看板 Little-Games 關於我們 聯絡資訊
更新了 patchnote Features Local timestamps for chat. You can enable this in the Options menu. Added the Vending Machines to the top of Celadon Dpt. Store. Customisable chat tabs. Battle Chat Players & Spectators are now able to talk in Battle chat while observing or participating in a Duel. (/battle, /b) Spectator join/leave will now broadcast a system message. Move Relearner. The Saffron City Berry Merchant has received a new stock of mushrooms. Storyline Magikarp Salesman The SS Anne will now depart if you have received Cut. Vermillion / Sevii Isles ferry. Sevii Isles 1-3 scripting Pre-Indigo Plateau Rival Battle. Elite 4 Moves SNATCH ENDURE PROTECT PURSUIT DETECT RAGE THIEF (Todo: PvP temporary steal) OUTRAGE THRASH PETAL DANCE Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where the Disobey function could be interrupted by Confusion/Paralyze. Fixed a bug where Roar/Whirlwind would not end a battle if cast by a wild opponent. Fixed a bug where low priority moves could trigger their effects after the opponent was forcibly removed from the turn using Roar/Whirlwind. Fixed a bug where Light Screen would have no effect. (Actually tested this time.) Fixed a bug where SelfDestruct-type skills would have a 100% miss rate. Fixed a bug where text positioning in the Summary window would become off-centered if players used non-DS sprites. Fixed a bug where certain characters in ROM strings would not be displayed correctly. Fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, abilities would not be correctly updated if an evolution occured until the player relogged. Fixed a bug where DS ROM follower sprites would not update correctly on evolution. Fixed a bug where the Screenshot function would not screenshot correctly in a non-standard display resolution. Fixed a bug where the End Battle due to AFK button would show in PvE battles (although it was not functional.) Fixed battle backgrounds in various situations. Fixed several issues with the shop GUI. Fixed a bug where newlines would not be dropped from chat messages Fixed a bug where female battle sprites were not using the correct pallete. Fixed a bug where the Indigo Plateau would not function as a whiteout location. 看有沒有高手要出來翻譯吧XD 大家比較在意的應該是故事線 水之七島前三島出來了 四天王好像可以打了 -------------------- 正在晃水之前三島XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hgy32 :水喔!! 12/06 13:14
講一下幾個改版的地方 聊天介面更改 可以直接看出現在時間 ※ 編輯: peterman167 來自: (12/06 13:21)
asc5543 :耶趕快來玩XD 12/06 13:28
peterman167 :遇到野生的笨笨魚 348 稀有的嗎? 12/06 13:28
h780728 :喔喔喔 四大天王!!! 12/06 13:29
peterman167 :不過他是寫 Elite 4 不知道是只有四大 然後不知道 12/06 13:30
peterman167 :能不能重複打 XD 12/06 13:30
reser :打贏了4天王 輸在宿敵 但是他不給我打了 不給鍊等嘛 12/06 13:31
otira :4大CD 6H 12/06 13:32
sickshadow :招式效果沒實裝 使用的話好像會停在戰鬥畫面? 12/06 13:41
k55662010 :請問怎麼去其他的島? 12/06 13:49
o030291469 :有笨笨魚了? 看來我的六美納斯隊要成型了!! 12/06 13:53
otira :這版沒有美麗度吧? 所以笨笨於怎進化? 12/06 13:58
peterman167 :http://i.imgur.com/VuwB8.png 要怎麼進化阿?現在有 12/06 13:58
peterman167 :實裝美麗度嗎? 12/06 13:58
hgy32 :小技巧: 狂刷四大!! 打到四大最後一個 之後 關掉 12/06 14:10
hgy32 :就可以狂打狂刷錢~ 12/06 14:10
k55662010 :樓上你試過嗎? 好像輸掉就不能再進去了耶= = 12/06 14:16
hgy32 :我怎麼進去過2-3次@@? 我試過才會打出來的... 12/06 14:20
hgy32 :還是BUG? 因為我之前有先進去四大PC(還沒開放打四大) 12/06 14:21
hgy32 :我直接飛到四大那測試@@" 12/06 14:22
hgy32 :小茂沒打 =口= 12/06 14:23
sickshadow :地鼠洞窟 新增熊寶寶跟晃晃斑 12/06 14:23
asc5543 :想問笨笨魚是怎麼遇到的@@? 12/06 14:24
很多人問我就回一下 一到水之七島的一島 離開神奇寶貝中心後 下水 就遇到了 純粹運氣好QQ ※ 編輯: peterman167 來自: (12/06 14:28)
asc5543 :衝浪遇到了ˊˇˋ 12/06 14:27
peterman167 :對 就跟樓上一樣 XD 12/06 14:29
sickshadow :不要使用招式pursuit 好像會卡畫面 12/06 14:32
h780728 :現在一堆人在抓XD 12/06 14:34
otira :黑暗洞有圈圈熊 12/06 14:41
reser :噴火龍可以用回想 想起熱風 傷害100命中95 12/06 14:42
space20021 :更新了推推 12/06 16:17
jimmyyyyyy :一島要怎麼去阿 12/06 18:52
KP2101 :四天王如果打輸了要怎樣才能再打?他不開放@@ 12/06 20:00
lupus780 :1-3島的任務解完吧 12/06 20:16
k55662010 :我打完四天王 在他自動走到小帽面前之前關掉遊戲後 12/06 20:30
k55662010 :我人物就卡住了= = 12/06 20:30
vm6jo6gp :hgy大的方法沒用.我打到第四天王的快龍時關掉.再開就 12/06 20:55
vm6jo6gp :不能打了T.T 12/06 20:55
star123 :四大天王CD時間六小時 12/06 20:55
vm6jo6gp :回想的NPC在哪啊?沒玩過橘子群島= = 12/06 21:03
asc5543 :二島 12/06 21:26
vm6jo6gp :是一間民房說要給他磨菇的嗎?英文不好=____= 12/06 21:50
asc5543 :是的,用兩小一大蘑菇可以回憶一個招式 12/06 21:52
Accumulation:打完四大了 請問接下來還有甚麼劇情嗎? 12/06 21:52
solier :更新完打玩家的錢變少了???是我的錯覺嗎 12/06 21:53
vm6jo6gp :......謝謝 噴火龍果斷繼續用噴射火焰 12/06 21:57
otira :笨笨魚不是親密度進化LOL 該不會不能進化吧 XD 12/06 22:39
hgy32 :sor vm6jo6gp 可能剛好我用的時候可以 >_< 抱歉 12/06 22:43
mark31326 :是兩個小蘑菇或一個大蘑菇 派拉斯有50%會帶小磨菇 12/06 22:45
otira :後來有緊急維修~大概是修掉了 維修前我也可以刷 12/06 22:45
hgy32 :有人知道 怎麼從 1-3島來回 原本的地方?? 12/06 22:57
evadx :雷道館那邊坐船 12/06 23:00
mark31326 :你可以用飛的 12/06 23:02
mark31326 :選技能fly之後會出現地圖 再按enter就可以切換地圖 12/06 23:03
seawitch :我打完天王小茂 但還是進不去船> <""求救 12/06 23:15
Rooxie :其實要飛,只要身上有帶會飛的,然後開地圖點你要去的 12/06 23:36
Rooxie :地方就可以了,不用開技能欗,雖然我也是前天才發現XD 12/06 23:37
h780728 :太實用了 感謝樓上XD 12/07 01:43
tony9211 :所以四大天王只能打一次喔QQ 12/07 09:56
otira :四大現在有6小時冷卻時間 XD 12/07 11:04
jgjisnew :6小時是我們的時間還是遊戲的時間? 12/07 13:35
otira :現實時間 12/07 13:40
otira :另外,大蘑菇可以在第六道館商店買到 12/07 13:43
h780728 :第二道館旁邊超多人 應該是在抓晃晃班吧 12/08 04:54