看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
連結:http://ppt.cc/J3xk Can you name the Lakers' leading scorer? Hint: It's not Pau Gasol 猜猜看湖人對目前的頭號得分手是誰呢? 提示:不是嘎獸 Jodie Meeks is averaging 13.7 points, after scoring 44 over the last two games. He has been a part-time starter in his four NBA seasons, and credits hard work finally paying off this season. Twelve games into the season, Jodie Meeks is the Lakers' leading scorer, as everybody predicted. 猜對了嗎! 12場比賽下來 招弟正式登基變成昭帝 在過去兩場轟下44分後 他以13.7的平均得分 暫時成為湖人隊的得分王 在4年的NBA生涯中 他一直不是固定的先發 但在經過不斷的努力 本季他終於大放異彩 Jodie Meeks? The career part-time starter? He is averaging 13.7 points, moving ahead of Pau Gasol, after scoring 44 over the last two games. "I don't even worry about the numbers. I don't really look at my stats or anything like that," Meeks said after scoring 19 points Sunday while making four of seven three-point attempts against Detroit. "I just put the work in before and after practice, before the games, as many shots as I can get up." Meeks is not a driver. He's not a banger. He's a shooter. Period. And not always an accurate one. 昭帝最近兩場的好表現讓他超越嘎獸成為湖人得分王 在面對活塞隊三分球4-7的昭帝表示 "我並不在乎那些數字 也不會去看數據 我只是不斷的練習 在賽前 球隊練習前後 盡我所能的多練習 " He made 13 of his last 24 three-point shots, though, and his efficiency from long range (49.2% so far) helped boost his overall shooting percentage to 52.8%, second to only Jordan Hill among the Lakers' rotation players. Meeks, 26, came into the season with career accuracy of 40.4% overall, 36.7% from three-point range. "It's good to see the hard work paying off," he said. "Some years, you might not shoot it particularly well. Or with your particular game you might not have the best season, but you just have to keep going and not worry about it." 過去的24次三分嘗試 他命中了13球 目前他的三分球命中率持在 49.2% 而整體命中率52.8% 在湖人隊僅次於癡漢強獸人J.Hill "很開心勤奮的練習有收穫 有些時候 不一定一切都會盡如人意 總是會有打鐵的時候 但我必須要持續努力 忘掉這些事情 " Meeks was a starter 45% of the time in his first four NBA seasons. Fittingly, he started six of the Lakers' 12 games this season. He is making $1.55 million in the last season of his contract, the Lakers exercising a team option last June. To his credit, he already looks beyond basketball and goes back to school every summer. He left Kentucky after three seasons but took classes there the last four summers to move within a few credits of graduating. A degree will presumably be earned next summer, along with a new NBA contract. Maybe it'll be with the Lakers, but maybe with another team if Meeks keeps shooting like this. Former Laker forward Earl Clark, after all, signed a two-year contract for $8.5 million with Cleveland last July. 在生涯前四季 他僅有45%的時間是先發上場 本季的12場比賽中先發了6場 本季薪水155w的他 6月份時 湖人執行了他的 team option 在大三離開了Kentucky大學後 儘管困難 他依然選擇每年暑假重回學校繼續完成學業 也許明年這時候 他除了像Earl Clark可以拿到一張新約以外 也可以獲得大學的畢業證書 Meeks' shoot-first approach can be tracked pretty easily to his college days. In January 2009, he broke Kentucky's single-game record by scoring 54 points against Tennessee. He declared for the NBA draft a few months later and was subsequently taken 41st overall. "I know I can score the ball, but there's always room for improvement," he said, indicating he'd like to work on his defense. For now, he's scored in double figures every game but two this season. Gasol is the only other Lakers player who can claim that. Gasol and Nick Young are behind Meeks on the Lakers' scoring list, each averaging 13 points. 昭帝在大學時就以神準出名 2009年二月 他以54分的得分打破Kentucky大學單場得分紀錄 幾個月後他宣布投入NBA選秀 也在第41順為順利獲選 "我知道我能得分 但我想除了得分以外一定許多可以加強的地方"(指的是防守= =) 本季目前為止他有10場比賽得分上雙 在隊上只有嘎獸可以相比 而板凳暴徒尼可樣目前則與嘎獸同樣以13分 暫居得分榜第二名 --- Meeks終於回神了!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
accjm2440:推! 11/19 23:19
Samuel0324:gasol真的有點悲劇 老化成這樣虧我記憶還停留在前幾年 11/19 23:27
chihow:招弟終於不是只有外型像老大了XD 11/19 23:35
frankshyu:Gasol好慘 11/19 23:36
Xhocer:今天看緯來說這是30支球隊最低的第一得分手XD 11/19 23:42
allqwdd:推Meeks!! 11/19 23:43
Ken52039:一定要這樣搓他傷疤嗎 有第一就不錯了 管他前段班還後段 11/19 23:46
YamagiN:湖漢 昭烈帝 11/19 23:46
YamagiN:他現在的表現有拿5M的水準 11/19 23:48
edplayer:多觀察多觀察,希望能維持住水準 11/19 23:58
goldenlen:招弟的心態很正面,這一季破繭而出了 11/20 00:01
SureHappy:以現在戰績看 最低第一得分手不一定壞事 代表多點開花~! 11/20 00:07
SureHappy:每場都輪兩三個年輕人跳出來供應分數也不錯啊~~ XD 11/20 00:09
GANZ:保持下去 不要像香濃只有半季行情 11/20 00:11
dbormana0520:招弟變昭帝XDDD 11/20 00:19
umdm:變成昭烈帝 變成主公了啊 11/20 00:22
cvbn7910:昭帝中興xd 11/20 00:26
will313:綠葉們明年猜一下期望值 11/20 00:57
will313:招弟/4~6M,Hill/7M up,小黑/2~4M,其他應該都還沒底 11/20 01:00
Xhocer:只是想強調我們得分點平均罷了...每場都有4-6個人得分上雙 11/20 01:08
Xhocer:有人烙賽就有人能跳出來得分 11/20 01:09
settier:Meeks今年真的不一樣 11/20 02:05
simon814141:又一個劉備 Rose: 嗯? 11/20 02:52
guagzihua:勞柯回來他就要遜位了 11/20 07:31
shwy4456:今年眼神真的不一樣 11/20 09:54
hikaruton:原來MEEKS才4年級生~那以前對他要求太高了~ 11/21 08:54
calvin630:MDA手下總是有球員能突飛猛進,打出不錯成績 11/21 11:04