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請問大家。SJD、JD、LLM、PHD的差別。 下面文章是哈佛法學院刊的文章 http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/03/24_ma.php 上面說馬英九是SJD 呂秀蓮是LLM 陳公子今秋唸JD 連公子好像也是哥倫比亞的,但是不知道是唸哪一種的 又,差別在哪 謝謝各位高手回答 Born in Hong Kong, Ma and his family moved to Taiwan when he was a year old. A graduate of the Law School's S.J.D. program, Ma will be inaugurated on May 20 and begin serving a four-year term. He is 57. Ma is not the only HLS alum to rise through the ranks of Taiwanese politics. Annette Hsiu-lien Lu LL.M. ’78, a member of the DPP, served as vice president for two terms. Lu did not receive her party's nomination for president earlier this year. Other Harvard Law graduates to serve as heads of state include former Ireland president Mary Robinson LL.M. '68, and former U.S. president Rutherford B. Hayes, a member of the HLS class of 1845. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wholehearted:大哉問 03/25 23:42