看板 Libertines 關於我們 聯絡資訊
超讚的首張專輯opener 把整個團的態度表露無疑 超屌 每次聽都有種打從心底的羨慕和愉悅 超讚的歌曲結尾verse 暈眩般的叫喊出陶醉在人生樂事的當下 真的只有衝擊的現在 其他完全都不重要/不知道 Vertigo 暈眩 Koreema know just what it is she does It can’t be hard for her to get a buzz Down in the street below You can hear the drunken archangel sing "I know what’s on your mind my boy I can see oh everything” Lead pipes are fortune made Well take a tip from me Climb up to her window ledge or you'll forever be 柯麗瑪知道 自己做了什麼好事 要喝醉對她來說 不是什麼難事 就在下頭的街道上 你可以聽見酒醉的天使長唱著 「我知道你在想什麼 小子 我可以看透每一件事」 即使鉛管這種硬梆梆的東西也是靠運氣 你最好把我的勸告聽進去 趁現在攀上她的窗台邊 否則你會永遠 Just walking under ladders as the people round you hear you crying please As the people round you hear you crying please Please 只是踟躕猶豫在階梯下面 於是路過的人們聽見你無助的哭喊 於是路過的人們聽見你無助的哭喊 Lead pipes are fortune made Well Take a tip from me Climb up to her window ledge or you'll forever be 即使鉛管這種硬梆梆的東西也是靠運氣 你最好把我的勸告聽進去 趁現在攀上她的窗台邊 否則你會永遠 Just walking under ladders as the people round you hear you crying please As the people round you hear you crying please Please 只是踟躕猶豫在階梯下面 於是路過的人們聽見你無助的哭喊 於是路過的人們聽見你無助的哭喊 Who really knows just what it is she does It can’t be hard for her To get a buzz The rapture of vertigo And letting go Me myself I was never sure Was it the liquor Or was it my soul? 誰知道她 到底幹了什麼好事 總之要她喝醉 絕對不是什麼難事 那種暈眩 和放任一切 的狂喜 我永遠也無法確定 究竟是酒精 還是我的靈魂所致? Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Well I've seen things That scarred and bruised and left me blind So come on, listen along with me I think you need a little company --Verve, A NEW DECADE -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sanJ:推一個! 03/11 19:46