該是: 03/23 18:35
ethan323:我也一直在想每100分鐘的意思 03/23 18:36
spko:「把他從騎士隊交易過來之後的四場比賽」 03/23 18:36
spko:還有是「每一百次球權拿下114分」,他是剛好出賽100分鐘 03/23 18:36
bn51401:恩恩 感謝XDDD 太少翻了 03/23 18:36
※ 編輯: bn51401 來自: (03/23 18:38)
spko:雖然是小樣本,但Ortg竟然有128,真是嚇人.... 03/23 18:38
spko:不知道為什麼這篇的數字跟BA的數字不相符... 03/23 18:38
MaRiaNi:湖人陣容原本就很好 聯盟頂級的三個位置...現在只是還原XD 03/23 18:42
kobeslaker:easy basketball多了 fastbreak多了 03/23 18:43
kobeslaker:補強了湖人最缺乏的兩點 Ortg提升也是很正常的 03/23 18:44
ethan323:如果MS上先發 我們的板凳深度真的會變差很多嗎 03/23 18:44
ethan323:依目前進攻來看 MS KB 咩棒 雙塔 這是最佳解吧 03/23 18:45
ethan323:抱歉更正 是RS 打成MS 03/23 18:47
andyshit:是RS吧 03/23 18:48
andyshit:呃…慢一步 03/23 18:48
gordon27:板凳深度還好吧 只要將上場的時間分配就OK了 再說Blake 03/23 18:49
gordon27:帶替補 還算可以撐得住場面 03/23 18:50
spko:到了季後賽,板凳深度不會是影響很大的事情 03/23 18:55
spko:每支球隊走得越遠主力操得越兇,主力沒辦法操的就贏不了球 03/23 18:55
spko:湖人二連霸可說是都讓了對手一條板凳而贏下來的 XD 03/23 18:56
spko:即使是禪師,到後面幾輪他也是每場狂操Kobe & Pau超過40分鐘 03/23 18:56
ycsheaven:莎莎:別這樣~~好歹我也有上來罰兩球阿 03/23 18:58
spko:MB大概也差不多,所以除小前鋒外的替補大概只要吃40到45分鐘 03/23 18:58
spko:而小前鋒就是Barnes跟MWP合吃,Barnes應該還會打到二號位來 03/23 18:58
spko:季後賽本來就沒有B2B,加上配合電視轉播賽程比例行賽鬆散得多 03/23 18:59
spko:操主力根本不算是不算回事 XD 03/23 19:00
nepenthes7:KB都能兩場一百分鐘 季後賽操整場也是OK的XD 03/23 19:01
nepenthes7:Pau今年上場時間沒注意 不過被禪師操過應該也沒問題 03/23 19:01
spko:上面打錯,應該是操主力根本不算是一回事 03/23 19:02
spko:目前Pau平均37.2分鐘聯盟第九,Kobe平均38.6分鐘聯盟第三 03/23 19:04
nepenthes7:比較擔心的是安豬 湖人打季後勢必要操他超過四十分鐘 03/23 19:04
spko:不過過去四場比賽的時間有所下滑了 03/23 19:05
nepenthes7:他還沒有承受過季後賽這種強度又這麼長時間 03/23 19:05
spko:不然在交易之前Kobe本來是聯盟第二的 XD 03/23 19:05
freeroce:莎軒、咩棒、阿平...討債集團三人組...XD 03/23 19:08
romeomonkey:推翻譯!! ~~第四段~~找尋"對有"空檔 03/23 19:14
※ 編輯: bn51401 來自: (03/23 19:24)
bn51401:感謝樓上 03/23 19:24
bn51401:樓上ID真眼熟 查了一下才知道是AOE高手= =+ 03/23 19:25
romeomonkey:XDD 好漢不提當年勇~~~11 03/23 20:44
skywaiter:早就該升級PG這個點了 浪費雙塔跟老科的時間 03/23 21:10
michaelkobe:是Sessions不是Session... 03/23 21:21
michaelkobe:老柯上場時間真的很誇張...希望再來可以壓到35以下 03/23 21:22
MaRiaNi:所以老科利用防守時間回血也是很正常的 03/23 21:26
MaRiaNi:讓老科打個33左右吧 然後攻防都盡力去做比較理想 03/23 21:28
teruhyde12:所以射手來湖人會落賽的謎就這樣解開了,是因為湖人沒 03/23 21:39
teruhyde12:有好的PG,舒服的把球送到射手手上,現在有了,射手馬 03/23 21:40
teruhyde12:上復活 03/23 21:40
ethan323:季初"本來可以"換到SS級PG....... 03/23 22:27
YamagiN:但是會少了Pau 現在有個有機會升到A級的PG 還留著Pau 03/23 22:27
YamagiN:真的是進可攻 退可守 03/23 22:28
spko:但會多花錢就是了 XD 03/23 22:30
LABOYS:情和義~值千金~ 03/23 22:31
spko:不過把提前出清的老漁、Walton算進來的話,好像是差不多 03/23 22:32
ethan323:所以撐完大半球季總算有好果子 是這樣吧 ! 03/23 22:32
spko:這樣想感覺很好,與其付錢給老魚跟Walton,還不如付給Pau XD 03/23 22:33
pringle348:樓上這樣一講我突然覺得換Sessions比CP3好很多耶 XDD 03/23 22:35
spko:這告訴我們,任何事情好與不好都是看你要從哪個角度看...(誤) 03/23 22:36
pringle348:所以屎疼其實是湖人之友? 屎疼:跟你說,換了省不了錢.. 03/23 22:44
v00001:其實很難講,如果當初先換到CP3,搞不好老魚我疼也能換出去 03/23 22:49
v00001:只能說Mitch就像佐為,能把下壞的棋扳回來,甚至大勝。 03/23 22:50
romeomonkey:XDD 繞了一大圈 結果Basketball Reason幫了湖人!??? 03/23 22:51
pujolsX:看球的熱情也回來了XDDD 03/23 22:52
spko:棋神佐為也有扳不回來的時候啦,像是第一次碰到加賀時 XD 03/23 22:53
rexagi1988:還不如付給PAU XDD PAU:就當作教Bynum的學費了(收) 03/23 23:30
gamewinner:講那麼多 把握現在不要無謂的猜想比較實在。 03/24 00:52
accjm2440:推 03/24 13:05
sneak: 不然在交易之前Kobe https://daxiv.com 09/11 06:08