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在阿拓版看到的 As Blazers prepare for Lakers visit, coach Terry Stotts contemplates starting 4 rookies By Joe Freeman, The Oregonian Follow on Twitter on April 09, 2013 at 3:02 PM, updated April 09, 2013 at 4:22 PM The Trail Blazers on Wednesday will simultaneously try avoid their longest losing streak in seven years and spoil the Los Angeles Lakers’ playoff aspirations. And they very well might attempt both while making franchise history. As his starting lineup continues to be ravaged by injuries, coach Terry Stotts is contemplating starting four rookies when the Lakers visit the Rose Garden Wednesday night. If it happens, it would be the first time in franchise history, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. How did it get to this point? Starting shooting guard Wesley Matthews sprained his right ankle Sunday night in a loss to the Dallas Mavericks and already has been ruled out against the Lakers. Starting small forward Nicolas Batum was able to shoot Tuesday, but continues to deal with the effects of a superior labral tear in his right shoulder and is listed as doubtful. Meanwhile, starting center JJ Hickson skipped Tuesday’s practice with lower back pain and is considered questionable. And while the availability of the trio looks grim, their replacements look young. Stotts on Tuesday said he was leaning toward starting rookie Will Barton in place of Matthews at shooting guard. Rookie Victor Claver has started the last three games for Batum and rookie center Meyers Leonard has started in place of Hickson or LaMarcus Aldridge six times this season. Add them to rookie point guard Damian Lillard and the four-rookie starting lineup is complete. It could not come at a worse time for the Blazers (33-44), who have lost a season-high eight consecutive games and are trying to avoid a complete free-fall at the end of a promising season. The franchise has not endured a nine-game losing streak since the 2005-06 season, when they lost 19 of the last 20 games, including 11 in a row from March 14 to April 2 The losing streak, the young starting lineup and the chance to play spoiler to a Lakers team that is frantically trying to capture the eighth seed in the Western Conference playoff hunt should create an extra dose of motivation for a reeling Blazers team. Actually, Stotts said, the Lakers alone provide enough motivation. “Everybody gets up for playing the Lakers,” he said. “We realize the implications for them, what the game means for them. But when you’re going up against Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, if Steve Nash plays — these guys grew up watching them. So I think there’s certainly a lot of motivation playing them.” Matthews undergoes MRI, results negative Matthews limped around the practice facility wearing a walking boot on his right foot Tuesday afternoon and it is unclear how long he’ll have to deal with the cumbersome protection. He underwent two magnetic resonance imaging tests on his sprained right ankle and neither revealed significant damage, including any ligament tears. Matthews said there was some soft tissue damage, however, and he planned to undergo two more MRI tests as a precaution. When asked if he thought he would play again this season, Matthews seemed prepared for the worst. “I don’t know,” he said. “(I’ll) listen to my body and see how it goes.” Batum shoots for first time in eight days Batum did not fully return to practice Tuesday, but did participate in some post-practice shooting. He went through a series of shooting drills for about 30 minutes alongside injured teammate Elliot Williams, testing his ailing right shoulder for the first time since April 1. “It’s still sore, a little bit sore,” Batum said afterward. “Shooting at the end, I feel like my shoulder was burning.” Batum labeled himself a game-time decision. But the team is taking extra caution because the injury is in the same right shoulder that Batum had surgery on in 2009. --Joe Freeman http://ppt.cc/OCJi 簡單講,Matthews不會上場 明天先發大概會是Barton、Leonard、Claver、AGG、Lillard 這是湖人的機會,要好好吧握嚕 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chey1987:Lillard 是菜鳥中的CP3... 04/10 23:38
Bigcookie2:你也知道 湖人最喜歡當好人了... 04/10 23:39
air2107:有AGG跟LILLARD就夠危險了 尤其是LILLARD.. 04/10 23:39
Bigcookie2:老天保佑 湖人贏下來吧!!!! 04/10 23:39
animalspell:只要在玫瑰花園,LAL的運勢就不太好,加油吧 04/10 23:39
pharmawind:你知道湖人最可怕的是... 不管是打強隊弱隊都一樣抖 04/10 23:42
newsboy3423:阿拓觀念吧~~~~~~~ 04/10 23:44
o0991758566:可是AGG和Lillard還是有上 這樣沒啥差 那JJ希克森呢? 04/10 23:45
nopa118:謝謝你阿拓 04/10 23:45
o0991758566:話說也許這些新人的拼勁會讓湖人被衝擊到 湖人小心阿. 04/10 23:45
cvbn7910:先發就算再弱 玫瑰花園廣場vs湖人 全體能力值+10 04/10 23:47
nothingonu:金塊主場全體能力值+20 阿拓主場的話應該有+10吧! 04/10 23:49
kopfschuss:完全不覺得有什麼好高興的.... 04/10 23:49
brucep:很有可能被年輕肉體的快攻打爆.............<囧> 04/10 23:50
ceckyo:多打禁區吧 沒jj又更弱了 04/10 23:54
cvbn7910:玫瑰花園廣場吞下三連敗 04/10 23:54
chihow:有阿基基就超難打了..... 04/10 23:59
romeomonkey:謝謝阿拓~但是湖人一向敵人是自己啊XD~對抗傷病跟體力 04/11 00:02
zehow:看不出機會在哪 AGG和Lillard都在 全新人? 湖人最怕就是年輕 04/11 00:03
zehow:人給你拼搶和跑快攻阿..... 04/11 00:04
violing613:這是拓荒者背水一陣要全力和湖人拼命吧 -w- 04/11 00:05
floriany:用跑的就跑死湖人了 04/11 00:17
floriany:這場很擔心 04/11 00:18
Xhocer:拳怕少壯阿... 04/11 00:18
newsboy3423:年輕啊...... 希望阿拓觀念魂 04/11 00:22
wzmildf:Lillard很猛... 04/11 00:26
tco:年輕沒經驗就可以跑死胡人,那湖人真的沒資格進季後賽 04/11 00:36
tco:目標是五連勝,就偏偏來些無腦師誤 然後搶版不卡位 04/11 00:37
tco:莫名其妙就落後一屁股 04/11 00:37
tco:反正根本不管對方是菜鳥還是五個LBJ,死命打就對了 04/11 00:39
GANZ:老科看到是無名小卒可能又要亂放人了... 04/11 00:45
jamesuper:zkow 04/11 00:51
Bigcookie2:老柯明天要使出監視器防守 究極version 04/11 01:02
Bigcookie2:被老柯守的 會有海一樣大的空檔XDD 04/11 01:03
Bigcookie2:明天加油阿.. 04/11 01:05
rock0077:傳說中的自動門防守XD 04/11 01:07
YamagiN:老科的最近習慣了 倒是最近Meeks新研發的自動門防守讓我很 04/11 01:09
YamagiN:orz 對方未持球時離遠遠的 對方接到球後靠近對方 然後讓開 04/11 01:10
YamagiN:給對手切進去這招是我百思不得其解的舉動 04/11 01:10
imgkiller:早說了 人家知道你有奪勝需要會讓你的 這是季末練兵時期 04/11 01:51
laitsaichieh:最好是會讓 04/11 01:55
Bigcookie2:讓你贏幹嘛.好歹在自己主場 再怎樣都要跟你一拼 04/11 01:57
Bigcookie2:說是放菜鳥 也不知道是不是真的 況且..湖人最怕菜鳥 04/11 01:57
FSGuitar:現在的湖人 沒有一定贏的對手 04/11 02:05
jord:B2B 打菜鳥 讓我想到今年打山貓跟騎士(?)這兩場... 04/11 03:22
Diffa:一開始沒看清楚 還以為湖人要用四個菜鳥@@ 04/11 06:58
Cj3636736:湖人最怕年輕有活力 用速度切爆你的隊伍.... 04/11 07:01
oneword:老腿們加油吧 04/11 07:15
a9527a:玫瑰花園+B2B沒贏過 我還是覺得超抖= = 04/11 07:23
kobeslaker:別受傷就好 04/11 08:33
wangkun:應該會贏啦 阿拓主場近況極差 04/11 08:43
iittala:謝謝阿拓 04/11 08:44
colby0114:穩穩拿下 沒有劇場!!!三角關係 齊力取拓!!! 04/11 08:50
JPDREAM:KOBE:YA 今天不用防守嚕 04/11 08:57
abc339:一定贏的 科科 04/11 09:13
cctv0047:看到里拉德我就覺得不太妙............. 04/11 09:21
sVs:看到側翼一堆菜鳥才怕。Kobe:這牌子太小,晚點再守。 04/11 09:23
cctv0047:sVs大說的有道理 這樣更慘....... 04/11 09:25
Rona:爽啊~Lal加油 04/11 09:36
asruar:湖人最愛幫人建立信心 菜鳥又如何QQ 04/11 09:38
Diffa:6分領先了~希望步要太快花光ㄚ~ 04/11 12:12
Diffa:KB還萊一個punch~想打誰XDDDD 04/11 12:13
BosRedsucks:zkow 04/11 13:04