看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/8143205/nba-how-steve-nash-los-angeles-lakers-happened http://tinyurl.com/7c558df How Steve Nash became a Laker Updated: July 9, 2012, 5:10 PM ET By Marc Stein | ESPN.com NEW YORK -- Parked at a back table at Aurora in SoHo, huddled over Italian food as the clock ticked past midnight, Bill Duffy could have used a second phone. The one in his hand started ringing as though 38-year-old Steve Nash were a 28-year-old free agent. The calls were coming in so fast that Duffy and Nash didn't even notice that two of the sport's fairly well-known faces were sitting nearby. They didn't spot Steve Lavin and Gene Keady until the celebrated college coaches got up and headed for the door. "The phone," Duffy said, "was just buzzing." The calls were coming in so fast because a number of teams out there, after hearing for two seasons straight that the Phoenix Suns couldn't bring themselves to trade Steve Nash, sensed an opportunity. Unlike Deron Williams, undisputed prized catch of the NBA's 2012 free-agent class, Nash wouldn't be limiting himself to a choice between two destinations. Unlike Williams, Nash was a gettable game-changer. It wasn't until June that the two-time MVP accepted in his own mind that he'd have to leave his deep desert roots -- after the sting initially induced what he says was a brief flirtation with retirement. But four postseason meetings with the Suns and no suggestion of a substantial contract offer during any of those sit-downs led to four of the longest (and wildest) days of his professional life last week. After Duffy's private two-week campaign to convince Nash that he'd have no choice but to look elsewhere if he wanted to secure a market-value contract, they embarked on a whirlwind 96 hours that, in the end, spawned an agreement on a stunning sign-and-trade from the Suns to the Los Angeles Lakers. An arrangement -- an outcome -- Nash himself is still struggling to believe. "It feels strange, no question," Nash said Sunday during a lengthy sit-down for "SportsCenter" and ESPN.com. "I never, never thought I'd be a Laker." But ... "By the time July 1 came around, I was ready," Nash said. "I was disappointed [that the Suns wanted to move in a different direction], but I was ready and also excited on the other hand to try something new." The following diary-style examination of what was happening behind the scenes in the Nash camp when the calendar flipped to July, starting with that meal at Aurora, chronicles the twists and turns that landed Nash with Hollywood's team. Nash的經紀人Duffy花了兩個禮拜的時間說服Nash,如果他想要獲得一個合理的合約, 他沒有其他選擇,必須去鳳凰城以外的地方了。Nash雖然對太陽如此的決定很失望,但 是對於可以有機會去做新的事情感到興奮。接下來會(撿重點翻譯)說明Nash到底是怎 麼成為湖人球員的幕後內幕 SUNDAY, JULY 1 Raptors president and general manager Bryan Colangelo was the first caller to get through shortly after 12:01 a.m. Officials from the Knicks, Heat, Lakers, Mavericks and Nets dialed in soon thereafter. And with his client sitting so close after their late-night meal, Duffy offered each team that rang an opportunity to speak directly to Nash. It didn't seem like much at the time, but that's when Nash and Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak had their first chat. Kupchak let Duffy know that he was well aware of Nash's comments to Stephen A. Smith on ESPN New York 98.7 just days before about how "hard" it would be "to put on a Lakers jersey" after all of the Suns' playoffs battles with Kobe Bryant & Co. When Kupchak explained that he "had to call anyway," Duffy thanked him and assured him that he was wise to check in, dismissing Nash's quotes as "media hype." Yet that's as far as things went with the Lakers on Day 1. Face-to-face meetings were quickly arranged with the two most obvious serious suitors to get the Nash sweepstakes officially under way: Toronto and New York. The Raptors were first up at 10:30 a.m., with a seven-strong contingent of team officials arriving on a cross-country flight arranged by Raptors co-owner Larry Tanenbaum. With Raptors assistant coach Eric Hughes getting married that weekend in Pasadena, Calif., Tanenbaum made his private jet available to transport Colangelo, Raptors coach Dwane Casey, Nash's former Team Canada coach Jay Triano and the rest of the group to the other side of the country as quickly as possible overnight. Tanenbaum also provided his ritzy Central Park apartment to serve as the venue for what Duffy described as a "big presentation." The food was lavish and the contract offer rich, but the video compilation Colangelo ordered up for the occasion made an impression on Nash that moved him more than a three-year, $36 million pitch ever could -- largely because Wayne Gretzky was the narrator. Rumbles that Gretzky, one of Nash's boyhood heroes, would be involved in the Raptors' Nash pitch leaked out through the Toronto media before the two parties got together, but "involved" was understating it. The Great One's unmistakable voice was the backdrop for a compilation of clips and interviews that traced Nash's lifelong journey from young basketball dreamer on faraway Victoria in British Columbia to two-time MVP with the Suns, hitting all the stops (Santa Clara, Canada's fairy-tale run at the 2000 Olympics and more) in between and promising a Gretzky-esque legacy if he'd join the Raptors now. More than one person in the room would later say that Nash was fighting back tears watching it all. "We all were," Duffy said. "It was like watching a Hall of Fame video. "They wanted us to close the deal right then." Colangelo's approach was reminiscent of the full-court press that greeted Nash from Phoenix on the opening day of free agency back in 2004 -- when another extra-large traveling party descended upon Dallas to swipe Nash away from Mark Cuban's Mavericks -- with the bonus of knowing that the inspired Gretzky wrinkle took the whole operation to a new level. The difference this time, eight years later, is that Nash simply wasn't ready to move that quickly. He couldn't decide that fast knowing that the familiar soil of Toronto, home to Canada's only NBA franchise, was an address far away from his kids. 12點一過,暴龍GM Colangelo首先撥通,緊接著尼克、熱火、湖人、小牛和籃網都有 打進來並直接和Nash對話。 那是Kupchak和Nash的第一次對談。Kupchak和Duffy說他很清楚Nash之前在電視上講的 一些事情,但他還是秉持著義務還是打來聊聊。Duffy略表感謝之意,並且說他打來瞧 瞧是明智的決定,而Nash說的那些話只是媒體場面話罷了。 早上10:30,暴龍團隊先上場。老闆Tanenbaum用他的專機,連同Colangelo、教練Casey ,加拿大國家籃球隊教練Triano一起去拜訪Nash。Tanenbaum也提供了他在紐約中央公園 的豪華公寓當做見面的地點,美食加上優渥的合約,但最動人的是暴龍球團準備的影片 ,因為其中的旁白是加拿大冰球傳奇人物及Nash的兒時英雄Gretzky擔綱。據說當時 Nash是感動到強忍著淚水。當時的情況讓Colangelo回想到八年前太陽遊說Nash離開小牛 時的情況。但和當時不同的是,Nash的故鄉、祖國,卻是個離自己小孩十萬八千里的地方 ,讓Nash無法當下做出決定。 The Knicks' campaign faced the same proximity challenges for the divorced dad, whose twin 7-year-old daughters and 20-month-old son are based in Phoenix. But that was never going to stop the Madison Square Garden power brokers, dreaming of a Nash-and-Jeremy Lin rotation at the point, from throwing more opulence at Nash. Once Nash got done with the Raptors, Knicks officials had arranged a car to take him and Duffy to a local heliport. There they were greeted by star forward Carmelo Anthony, were whisked all the way to the Knicks' practice facility in Greenburgh by helicopter and came away undeniably impressed that Knicks officials, well aware of Nash's passion for soccer, had the Spain-Italy final from Euro 2012 showing on every available TV in the building. The Knicks didn't stop there, either. Not with a two-hour summit on MSG chairman Jim Dolan's yacht awaiting Nash as soon as he and Duffy helicoptered back to Manhattan. 尼克的遊說也是有相同的難題,但這也沒法阻止他們幻想Nash Lin的後場組合。暴龍團隊 離開之後,尼克派了專車去接Nash Duffy去直昇機坪。Melo在直昇機坪迎接他們。直昇機 載著他們去了尼克的訓練場地。知道Nash對足球的喜好,所以當時訓練場地裡的每一台 電視都播放著當時正在打的歐洲杯西班牙義大利的比賽。他們和Dolan碰面談了兩個小時 MONDAY, JULY 2 The first 24 hours of luxurious action delivered a lot to digest. Duffy urged Nash to "sleep on it" all when they finally parted, but Nash admits that by "Monday morning I was ready to decide between New York and Toronto." "We're thinking," Duffy said, "that this is going to be a two-horse race." The phone didn't stop ringing, though. Nets general manager Billy King followed up on his initial call by reiterating that Nash was Brooklyn's top choice in the event that Deron Williams elected to sign with Dallas. He pressed for his own face-to-face session with Nash. Miami's Pat Riley, despite the Heat's limited financial flexibility, rang again. And then Kupchak circled back to see how things were progressing. Duffy says that's when he asked Kupchak point-blank: "How serious are you, Mitch? Because Steve would love to be on the West Coast." By the end of Day 2, Kupchak had not only convinced Nash and his agent that the Lakers were serious but had also secured approval from Lakers ownership to offer the guaranteed third contract year that Nash was seeking at 38. The far bigger obstacle was that everyone understood that the well-over-the-cap Lakers had only one path to making a representative bid for Nash, needing to absorb him into the $8.9 million trade exception L.A. had created in December by shipping Lamar Odom to Dallas without taking any salary back. And that would require the seemingly unthinkable: Phoenix consenting to signing-and-trading Nash to the team its fans loathe more than any other. "I never would have thought that the Lakers would have come into the picture," Nash says now, explaining why, without much prompting, he had described himself as too "old-school" to dare consider Lakerland as a possible destination when he spoke with Smith on the radio just days prior. "But when [the Lakers] did and I started to think about it, about how I could be close to the kids and at the same time be on a contender, it was a perfect fit." Duffy, too, initially struggled to imagine the Suns ever agreeing to help Nash get to Hollywood, so he proceeded carefully. He let Kupchak broach the idea with Suns president of basketball operations Lon Babby and focused instead on urging the Lakers GM to loop in Kobe Bryant and arrange for Kobe and Nash to speak. The same Bryant who had his own infamous interview to live down, having left the distinct impression in January that he would (A) always hate the Suns and (B) never be Nash's biggest fan. But their talk couldn't have gone much better. Kupchak reached Bryant at his annual basketball camp in Santa Barbara. Kobe broke away from the campers to make his pitch. And not unlike the summer of 2010, when he lobbied Raja Bell hard to join him in L.A. only a few years removed from the unforgettable clothesline that Bell laid on Bryant during the 2006 playoffs, Kobe made it clear that the guys who have the gumption to tangle with him directly are the kind of guys he wants as teammates. Nash says they both came away from the chat feeling that "we could really help each other," sold on Bryant's contention that Nash's perpetually sunny leadership style would lead to an effective and welcome good cop/bad cop dynamic in the Lakers' locker room to offset Kobe's whip-cracking. "We thought that we could help each other get there," Nash continued, referring to the quest for his first championship and Bryant's oozing hunger for ring No. 6. At Team USA's training camp in Las Vegas, Bryant spoke of Nash in profanely reverential tones when someone asked him why he wanted to see Nash wearing purple and gold. "He's a bad mother------," Kobe said. Said Nash: "I think there's a competitive relationship [between us]. At the same time, we're both grown men, and we both can overcome a few playoff series. "It's kind of one of those things that I think, from afar, you never want to play for the other team [in a rivalry]. But at the same time, there's really no true loyalty in sports. You have to do what's best for you. Once I realized the Suns were going to do what's best for them, as they should, I figured I have to do what's best for me and not cut off my nose to spite my face." 在充滿驚奇的第一個24小時之後,Duffy建議Nash好好休息考慮考慮,但是Nash承認 他覺得他禮拜一早上就準備要決定紐約或多倫多了。 但電話來電沒有因此停止。籃網GM也打來說如果DW不續留,則Nash會是他們的首選。他 也希望可以和Nash面對面會談。熱火油頭也又打來了。Kupchak也再度來電問問情況如 何。Duffy說就是在那個時候他認真的問Kupchak「小胖,你是有多認真阿?Nash是真的 會很高興可以留在西岸的」在這天結束前,Kupchak成功的說服Nash和Duffy他們很認真 ,並且也獲得湖人老闆的同意提出Nash很想要的保障三年約。 最大的困難要克服的是,大家都知道湖人已經超過薪資上限了,所以只能用先簽後換 把Odom換來的TE拿去換Nash。這必須一件神奇不可思議的事情發生:太陽隊同意將Nash 先簽後換交易到太陽球迷最討厭的球隊去。 Nash說「我從來沒想到湖人會參一腳。之前上電視訪問的時候覺得我也許太老派了,想 也沒想過要加入湖人。但是當實際去想的時候,不但有爭冠實力,又離小孩們很近,非 常完美。」 Duffy也覺得要讓太陽同意很難,所以很謹慎的進行。他讓Kupchak去跟太陽總管Babby 講交易的事情,而自己則專注於遊說Kupchak讓KB24和Nash對話。 就是那個曾經說過最討厭太陽且不可能成為Nash的粉絲的KB24。但他們的對談卻進行的 很順利。當時KB24正在主持他的籃球夏令營。他暫時離開一下和Nash對談。就跟之前跟 Bell對談一樣,他說會和他對槓的人都是他想要當隊友的人。 Nash說他們都覺得可以彼此幫助到對方。「我想我們之間有競爭的關係。但同時,我們 都是成人,幾次競爭激烈的系列賽是可以克服的。」「理想的想,當然不會想去對方球 隊打球。但是職業運動沒有真的忠誠。必須為自己著想。當我體悟到太陽在為自己著想 的時候,我也覺得我該為自己著想了。」 TUESDAY, JULY 3 Can't do it. Can't do it. Can't do it. As Day 3 of a process that was never supposed to last this long unfolded, that was the increasingly loud message coming from Babby and Suns owner Robert Sarver. Kupchak hadn't been rejected completely the day before when he asked Babby whether Phoenix would consider doing sign-and-trade business with the Lakers, but Duffy was met with what the agent describes as "complete resistance" once he and Nash had begun to directly urge the Suns to make this trade. Suns officials were understandably skittish about the public backlash over handing Nash to a hated superpower ... no matter what would be coming back. So that led to player and agent making pleas to a couple of sympathetic Suns minority owners, Dick Heckmann and Sam Garvin, citing all Nash had brought to the franchise and the community over the past eight seasons. They clung to the hope that the support of two of Sarver's most influential partners would eventually convince the boss to relent. Nash's other suitors, meanwhile, were starting to lose their patience, having long since expected a resolution by this point. The Knicks were still pressing for a sign-and-trade deal of their own, undaunted by Toronto's decision to award a three-year offer sheet worth an estimated $20 million to Knicks restricted free agent Landry Fields, theoretically stripping New York of a prime piece to package to the Suns for Nash. Colangelo, meanwhile, made sure that Duffy could not forget the magnitude of the proposal that the Raptors had on the table, staying in New York well into Tuesday -- two days after the Raptors' initial sit-down with Nash -- and pressing for a commitment from the Canadian icon before boarding a plane home. This was the day that the Mavericks would jump fully into the fray as well, once D-Will announced that he'd be staying with the Nets. But Nash, somewhat to his own surprise, was locked in on the Lakers by this point, realizing that no other team on his list of finalists could provide such proximity to his kids while also keeping him in the heart of the hunt for the championship ring that has eluded him for 16 seasons. "I was really close at times to being a Raptor or Knick," Nash said over the weekend. "Really close. I've always wanted to play for the Knicks, and to go home to Toronto was a dream opportunity in a lot of different ways. "But I wanted to exhaust every opportunity to be near the kids before I really made a decision. Being in L.A. would mean I can see the kids three or four times a month instead of three or four times a year. Now, after practice or an off day, I can fly home, pick 'em up from school, take 'em to the park, feed 'em and be back home for bedtime. That's priceless to me. "That was the most important thing. No matter how disappointed some Suns fans would be, nothing could compete with the disappointment of telling my kids I'd only see them a few times throughout the winter. That trumps everything." And that's why the Knicks and Raptors were still waiting for an answer when Duffy boarded an evening flight back to the Bay Area. The veteran agent, at Nash's insistence, asked the Atlantic Division neighbors to hang in there, sit tight a little longer and give Nash just a bit more time to make the most difficult decision of his career. Because Nash was the top free-agent target for both teams this season, and with the Lakers still by no means assured of getting the green light from the Suns, New York and Toronto grudgingly stuck around. "Our financial offer and the long-term opportunity for Steve were certainly better, but I can't fault a guy for putting his family ahead of everything else," Colangelo told ESPN.com on Monday. "The fact that that he will be competing for a title made this easy for him. I'm still disappointed, but I completely understand his decision. As a friend, I wish him well." Not that things were settled by this stage. Not with the Suns demanding a package of four draft picks from the Lakers -- two future first-rounders and two future second-rounders -- just for the right to keep the trade talks alive. So Nash's celebrated foray into free agency, which began on Canada Day, would be spilling into the Fourth of July. "I really thought," Nash said, "this was going to be over fast." Kupchak並沒有被Babby明確拒絕先簽後換的交易,但Duffy卻遇到了全面的抵抗。所以他 們去向太陽隊的其他老闆Heckmann和Garvin遊說,向他們述說Nash這八年來為鳳凰城社區 所做的所有貢獻。 當時Nash的另外一些追求者,尼克和暴龍則開始失去耐心了。一直以為應該很快就會有 回覆。雖然Fields已經同意和暴龍簽約,使得尼克能換給太陽的籌碼少了一個,但還是 一直希望透過先簽後換來換來Nash。Colangelo則一直提醒Duffy他們給他的包裹。 這天DW決定留在籃網,也促使了小牛也加入追求Nash的行列。但也出乎Nash自己本身的 意料外,Nash已經心儀湖人了,唯一有爭冠實力又兼具離小孩近的選擇。 「留在LA代表著我可以一個月見到我的小孩3-4次,而不是一年3-4次。我可以在練球後 或放假日飛回家接他們放學,帶去公園玩,和他們吃飯,而還能在就寢時間前回到家。 這對我來講是無價的。」 「這是最重要的。不管一些太陽球迷會有多失望,都比不上要告訴我的小孩我一年只能 見到他們很少次來的失望。這遠重於一切。」 Nash請尼克和暴龍再多等待一些。因為Nash是兩隊的頭號目標,且湖人也沒有十足的把握 得到太陽的同意,所以兩隊都答應都等待一些。 Colangelo說「我們提的合約和長遠展望都是比較好的,但誰可以怪一個人把家庭放在第一 位呢?而且又還能爭冠的話,這是很簡單的選擇。我雖然失望,但我完全理解。身為朋友 ,祝他一切順利。」 WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 Nash says now, after the fact, that he woke up on Independence Day believing it was "50-50 that the Suns would allow the trade to happen." Yet what Duffy refers to as the Lakers' "kitchen sink" offer, with $3 million in cash added to the four future picks, still left plenty of uncertainty. So much uncertainty and anxiety that Nash, who isn't exactly known for long phone conversations or for letting you know he's fretting, was calling Duffy nonstop by Day 4 of negotiations. "We were talking literally 40 times a day," Duffy said of the most senior independent client on the BDA Sports roster. Closure, however, was indeed looming. Duffy made one last run at Sarver's heartstrings, telling him the story of how, as a fledgling agent, he tried to secure a guaranteed contract from the Houston Oilers for wide receiver Webster Slaughter. Then-Oilers GM Mike Holovak informed Duffy that he was asking for the sort of treatment that, in the NFL world, only legendary running back Earl Campbell could command. Duffy's point? Nash was the Suns' Earl Campbell. "I told Robert that, in all the years that you're going to own this franchise, I don't think you'll ever have a person in this organization as special as Steve Nash," Duffy said. "He's inarguably the greatest Sun this franchise has ever had. So if you're ever going to make an exception for something, he'd be the guy. And Robert, bless his soul, ended up giving his blessing." But Duffy knows, realistically, that the speech only did so much good. The Knicks were prepared to part with a player whom the Suns loved in the 2011 draft in a sign-and-trade with Phoenix -- guard Iman Shumpert -- but the clincher for the Lakers might well have been the Suns' fast-moving negotiations with another Duffy client: Goran Dragic. With Phoenix not only extracting a variety of assets from L.A. but also emerging from the Nash breakup with a quality coveted replacement, it became slightly more palatable for Sarver to sign off. "It probably didn't hurt," Duffy concedes, "that we were going to be a part of the solution for them." Sarver declined comment over the weekend when reached by ESPN.com, saying that he wouldn't be making any public statements about how things played out until Wednesday, which is the first day NBA players can sign new contracts. But that's OK. Nash, an ex-Sun for the second time in his career, has plenty to say. "I'm really thankful that Robert reconsidered," Nash said. "He and some of the other partners were gracious enough to realize what this means to me. They also got some assets back, which I feel good about, but it was a great gesture for me and my family. He was in a tough spot, but he put himself out there to do the best thing for me and my kids." Said Duffy: "It really comes down to Steve wanting to be as close to his children as possible. It's an absolute bonus that he can compete for a ring and the money he'll be able to earn [roughly $27 million over the next three seasons] at his age. At the end of the day, if Phoenix would have offered him $10 million over three years, he would have stayed in Phoenix. One hundred percent. But we understand where the Suns are. They have to rebuild. They made it clear that they felt like they couldn't pay Steve a large salary and then go out and get other players to build a team." Once Sarver's seal was assured, Nash called Colangelo and Tanenbaum separately to deliver the news that immediately and inevitably prompted a backlash about his commitment to the country, even though he recently signed as general manager of Canada's senior men's national team. And Duffy called Dolan to let the Knicks know that the offseason Tribeca fixture would not be making New York his full-time home, either. Nash has heard the gibes about his patriotism. He's seen the footage of a few Suns fans burning his jersey LeBron-style. He's even taken some playful ribbing from some of his cousins back home in England who likened the move from the Suns to the Lakers to the jump that Sol Campbell, once a rock-steady defender from Nash's beloved Tottenham Hotspur in the Barclays Premier League, made from Spurs to death rival Arsenal. He swears that he can handle it all. "If I upset some fans, I'll take whatever punishment they want to dish out," Nash said. "I love the Suns' fans; I had a fantastic and defining eight years there." But ... 儘管Kupchak已經出到3MM外加4個選秀權,但交易還是沒有確定。Nash緊張到當天和Duffy 通電話通了40幾次。Duffy持續向太陽老闆Sarver遊說,認為Nash在太陽歷史上的偉大, 應該值得有破格的對待。但真正推動事情進展的可能是太陽成功簽下Dragic。有了夠格 的替補Nash的選手,放掉Nash的決定似乎簡單了一些。 Sarver同意交易之後,Nash親自打電話給Colangelo和Tanenbaum告知。Duffy也打電話給 Dolan告知這項決定。 Nash已經承受了一些有關他愛國心的批評。也看過一些太陽迷把他的球衣LBJ式的燒掉的 影片,甚至被他在英國老家的堂兄弟們調侃。他發誓他可以承擔這一切。 「如果我讓一些球迷失望,我會承擔他們給我的懲罰。我愛太陽球迷,我在那有過八年 精彩輝煌的歲月」 但是.... "The people I need to try not to disappoint," Nash said, "are my kids." 「唯一我不想要讓他們失望的人,是我的小孩們」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
encorej77107:推 07/10 11:00
ToBeGentle:感人 07/10 11:02
fountainNess:推 07/10 11:02
cgd85421:好曲折XD 07/10 11:02
o0991758566:感謝Nash的小孩們 07/10 11:03
Bigcookie2:好長好文推 07/10 11:03
pringle348:從這篇可以看出Mitch的工作有多不容易~ 07/10 11:03
lovebuddy:推! 07/10 11:04
ericlao:推!辛苦翻譯!!! 07/10 11:04
SureHappy:推 07/10 11:06
goldenlen:推~ 這篇很長,辛苦了 07/10 11:06
gygybinbin:推 搶到頭香了 07/10 11:07
curo:推~~~!!! 07/10 11:07
Verlander35:淚 07/10 11:10
flyintmtc:推~ 對於一個重視家庭的人心態,我可以理解 07/10 11:12
YamagiN:對我而言 最後一句話才真的叫做"真男人"的發言 07/10 11:16
danielwu13:Nash 真的好愛小孩 07/10 11:17
alecgood:推~ 07/10 11:17
Aggro:真的是灌籃高手那一段 流川: 因為離家近.... 07/10 11:17
MrHeat:推 Nash真棒!! 07/10 11:18
k04121226:推阿 07/10 11:18
rexagi1988:在小孩面前,球迷只是虛名罷了 看完怎麼有點感動QAQ 07/10 11:19
pujolsX:推 07/10 11:20
nick761108:感動 真是好爸爸 07/10 11:21
blackmamba81:推 感人 07/10 11:22
MrHeat:借轉球員板 謝謝!! 07/10 11:24
MrHeat:轉錄至看板 SteveNash13 07/10 11:24
lookyour:我被NESH的場面話蓋到了= =我真的以為他不想到大程式打球 07/10 11:25
floriany:這篇超長的,推翻譯! 07/10 11:25
Farmar:最後一句話真的讓人動容...Q_Q 07/10 11:26
Farmar:我真的無法想像一年只能見到自己的小孩3.4次... 07/10 11:26
s80454: 07/10 11:27
Farmar:尤其是還年紀這麼小、這麼可愛~ Q_Q 07/10 11:28
knight210497:NASH如步是為了小孩 部會想來胡人的 07/10 11:28
lookyour:補推!!!! 好讚的文 07/10 11:28
rexagi1988:可以一個月三四次 而不是一年三四次 幹 哭了 07/10 11:29
tension12:NASH好爸爸 07/10 11:54
kevin77605:看到How還以為是Howard來了 07/10 11:57
romeomonkey:看完覺得 NASH真的純為了小孩選湖人 而不是其他原因 07/10 11:59
skysea0940:最後一句太感人了 07/10 11:59
romeomonkey:但是湖人可以給他除了離小孩近以外 更多的回饋!!!!!! 07/10 12:00
simon814141:我也愛她們(誤) 07/10 12:02
AndKobe:我哭了 07/10 12:03
ToBeGentle:而且我們肯給三年 應該也是重點之一 07/10 12:04
AndKobe:暴龍的行政團隊真的揪甘心 07/10 12:04
hsuanku:感動 Steve Nash~~~ 07/10 12:05
smallmac:推推推... 07/10 12:07
peterqlin:看到最後一句話差點哭出來@@ 超級感人!!!! 07/10 12:08
pcisfifa:推 07/10 12:09
a151515tt:感動推 推翻譯!!! 07/10 12:12
s2crmbhh:老天爺,這麼為小孩著想的人,需要額外的紅利來靠賞一下 07/10 12:12
giwdul3883:回頭對照那幾天的新聞看 還蠻好玩的 暴龍應該是出價最 07/10 12:21
giwdul3883:高 但是離小孩最遠 尼克的包裹對太陽來說最好 07/10 12:21
nikki271027:推!Nash好爸爸! 07/10 12:22
kuochieh:推好爸爸!!! 07/10 12:24
giwdul3883:如果太陽不成全Nash 那Nash會不會和暴龍簽呢 這樣太陽 07/10 12:24
giwdul3883:好像就啥都拿不到了? 07/10 12:24
kobesniper:推這篇小孩真的很重要 07/10 12:25
spittz:Nash真的有夠~~~~會講話~~~~~ 07/10 12:30
Wizards:太感心了咯!!! 07/10 12:32
LBJKO:Nash真是好爸爸!! 07/10 12:36
michaelkobe:挑一個小錯誤 西義那個叫歐洲盃不是歐冠盃@@ 07/10 12:42
supersl:QQ推 07/10 12:42
DCFreeze:Nash Welcome to LA!! 07/10 12:46
iittala:好爸爸 就該給冠軍! 12-13冠軍 洛杉磯湖人隊! 明年我會 07/10 12:56
iittala:在洛杉磯看冠軍遊行 07/10 12:56
hawk920412:忽然想到,先簽後換應該是要球員本人同意吧? 07/10 12:57
hawk920412:所以對母隊來說不先簽後換就什麼都拿不到了耶 07/10 12:57
gmayccee:NASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!push 07/10 13:02
mavice:推 07/10 13:06
frankwu09:推 07/10 13:23
mightsnsd:推!!看完以後,只想推三件事情 07/10 13:31
mightsnsd:1.翻譯的大大辛苦了~ 07/10 13:31
mightsnsd:2.談交易的Mitch辛苦了(然後湖人運氣真不錯...) 07/10 13:32
mightsnsd:3.Nash,歡迎你的到來!!你對子女的愛真偉大!! 07/10 13:32
kobebrian24:推 好爸爸Q__Q 07/10 13:38
yowusuke:不好意思 想問Nash的家人們是住那 好像也不是LA 07/10 13:45
poasdm:推~ 07/10 13:49
hwp1006:推 07/10 13:52
Alubasong:Nash的家人還是住在AZ吧 07/10 13:52
ELF007:暴龍誠意暴表...結果輸在家庭 07/10 13:54
yehming:推 推辛苦翻譯 07/10 13:55
cheming:Nash真男人!!! 07/10 13:59
farain:其實不只家庭,湖人的冠軍陣容影響也是很大的 07/10 14:02
o0991758566:湖人最符合Nash所需阿 三年約 有爭冠希望 離家近 07/10 14:22
panda1031:推一下 07/10 14:26
※ 編輯: claus 來自: (07/10 14:40)
greedX:Nash........QQ 07/10 14:40
BLEAKman:真男人GJ!!! 07/10 14:52
IzayoiSakuya:推 07/10 14:53
acess23:可以拍電影了 07/10 14:54
jed19891120:樓上,如果湖人如願拿下冠軍,我想這部電影不會比林 07/10 15:54
jed19891120:來瘋遜色 07/10 15:54
ab32110:推!!!NASH真棒T^T 07/10 16:10
superr:淚推阿~~~ Q_Q 07/10 16:11
shannishere:最後一句實在很催淚 07/10 16:13
hikaruton:真男人推 07/10 16:24
homechen1990:最後一句哭了Q_Q 07/10 16:44
bigbenrun:推 Nash~~ 07/10 16:45
qaz117qaz117:推!! 07/10 16:51
b91314403:推!!!!!!!!!! 07/10 16:53
farain:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns 07/10 17:03
funkycat:辛苦claus大和Nash & Mitch了,也推Colangelo的氣度~ 07/10 17:43
wangkun:推Nash 在之前就一直很喜歡他! 07/10 17:53
lakers31522:淚推!! 07/10 18:32
cvbn7910:真男人NASH!!!!!!!!!!!! 07/10 19:07
nopa118:推 07/10 19:08
hikaruton:推暴龍團隊 北大荒或許很難留住好球員所以特別積極? 07/10 19:14
hikaruton:加上難得的加拿大地主明星 唉唉 07/10 19:15
mike1990:真男人NASH 淚推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07/10 19:19
alanalg:推! 07/10 20:38
qaz28122317:push 07/10 20:47
seeking:推這篇 謝謝翻譯! 07/10 23:42
iswearxxx:真男人NASH!!!!!!!!!!!! 07/11 00:13
peardog:GOOD 07/11 00:51
kartrider38:真老爸 07/11 01:57
SULICon: 07/11 03:39
ieman:推!!!!! 07/11 06:36
chuehyeh:推爆! 07/11 07:43
guitar31604:太感人了 07/11 09:20
lunaluna: 07/11 09:36
rickykobe:感人推~~~ 07/12 14:44
mandylu:good 07/13 11:05
sneak: 這篇超長的,推翻譯! https://daxiv.com 09/11 06:32