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Pete藏毒判監半年 2011-05-22 【明報專訊】英國搖滾男歌手Pete Doherty前日被控藏毒罪名成立,倫敦法院判處監禁6 個月,他聞判後木無表情,似乎早已料到自己應有此報。事發在去年初,這位「毒男」的 前女友Robin Whitehead疑因吸食過量毒品身亡,警方懷疑Pete向她提供毒品導致女方身 亡。原定前日他在格拉斯哥舉行的演唱會,亦因Pete入獄而宣布延期。 http://news.sina.com.hk/news/15/1/1/2335793/1.html Inside Pete Doherty's Recent Conviction, And His Crazy Environment June 13, 2011 11:22 a.m. by Andrew Winistorfer In case you missed it, in the mix of hundreds of stories about it from British blogs, papers, and magazines, Pete Doherty was recently convicted on drug charges related to the death of filmmaker Robin Whitehead. Until now, no one has tried diving into Doherty's crazy world of heroin, music, and documentaries. That changes with this massive story in the Guardian that details Robin Whitehead's descent into Doherty's milieu, and Doherty's symbiotic relationship with Pete Wolfe. Here's a sampling: Whitehead never got that chance. On Sunday 24 January 2010, she died from a suspected drug overdose in the Hackney flat where she had been filming Doherty and his friend, another musician, Pete Wolfe, whom Fior had previously managed. Last month, Doherty was sentenced to six months in prison for possession of class A drugs, and Wolfe 12 months, for possession and supply of class A drugs, a conviction secured by damning evidence filmed by Whitehead on the weekend of her death. It is Doherty's third prison sentence since 2003, and follows multiple fines, court appearances, spells in rehab and broken promises to clean up his act. "The media are calling this a tragedy," says Fior, speaking before the pair received their sentence. "But for a brilliant, beautiful, vibrant 27-year-old girl to have gone into that flat and not come out, it is not a tragedy, it's an obscenity." 說好的重新合體呢QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
carol10818:忘記附上英文網址@@ 06/15 11:41
carol10818:http://ppt.cc/wRST 06/15 11:44
YdNic1412:Whitehead只是拍Libs電影的導演而已,不是什麼前女友... 06/15 19:06
YdNic1412:前幾期NME Carl就有在那邊說什麼還是無法合體之類的 = = 06/15 19:07
vampyre:BTW他出來了 XD~ http://t.co/ffAjiQ3 08/18 08:43