看板 Little-Games 關於我們 聯絡資訊
iOS版已推出許久 但是其他平台仍未見蹤影 論壇月初有消息如下 http://www.ironhidegames.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3989 I understand all your frustration but it really isn't easy for us. We were able to release the iOS version before flash because two new iOS programmers came in while Lito is still the only one working with the flash version (and he has many other tasks asides from programming flash). After iOS was done, lito got all he's "free" time to finish flash and the whole team kept on working with the next ideas we had in mind. We were not going to tell all the programmers to not do their work because flash wasn't ready yet, though I understand how frustrated you can be feeling... 大意就是flash版本只有一人在寫 iOS版本有多兩人編寫 所以比較快完成 縱使iOS版本完成 其人力繼續開發新作品 所以flash版本還是一人在寫 This week a new guy came in to help with flash's programming and we're advancing faster, but as usual we won't say when it will be out simply because WE DON'T KNOW. (The iOS version had an official release date only AFTER it was finished). flash版本有在加快啦 但是何時放出還是未知數 The Android version is a port from iOS (we won't re-write the whole code :P) and we've been having some setbacks lately. Hopefully next week we'll be able to accelerate it's development. 安卓是iOS的完整移植版 最近遇到一些困難(本串可忽略) The Steam version is almost done (no Blackburn yet), we're testing it everyday to achieve a polished build. Steam版本將近完成 一代的Blackburn則尚未 Please don't take any conclusions from this because you'll probably end up with lots of fake expectations... I'm just trying to keep you guys up to date. Every time we announce a date or an expected release time we fail big time, that's why we try not to do it :oops: 不重要 We also got some friends to help us with the buzz at our communities, that's why you see so many social posts from us :). They are in constant communication with us so they do represent our voice. 不重要 Our largest motivation to release Frontiers to flash is our fan-base :D 我們非常重視flash版本的玩家!! (免錢的當然是最晚釋出的...) 所以沒意外的話 按照商業考量 steam版本會比較早出 再來是安卓 再來才是FLASH (怎麼好像不用看這篇文章也能得到這個結論..) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
where3 :不是有聽說是9/6? 08/11 02:04
onemore :ios已經破了 普通難度的話 比前作簡單 08/11 12:18
wulouise :潮眾比較肯花錢 08/11 14:49
n873192000 :鐵皮的FB粉絲頁可以去看看...不少罵聲XD 08/11 19:06
n873192000 :對了問一下 steam版本到底是什麼阿@@ 08/11 19:15
roder :安卓版移植而已 是要搞這麼久喔? 08/11 19:42
Blitzcrank :全破了,好玩 08/12 00:22