看板 Lefty 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《tingwei0925 (無色雪泡)》之銘言: : 左撇子之歌(Left-Handers Lament)大家應該知道 : 如果不知道的人到這個網站看一下吧 : http://www.lefthandersday.com/lefty_lament.html : 不過有一點我蠻好奇的... : 昨天小妹我試著用我破爛的英文去翻歌詞 : 無奈英文太爛翻不出個鬼=_= : Google大神也找不到翻譯文 : 不知道有沒有神人試著翻過呢? : =題外話= : 話說左撇子的生日快到了 : 不知道今年有沒有版聚? (小小聲的問) 點了一下連結 反正閒著沒事就來翻譯一下好了 XD 剛開始為引文的部份 (快速翻譯法) For our Left-Handers Day celebrations a few years ago, singer/songwriter and long standing Club member Ian Radburn offered to compose a light-hearted song, which he could perform at our live events. The result, in the style of a folk song, was absolutely brilliant and had us all singing along with the chorus. It has often been broadcast on TV and radio shows. We are delighted to bring his song to you, and also put the amusing and poignant lyrics down for posterity. Our sincere thanks to Ian, and we hope you enjoy it. See the bottom of this page to hear Ian performing the song himself. 在幾年前的左撇子節,同時為歌手作曲家以及long standing 俱樂部會員的 Ian Radburn 寫了一首可現場表演的振奮人心的歌曲 。這首歌曲真的是非常棒 也讓我們每個人 都能朗朗上口 這首歌已在電視及電台中播放過 我們很高興能為各位帶來這首歌曲 並附上具有娛樂效果及一針見血的歌詞 非常感謝Ian寫這首歌並希望你們能喜歡 Left-Handers Lament by Ian Radburn 左撇子哀歌 Now here's the story of my life, I've had fun but lots of strife, For I was born left-handed, but I'm proud To be one of the elite, right-handers we can beat We're the 10% that stand out from the crowd! 以下是我人生的故事 我的人生有快樂也有衝突 因為我天生是個左撇子 不過我以身為這樣的強者為榮 我們可以擊敗右撇子 在人群中 我們是那十分之一的左撇子!!! But as a little lad, oh the problems that I had Winding clockwork toys was just a mystery Tying laces was a pain, couldn't get it in my brain Everything was back-to-front it seemed to me 但是當我是個小鬼頭的時候 如何 轉動時鐘的發條一直是個謎 綁鞋帶是我的痛 我就是學不會 對我來講所有的事情都是反過來的 Chorus We're the Cack-Handed Kings, we're the LEFTIES You right-handers just haven't got a clue 'Cos if you'd been through what we've been through Then maybe you would feel superior too! 我們是左撇子王者 (XD) 我們是左利者 你們右撇子永遠都不會懂這種感覺的 因為你們從未經歷過我們所經歷的 否則你們也會覺得自己比其他人還強!! At 5 I started school where I was treated like a fool Being left-handed I stood out from the pack And learning how to write was not a struggle - more a fight For I had my left hand tied behind my back 五歲的時候我開始上學 在學校我被當成笨蛋 當一個左撇子 我從小就被排擠 而學習寫字稱不上是困難--根本就是難到靠杯 因為我的左手被綁起來了!!! "Now get it in your head" the sympathetic teacher said "You use the right and not the Devil's side" Those supposed men of vision caused me pain and such derision Is it any wonder often times I cried? 老師同情的說: 現在你要記得 你使用的是右邊的手(正確的一邊) 而不是撒旦的左邊 那些撒旦的幻覺及嘲笑讓我好痛苦 也常常讓我躲在棉被裡偷偷的哭泣 We're the Gibble Fisted Friends, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus) 我們是一群難兄難弟 我們是左撇子 Time then came when my voice dropped And my face was one big spot But I was glad to see my teenage years arrive, Because I use my left, I was different from the rest And the girls saw me as something of a prize! 時間隨著我微弱的聲音而流逝 我到哪都成為一個焦點 但是我很高興我即將進入青春期 因為我是左撇子 所以我跟其他人不一樣 女孩們看著我的眼神好像我是個獎品!! I learned some handy tricks in the back row of the flicks It used to drive my girlfriends all berserk For their eyes would keep apace of my right hand - just in case And they never saw my left one go to work! 我學到不少技巧 讓我女友們在電影院的最後一排爽翻天 因為大家會注意到總是我的右手 沒發現我左手正拼命的在胡搞 (XDDDD) We're the Southpawed Princes, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus) 我們是難兄難弟 我們是左撇子!! Well I'm married now, worst luck But my wife has given up Asking me to help with chores like peeling spuds, Or trying to cut the bread, I'll get a 4 x 2" wedge Lose three fingertips and half a pint of blood 好吧 我結婚了 真倒楣 但我老婆早就放棄叫我去做 像是削馬鈴薯 或切麵包的小事 因為我會順便切下我三支指甲 流個半品脫的血 還沒辦法切太小塊 I would love to be a dad, but we've hit a little snag If you can help please tell us what to do The problem simply said, is that I'm a left-hand thread But my wife you see, now she's a right-hand .....OH, YES WE'RE THE Scrummy-Handed Heroes, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus) 我很想要當爸爸 但是我們遇到了一點小障礙 如果你知道怎麼辦的話請告訴我 問題簡單來說就是 我想要的時候她不要 她想要的時候我沒力 (我逆時針的時候她順時針XD) .......喔 沒錯! 我們是擁有獨特慣用之手的英雄們 我們是左撇子! Now we reach today, where you stand and watch me play And yes, I play right-handed it is true For the very simple fact is that I've had to adapt Something all we southpaws have to try and do 現在我們在這裡 你看著我彈奏這首歌 沒錯 我是用右手彈的 原因很簡單 我總是要試試看我們左撇子一直想要模仿的行為 We have trouble tying ties, writing cheques out, using knives and scissors made for use in your right hand And when it comes to sport once again we are left short In hockey and in polo we are banned 我們不太會綁鞋帶 寫支票 用刀子和剪刀 這類右撇子用的很爽的東西 而談到運動 我們又再度被晾在旁邊 曲棍球跟馬球比賽 我們連上場都沒辦法 We're the Cuddy Wifter Winners, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus) 我們是難兄難弟 我們是左撇子!! Now I've finished off my song and as you move along Please bear in mind the things I've had to say And please show some respect for your friends who use the left Thanks for listening to me this Left-Handers Day. 現在我已經唱完歌了 而你們也要閃了 請謹記我今天說的話 請對你愛用左手的朋友們放尊重點!! 感謝大家在左撇子節聽我唱歌! (完) 心得: 其實這首歌特別的地方在於 每一段都有 We're the XXXXXXX We're the lefties. 那個XXXXX 是 以前歪國人歧視左撇子 就幫左撇子取很多奇怪的綽號 有些還滿不好聽的 有瞧不起的意味 所以大家看看就好 千萬不要拿來自稱 XD 還有 也有很多雙關語 例如 跟老婆有障礙那邊XD left-handed thread 指的是左旋螺紋 例如 一般右撇子轉螺絲是順時針進去 逆時針出來 但是如果是左撇子的話就逆時針進去 順時針出來 所以就是....恩...有西斯點XD 歌詞有很多口語的英文 所以我可能翻的不是很好 請鞭小力點XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Enzo1:版主好厲害喔 我還在想都看不懂怎麼辦 沒想到已經翻好了@@ 07/22 01:13
omegadeath:還以為版主消失了 沒想到一直都在默默為我們付出 07/22 01:15
sandeekao:版主真強者!!辛苦了 那個西斯點我怎麼都看不出呀orz 07/22 10:18
tingwei0925:版主大人好強XD~ 有西斯到..|| 07/22 13:30
kizna:歌詞好有趣XD 07/23 18:30
yalanh1:版主實在太強了~ 08/15 01:05
lyr19:版主好厲害!!! 光看歌名叫lament 大概可猜出歌詞會吐苦水XD 08/22 20:23