看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lakers put up little resistance in 116-106 loss to Trail Blazers 擋不住拓荒者 湖人116-106輸球 來源:http://tinyurl.com/alumxxq The Lakers get 33 points from Dwight Howard and 30 from Kobe Bryant but fall to 0-2 after letting Portland score with ease. Steve Nash misses most of the second half with a bruised left leg. 但讓拓荒者予取予求讓魔獸33分 老柯30分的好表現做了白工 而Nash因左腿挫傷下半場幾乎沒上 The Lakers can't put much of anything together two games into the season, failing to stop the Portland Trail Blazers a day after showing an extraordinary inability to score against Dallas. The problem Wednesday was a lack of stops, the Lakers surrendering at will on the defensive end in a 116-106 loss to the Trail Blazers at the Rose Garden. That they lost in Portland was about as surprising as the rain falling during the day. They are 4-17 here since 2002. 如果這兩場比賽的表現延續到之後的比賽 湖人將會很危險 面對小牛無法得分 面對拓荒者沒有防守 不過其實輸拓荒者也見怪不怪了 從2002到現在 湖人在Rose Garden是4勝17負 Former Lakers coach Phil Jackson used to blame the ever-present gray sky, saying it put everybody in a dour mood, but the Lakers were as pleasant and generous as could be on Wednesday. Rookie Damian Lillard moved effortlessly through them for 23 points and 11 assists, up-and-coming forward Nicolas Batum had 26 points and Wes Matthews threw in 22 points for good measure. "Defensively, we didn't do a good job," Lakers Coach Mike Brown said in a classic understatement. 肯德基爺爺以前都說輸球是因為天氣悶悶的 讓球員也悶悶的 不過今天湖人隊的球員賽前看起來是蠻嗨的 Damian Lillard跟吃滷肉飯一樣簡單的得23分11助攻 Nicolas Batum 26分 Wes Matthews 22分 "今天我們沒守好"Mike Brown淡定的表示 It got worse for the Lakers a minute into the third quarter. Steve Nash left the game, trying unsuccessfully to hobble around the court after getting kneed in the lower left leg while turning to run late in the second quarter. Nash, 38, has been durable despite his age, missing an average of 4.3 games a season since 2005. He basically spent the entire second half Wednesday in the locker room, getting treatment on his bruised leg. "I couldn't plant on it or push off or decelerate," said Nash, who had two points and four assists after getting only seven points and four assists in his Lakers debut. He said he hoped to play Friday against the Clippers. The Lakers, by the way, haven't started a season 0-3 since 1978-79. 上半場結束前一分鐘 Nash的腿被膝蓋撞傷 休息後也無法再打 Nash自從2005年平均一季只缺賽4.3場 他也希望在經過治療後可以快點回到球場趕上星期五對快艇的比賽 如果再輸下去 湖人將會是1978-79球季以來 再度三連敗了 囧 There were blunders not necessarily connected with the Lakers, punch-line plays more suited for lottery teams. Portland guard Sasha Pavlovic rebounded his own missed free-throw attempt in the third quarter and scored as Antawn Jamison, Dwight Howard and Jordan Hill watched in the lane. Bryant fumbled a simple drop-off pass out of bounds, uncharacteristically taking his eyes off of it. Distracted? Maybe. Wavering under the crush of expectations? Possibly. Unable to put together a full game? Absolutely. "That's the tough part about it," Brown said. "You see flashes of us moving the ball well, you see flashes of us cutting well, you see flashes of us passing well. Even defensively, at times, we're doing the right thing. We have to put it together for 48 minutes in order to be good in this league." Right now, they're not very good in this league. Portland fans loved it like they always do, beating the Lakers the equivalent of winning the Super Bowl up here. The crowd began the "Beat L.A." chants well before pre-game introductions and cheered gleefully as the scoreboard showed Lakers fans exiting in the final minute. Sasha Pavlovic罰球不進馬上在Hill Jamison 魔獸面前補進 老柯也漏了一顆簡單的傳球 湖人這些心不在焉的失誤是年輕肉體最喜歡的 "各個環節單看片段來說都沒什麼問題 問題是想要NBA生存必須維持48分鐘"Mike Brown說 顯然現在的湖人隊並不夠好。 但拓荒者球迷可好的不得了 對從開賽介紹球員就瘋狂喊"Beat LA"拓荒者隊球迷來說 打敗湖人隊就像拿超級盃一樣開心 Funny thing, though, the Lakers' Princeton-based offense wasn't entirely bad, scoring 57 points in the first half and mustering some punch in the second half despite missing Nash. Howard had 33 points, 14 rebounds and five assists. He also made 15 of 19 free-throw attempts a day after making only three of 14 from the line. There were, however, an unacceptable 24 turnovers. Bryant had 30 points and seemed irritated in the second half. He picked up a technical foul for arguing a non-call and could have easily earned another one late in the game for spiking the ball on the court after being called for a foul. There won't be many jokes in the Lakers' locker room in the near future. "It's going to be a little edgy because I'm not a very happy camper walking around here right now," Bryant said. "There's some things we have to shore up. We have to make sure we keep a sense of urgency." The Lakers, not a happy bunch. The Clippers, eager to see them soon. 其實普林斯頓戰術也沒這麼糟糕 湖人上半場就拿57分 在沒Nash的下半場也打出幾波不錯的攻勢 魔獸33分14籃板 罰球竟然跟喝水一樣 15/19 拿下30分的老柯在下半場在裁判沒有愛時 整個火了 吞了T 然後被吹了犯規後又在領到一張 雖然他們有不錯的表現 但 24次失誤 還是讓湖人G掉了... 老科表示"大家請把皮繃緊 許多東西都還需要更好" 而快艇 則磨刀霍霍向湖人囉... 希望湖人趕快回神阿... 還有Nash千萬別有事 然後這偏頗難翻...翻不好請指正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lave70:奇怪 兩隊陣容再怎麼換 湖人在RG就是打不順... 11/01 21:03
Hijikata:Nash到底是膝蓋還是小腿啊@@ 11/01 21:14
sagesrock:嘿,翻譯要注意點,get kneed是被膝蓋碰撞,非膝蓋受傷 11/01 21:29
謝謝sagesrock 已修正
lave70:被別人的膝蓋碰撞到... 11/01 21:32
ToBeGentle:好像還是沒修對....... 11/01 22:35
※ 編輯: bn51401 來自: (11/01 22:41)
behero:開季三連敗也OK啦,到底有什麼好擔心的還真不懂,我也一度 11/01 22:55
kobe1986:XD 11/01 22:55
behero:懷疑過MB,但我想起他在騎士的一些成績讓我選擇繼續相信他 11/01 22:55
rance25:如果他手上有LBJ或者老科年輕五歲,我也會很相信他 11/01 22:56
behero:,還有,最大的問題是3號跟讓Nash保持健康,季賽還長著,放 11/01 22:57
behero:輕鬆點吧~ 11/01 22:57
behero:老科現在就像一根燒完的蠟燭,他現在就是那些剩下來的蠟油 11/01 23:00
behero:聚集起來做最後一次的燃燒,光輝美不美真的就看今年. 11/01 23:06
pjharper:希望有好萊塢式的逆轉結局~~ 11/01 23:07
encorej77107:打了10場感覺好像還在打熱身賽第一場 看了總板普林 11/01 23:09
encorej77107:斯頓 的文章 湖人打普林最大理由 gasol根本已經廢一 11/01 23:09
encorej77107:半 11/01 23:09
encorej77107:nash防守不好 讓他打普林 根本就只是暴露缺點 11/01 23:10
encorej77107:堅持打普林的理由到底是什? 看看今天最後要不是靠著 11/01 23:11
encorej77107:12 . 24 個人單打戰術 一直堅持打普林 不知道會輸 11/01 23:12
encorej77107:多少分 11/01 23:12
jtch:ash防守不好 讓他打普林 根本就只是暴露缺點 這句是什麼鬼 11/01 23:28
free120:黑阿 普林斯頓跟防守有什麼屁關係我怎麼看不出來? 11/01 23:31
encorej77107:進攻沒攻陷 防守被打點 把自己優點蓋住不就凸顯 11/01 23:32
encorej77107:缺點出來? 11/01 23:33
encorej77107: 貢獻 11/01 23:33
encorej77107:換個方式講 今天如果 nash 12分12助攻 還有人care 11/01 23:42
encorej77107:pg 防守洞很大嗎? 11/01 23:42
Bigcookie2:雖然現在很幹..但是熱火當年都有5連敗過了... 11/01 23:47
Bigcookie2:也只能相信湖人 (除了某顆西瓜) 11/01 23:48
YamagiN:我的感覺是 這隊根本像是沒經過訓練營的感覺 11/01 23:58
o0991758566:Nash千萬要沒事啊 11/02 00:04
encorej77107:湖人有4大不該打普林斯頓理由 11/02 00:32
encorej77107:1.gasol狀況太迷 2.沒時間 3.nash防守差 4.窩屁不融 11/02 00:32
encorej77107:入 如果在加上專家說的 5.DH不適合 11/02 00:33
encorej77107:先發根本只剩kobe 適合打而已 11/02 00:33
kaede0711:Kobe還有個問題,他打普林斯頓效率提高很多,但是分享球權 11/02 00:53
kaede0711:會淡化他對比賽的影響力,這兩場根本沒吸到怪了... 11/02 00:53
kaede0711:如果只是手感好,那最多就是點對點很優勢而已,但是對方後 11/02 00:54
kaede0711:場很殺的情況下,這優勢並不明顯 11/02 00:54
encorej77107:kobe 現在最好能不吸怪就不吸怪比較好XD 11/02 00:55
encorej77107:吸怪給DH做 有nash穿針引線 沒空擋真的蠻扯的 11/02 00:55
loquito:普林老木吧 ... 11/02 09:00
sneak: nash防守不好 讓他 https://daxiv.com 09/11 06:43