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剛剛去找Debian 64位元的安裝檔 仔細查過後才知道原來intel xeon 等 64bit cpu 使用的安裝檔要選 AMD64 而不是 i386 或 IA64 AMD64 (amd64) First officially released with Debian 4.0. Port to the 64 bit AMD64 processors. The goal is to support both 32bit- and 64bit-userland on this architecture. This port supports AMD's 64-bit Opteron, Athlon and Sempron processors, and Intel's processors with EM64T support, including the Pentium D and various Xeon and Core2 series. orz 有人跟我一樣有弄錯過的嗎? @ @" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
soem:你可以選i386呀~ XD 03/25 10:08
chang0206:一開始我也被那個AMD騙過 0rz.. 03/25 10:31
sasoric:i386=IA32 x86_64=AMD64=Intel64≠IA64 XD 03/25 10:31
freesamael:這是歷史因素,IA64是Intel砍掉重練的嘗試,但是沒有很 03/25 10:59
freesamael:成功。Itanium系列使用IA64指令集。 03/25 10:59
freesamael:後來AMD先推出x86-64,所以命名為AMD64 03/25 11:00
soem:然後intel不願意沿用相同名稱,所以另外命名為Intel64 03/25 11:06
cemtc5e6:我弄錯過... 03/25 11:49
cemtc5e6:現在想來測 64 和32 compile 的速度怎樣 03/25 11:50
freesamael:還有短暫出現的IA32E和EM64T之類的名稱... 03/25 12:00
dryman:總之,對大部分的電腦來說32->i386 64->AMD64 03/25 12:08
wsun013:基本上很少看到ia64 的機 03/29 16:52
knight00931:長知識 03/29 17:49
sillypore:i386/amd64除了binary code的差別,memory allocation 09/07 10:58
sillypore:memory high/low addressing也有差:~ 09/07 10:58