看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/TGT9 The Lakers' rotation is starting to take shape, despite injuries The big question facing the Lakers on the heels of their loss to the Washington Wizards: Did Antawn Jamison seriously injure his right wrist? The Lakers has as close to a full roster as Coach Mike D'Antoni has gotten this season on Friday night. Reserve big man Jordan Hill has been declared out for the season, although he's still putting in a lot of work just in case the Lakers make a deep playoff run. After the loss to the Wizards, advancing in the playoffs seems somewhat far-fetched, but a lot can happen in the coming weeks. D'Antoni gave an idea of what kind of rotation he'll use moving forward, assuming Jamison isn't out for an extended period. The Lakers will start Steve Nash, Kobe Bryant, Metta World Peace, Pau Gasol and Dwight Howard. Gasol is still on a minute restriction as he works himself back from a foot injury. D'Antoni will juggle Howard's and Gasol's minutes in the first quarter, allowing him to stagger the two big men throughout the game with Gasol as the backup center. In most cases, the team should have either Howard or Gasol on the floor at all times. Jamison is Gasol's primary backup at power forward. Earl Clark, who started while Gasol was out, will also get minutes at the four. As Gasol's minutes climb, Clark might be squeezed into a smaller role. Steve Blake and Jodie Meeks are the primary reserve guards behind Nash and Bryant. Bryant is the team's primary backup to World Peace at small forward. Blake will also get time at shooting guard when the team needs more ball-handling on the court alongside Nash. Jamison, Clark and Meeks can also play at the three, if needed. D'Antoni isn't looking to include Chris Duhon, Darius Morris, Devin Ebanks or Robert Sacre in the rotation. Under normal circumstances, the Lakers coach will rely on eight to nine players. Jamison will undergo an MRI exam on Saturday to determine the extent of the damage. If he's out, Clark would presumably take his role as the primary power forward off the bench. 輸掉巫師的比賽之後,湖人又面臨一個大問題,AJ右手手腕是不是傷的很嚴重? MDA快得到本季該有的完整陣容,雖然Jordan Hill宣告本季報銷,但他仍在這段湖人 奮戰期間,看能不能及時回來。 意外輸給巫師之後,對於晉級季後賽似乎有點牽強,但接下來這幾個禮拜,甚麼事情 都有可能發生,因為我們是有名的湖人劇場。 假定AJ不能回來的情況下,MDA提出了他幾個輪值陣容; 先發會擺上 Nash、Kobe、MWP、Gasol、Howard,但Gasol仍有上場時間限制,畢竟他剛回 來嘛,別給他這麼大壓力,他也要時間休息。 MDA一開始會調配DH12跟Gasol的上場時間,他們倆人輪流當C,總之場上一定不是有 DH12不然就是有Gasol。原本設定Gasol打5號時,4號配AJ,但現在Earl Clark打4號時間 增加了。 一樣,小黑和Meeks一樣是Kobe跟Nash強力的後盾。 MWP不在場上,就是Kobe打小前鋒,然後小黑會被調到SG位置跟Nash搭。 MDA還是不派Duhon、小莫、沙揆上來。 心得: 一個健康,一個受傷... 天祐湖人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lohastaipei 來自: (03/25 03:02) ※ 編輯: lohastaipei 來自: (03/25 03:32)
dannywhat:無限八人輪替嗎 03/25 03:46
a9527a:MDA:傷了剛好!^.< (誤 03/25 08:04
siaosix:怎麼受傷到像是在抓交替... 03/25 08:46
Bigcookie2:還不是輸巫師.... 03/25 09:35
Bigcookie2:應該就是老八進季後賽了..已經追不上火箭跟勇士了 03/25 09:54
Bigcookie2:如果進季後賽的話拉...目前也不是很樂觀... 03/25 09:54
Bigcookie2:湖人連輸這兩場..有像之前一樣崩盤的感覺... 03/25 09:57
Bigcookie2:要死不活.... 03/25 09:57
kobelouli:輸巫師真的太傷了 03/25 10:00
lork0222:丹東尼灌高看太多嗎?以為自己是安西?上場永遠是那幾個@@ 03/25 10:05
o0991758566:主場輸巫師 真的很無言 03/25 10:16
ToBeGentle:巫師本來就不弱 沒啥好無言的 03/25 11:15
goldenlen:三成多還不弱,那怎樣才算弱?? 03/25 11:51
YamagiN:Wall回來後不一樣啊 現在巫師有起碼的抵抗力 加上人家主攻 03/25 11:55
YamagiN:是外圍球員 湖人防守最大的弱點 03/25 11:55
tension12:打湖人前巫師近況是6-4 Wall回來後巫師也贏了不少球隊 03/25 11:56
tension12:再戰板友前不會查一下數據只憑印象那種比較弱 03/25 11:56
SULICon:巫師明星賽後勝率超過五成 但主場不應該輸 03/25 11:56
ToBeGentle:wall在場上勝率超過五成 03/25 11:59
SULICon:Wall回來後 20W-15L 03/25 12:00
Bigcookie2:主場領先17分 最後被逆轉 的確該罵阿 打三毀阿.. 03/25 12:01
goldenlen:靠邀...還真的不弱,不過還是不該這樣輸... 03/25 12:02
tension12:F4同時在場上的戰績不太好看 不知是帶傷上 還是磨合不好 03/25 12:02
SULICon:http://bit.ly/ZYuyjW 看一下就知道KB的防守多爛了 03/25 12:08
goldenlen:PAU的效率要提高一點,現在還不是絕對安全進季後 03/25 12:08
SULICon:簡單來說就是老調重彈 內容跟我以前剪的監視器防守一樣 03/25 12:09
o0991758566:拜託 你在主場打一個全聯盟客場最爛的隊 輸了不嘔嗎? 03/25 12:10
SULICon:不然就是老愛賭博性抄截 然後被幹三分(攤手) 03/25 12:10
o0991758566:而且就算近況好又如何? 湖人休了那麼多天 上半場又領 03/25 12:11
SULICon:客場最爛是山貓跟國王 03/25 12:11
o0991758566:先那麼多 現在又是關鍵時期 輸了真的很白癡 03/25 12:11
goldenlen:貼去老K的推特 XD 03/25 12:11
SULICon:貼了也沒屁用 Tex Winter都告誡過他了 03/25 12:12
SULICon:忘了另一個特產 進攻沒要到犯規就跑去找裁判懶得回防 03/25 12:14
goldenlen:這個症頭比監視器還古早啊... 03/25 12:16
YamagiN:Worthy應該要直接開幹"誰"的防守很爛 而不是說"湖人"的防 03/25 12:51
YamagiN:守很爛 03/25 12:51
LBJKO:就2把雙面刃(一個先發 一個替補) 外圍防守很冏XDDD 03/25 12:57
Cj3636736:剛好都是2號位.... 03/25 14:16
kobby:範例D那個太扯了 對方都投籃了人還沒過中線 03/25 14:44
kobby:超好笑的 "空擋大到可以邊投邊看權力遊戲" 是下星期上嗎? 03/25 14:51
max660865:KOBE:WINTER IS COMING 03/25 16:29
violing613: Hear me roar 03/25 17:13
GANZ:果然老人隊休太多天也不行,休太少天也不行 QQ 03/25 17:50
ToBeGentle:今天巫師又贏灰熊了 好恐怖 03/26 09:37