看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原po故意不翻最後兩段是作何居心? Although the youngest Gasol is 6-foot-10 and has impressive bloodlines, expectations for him at UCLA should be realistic. 儘管Gasol老三有六呎十吋,家學淵源十分深厚,但對他進入UCLA的期望應該要現實一 點。 He wasn't interested in following in his brothers' footsteps in basketball growing up and played sparingly as a freshman and sophomore at Lausanne High School in Memphis before returning to Spain the past two years. He is far enough behind his brothers at the same stage that it would be a surprise if he is able to make much impact at UCLA in the near future. 他在成長過程中始終沒有興趣跟隨兩位哥哥的腳步邁向籃球發展,而在過去兩年以來, 在他回到西班牙之前,他就讀於孟菲斯Lausanne高中時期幾乎沒什麼在打球。以人生的 同一個階段而論,他遠遠落後他的哥哥們,而如果他未來能在UCLA造成衝擊的話,這會 使很多人驚訝。 Nonetheless, Adria's famous last name alone should make him a favorite among UCLA fans and a source of intrigue in the final minutes of blowouts. If he focuses on basketball and develops into a surprise contributor at some point in the next few years, then that's a coup for UCLA. And if he does nothing more than persuade Pau or Marc to occasionally work out against the UCLA frontcourt during the offseason, then that's still a greater contribution than the average walk-on makes. 無論如何,光是Adria的姓氏就已經夠讓他成為球迷最愛了,也能在最後垃圾時間嚇唬 嚇唬對手。如果他在未來數年專注於籃球之上,發展成一名意外的貢獻者,那對UCLA 來說就已經是一次搶劫了。而如果除了說服砲與馬在休賽期間固定跟UCLA前場球員共 同練習之外,他什麼都沒有辦法做到,那還是比其他開特力球員來得有貢獻。 原文一開始就說Adria Gasol是Walk-On了, 也就是說他是未經球隊徵召, 而在考進UCLA後自行加入的, 應該是想去打個身體健康而已。 -- ※ 編輯: EvilisGood 來自: (08/18 13:46)
Bigcookie2:了解 打好玩就是了XD 08/18 14:12
lookyour:可能不會翻吧= = 08/18 14:59
ymca8:他不是也有在巴薩嗎 難道也是打身體健康的??? 08/18 15:57
kobeslaker:不是打球的料 08/18 17:42
hpdv5:之前他就有說不會選擇打球當職業 08/18 19:53
Bigcookie2:想走自己的路 這樣也好 08/18 20:14
JFCC:所以他會成為很棒的機械工程師!!! 08/18 23:02
vul3fu4ejo3:不一定很好,但是很高是一定的( Д`)y━・~~ 08/18 23:40
ADRIAN0907:樓上是抽煙嗆到在咳嗽嗎= = 08/19 00:15