看板 Liu 關於我們 聯絡資訊
到了行易的官網, 想說終於勉強算是會了嘸蝦米, 要去官網下載來安裝, 結果我的小紅傘AntiVir說不給下, 因為含有W32/Viking.dz.2....囧rz 這是誤判嗎~~ -- Church: So how're you doing, Caboose? Are you following any of this whatsoever? Caboose: I think so... That guy Tex is really a robot, and you're his boyfriend. So that makes you... a gay robot! Church: Yeah... that's right... I'm a gay robot. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hatebus:avast! 沒反應 10/29 02:51
jyhfang:應該是誤判 http://tinyurl.com/2swl3j 10/29 06:30
boshiamyprog:公司出貨前都會經過 Norton + 卡巴 + 趨勢 ~_~ 10/29 10:12