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※ 引述《pttqr (沒暱稱)》之銘言: : 那EPP的定義是什麼呢? : 謝謝~ 手上introductory的書不多 簡單舉幾個講法 請參考 1. Clauses must have a subject. (Ouhalla, Jamal (1999) "Introducing transformational grammar") 2. The EPP requires that there be a subject in every clause. (Cullicover, Peter (1998) "Principles and parameters") 3. A principle in government and binding theory, whose substance is that all sentences must have a subject, seen as supplementing the projection principle. (Matthews, P (1997) "Oxford concise dictionary of linguistics") -- 字典果然比較囉唆 ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pttqr:謝謝~ 03/28 15:39
linyian:這三個都是GB和MP前期對EPP的定義 04/03 19:25