看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Good news, bad news for Lakers 好消息與壞消息 http://tinyurl.com/d8nr56r It's official. The Lakers won't go 0-82. 終於可以正式宣布 湖人不會被剃光頭了... They beat the unimpressive Detroit Pistons, 108-79, gladly taking victory Sunday and avoiding their first 0-4 start since 1957. Dwight Howard had 28 points and Lakers fans could briefly forget the news that Steve Nash might miss up to four weeks because of a small fracture in his left leg. 108-79 打敗了同樣狀況不是很好的活塞隊 也免於1957年來第一次開季四連敗 魔獸的28分讓湖迷暫時忘記Nash可能缺席四周的壞消息 The Lakers acknowledged publicly that Nash would miss at least one week, but another three weeks could ultimately be tacked onto that assessment in a worst-case scenario, according to a person familiar with the situation. Nash, however, tried to be optimistic, hoping for a return next week. "You never know, right?" he said as he left the locker room. "It's up to Mother Nature….I guess anything's possible." Nash did not wear a walking boot as he left the arena, a good sign for Lakers fans. He didn't break stride as he spoke to two reporters while holding his girlfriend's hand. 湖人隊也對外公布 Nash至少缺陣一周 知情的人表示會視情況最多休息四周 不過Nash表示"俺蠻樂觀的 誰也不知道會怎樣 別悲觀啦" 而且在離開球場時他也沒穿保護靴 腳步也蠻輕快的 These days, the Lakers will throw their arms around any semblance of good news. Thankfully for them, the Pistons were in town. "Obviously, we needed a win," Lakers Coach Mike Brown said. "It gives us a little belief." The Lakers ended a bizarre streak of 13 consecutive losses that included their final two playoff games last season, eight exhibition games last month and a sluggish start this season that saw them outscored by an average of 107-97 before Sunday. Surprisingly, Nash wasn't missed at Staples Center. Lakers followers had been on edge lately, clamoring for more points, better defense, better coaching — just about everything. They got the Lakers' most complete game, by far. The offense wasn't the same cumbersome mess it was while the Lakers went 0-3 for the first time since 1978. The defense actually held Detroit to 35.4% shooting. 這幾天愁雲慘霧的很 湖人應該說一句"謝謝你 活塞" "俺開湖啦! :P "Brown說 也終於結束從去年季後賽到現在的13連敗 這幾天湖人隊的fans可以天天都上PTT為湖人的前景擔心啊... 結果在這場Nash不在 可能就落賽 的比賽,湖人打的出乎預料的好 進攻有進步 防守也把對手命中率壓在35.4% There were even plays to remember, Kobe Bryant sending a behind-the-back pass to the post, where Pau Gasol quickly lobbed the ball to Howard for a dunk. It gave the Lakers a 79-44 lead, with 4:49 left in the third quarter. "It feels good to see what we've been working on come to fruition out there a little bit," said Bryant, who had 15 points and eight assists. By beating the Pistons (0-3), the Lakers avoided another uncomfortable statistic among their early-season stumbles. They had not lost their first three home games since 1959. Crisis averted. Howard was strong from the start, getting 20 points and six rebounds in the first half. He finished with almost as many points as minutes played (33) and made 12 of 14 shots. Metta World Peace also made an impact after coming into the game with a seven-point scoring average and 34.8% accuracy. He had 18 points on seven-for-11 shooting. Steve Blake had six points, six assists and five steals in place of Nash, who won't be evaluated again until the end of this week. kobe拿下15分8助攻 也表示球隊終於更接近完整 魔獸上半場20分6板 14投12中 33分 連窩屁都跟吃藥一樣18分 投11中7... Blake也變身神偷 6分6助攻 5抄截... Nash was injured Wednesday when he was kneed by a Portland player while trying to run down court. An MRI exam a few days later revealed a non-displaced fracture in Nash's leg. "You obviously hope he's back as soon as possible," Brown said. "But the one thing you don't want to do, you don't want to compromise his long-term health for him coming back quicker than he should." The Lakers needed a comeback, a pick-me-up. Maybe Sunday was the start of something. Nash經過核磁共振診斷沒有錯位性骨折 "雖然希望他快回來 但為了長久的健康 不能急躁啊啊阿!!"Brown說 湖人隊需要振作 也許這就是個好的開始 囧RZ 希望湖人加油 Nash沒事...然後Brown...你...好好調度.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bn51401 來自: (11/06 01:26)
ja3019:真的希望湖人能振作!! 11/06 01:25
coldbean:請解凍 Meeks 先!! 好嗎 11/06 02:22
cyhung1025:希望他除了F4之外 也能好好的把板凳拉起來 11/06 02:26
cyhung1025:老人隊一定要靠小將把活力打出來 11/06 02:26
k12151215:善用杜洪和米克斯..... 11/06 06:29
yuyhiyuy:人簽來不是讓你冰的阿......... 11/06 08:29
supersonic8:冰杜宏我還可以忍受 Meeks明明就打得不錯 11/06 08:35
encorej77107:#1GbrmHw9 (Lakers) <--meeks被冰的理由~我的推論 11/06 08:35
umdm:Meeks和AJ來湖人都好浪費啊 兩個別隊的先發只能被冰和打替補 11/06 09:42
umdm:AJ也有些令人擔心 季賽開打了 教練團好像還沒找到AJ的說明書 11/06 09:43
umdm:AJ很穩定的普通... 很多人對AJ的期待是能撐起替補的火力 11/06 09:44
umdm:現況完全不符期待 希望AJ的情況可以好轉 11/06 09:45
ToBeGentle:害我以為真的有好消息......... 11/06 09:47
ToBeGentle:現在連自我推論都要打廣告 11/06 09:47
FrienDx:別隊的隊員是有Nash靈氣會Buff,怎麼湖人剛好相反=0= 11/06 09:53
blackmamba01:放心好了 還有七十多場可以磨合 安啦 11/06 10:15
jerrys0580:最爽的就是Brown 雖然4Q放替補差點被翻盤 11/06 10:22
KobeYaMeTe:超爽的 11/06 12:14
harda: 還是覺得MB不會用 這一手好牌! 練戰術沒有配套措施! 11/06 12:45
eric761201:還是想換教練~~= = 11/06 14:13
ToBeGentle:講真的大家都想換教練 但是能換誰 11/06 14:16
royshih0418:只會操先發的教練QQ 我要波波啊~~~~~~~~~~ 11/06 14:18
ToBeGentle:波波離職 應該其他29隊教練飯碗都不保 11/06 14:44
rexagi1988:真的,波波離職其它29隊教練都會開始擔心XD 11/06 16:20
ycutr:波波離職....各隊老闆立刻下達海捕文書 11/06 16:45
lookyour:==========還沒有球評對MB的調度開砲嗎...========== 11/06 21:31
sneak: 現況完全不符期待 希望 https://daxiv.com 09/11 06:45